Showing posts with label SOC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOC. Show all posts

Jul 13, 2015

SOC, Final week: Orange, Orange and Blue

she took the sunset to heart
until she became a part
of the oranges and blues

here is a review of the other 5 weeks:



this is the final week of Summer of Color
thank you for hosting 
and inspiring 
our art Kristin!


Jul 6, 2015

SOC: green green pink: Meditating Man

he sat
in the shade of the tree
he sat 
in the center of his being
he sat
bathing in soul light

week 5 of Summer of Color
time flies!

Jun 29, 2015

SOC: red red and metallic

even in dancer's pose
she felt a bit like a mountain
grounded and alive

tiny little painting
smaller than it looks here
2.5x3.5 inches
hard to do a face that tiny

quinacridone red
permanent deep red

diluting reds.... and pink appears



Jun 22, 2015

SOC: purple purple and yellow

not sure where this drawing came from
had a slightly different piece in mind
fun how art has a life of it's own
inspiring you each step of the way

purple purple and yellow are this weeks Summer of Color prompts

here is one of our local summer bunnies:
in winter they turn white

Jun 15, 2015

SOC: pink pink and orange

potters pink
Rhodonite genuine and Quinacridone Sienna
pink pink and orange

these colors together are challenging for me

the deer around here should be having fawns 
any minute!

here is one from last year:

they do indeed eat flowers

sharing with SOC, week Two
thank you for hosting Kristin!


Jul 14, 2014

oh my my, Last week of SOC! Week 6


I am amazed at how 6 weeks of summer have flown by!

Summer of Color is a bit of a count down

she has chosen colors for us to use each week in our art
some colors that thrill us
colors that we might not have chosen ourselves

it has been a wonderful time of getting to know my relationship with color
those I tend towards
some I do not

I have come to like some colors together that I have 
steered clear of in the past

this weeks colors:

Raspberry & Tangerine
with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Lemon

Visit Kristin's blog
to visit all those participating in this weeks 
here are the first 5 weeks
simply to see them all together:


Jul 7, 2014

SOC week 5

Week 5 of Summer of Color
gosh, makes me feel as though summer is flying by!

Best get out and swim in a lake
mediate under a tree (while there is no snow on the earth)
and enjoy the beauty of this season!

Thank you Kristin for being our lovely host!
Visit Kristin's blog to find other participants.
 this weeks colors:

Red & Royal Blue
with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Light Blue

Jun 30, 2014

Summer of Color, week 4

he stepped from the trees
to offer her berries stepped in the magic of sunlight

i've been finding flowers in these colors too:

this weeks 
Summer of Colors

Pink & Apple Green

with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Dark Green

lovely summery week to you all!

Jun 16, 2014

SOC, week Two: Coral, Teal and White

i wanted to see the full moon
to feel it's beautiful light shinning down
coloring our world
that night was cloudy

yet it inspired this piece

Thank you Kristin for hosting Summer of Color

visit her sight to see others art

Jul 15, 2013

Sage & Sepia

the magical realm of summer 
of nature
a glimpse

first i painted the page a light sage green
let it dry
drew a border in sepia ink, with a dip pen

drew the picture with masking fluid
let it dry
painted over the mask with a light wash of the sepia ink
then peeled the mask away

the two little hummingbirds are growing up
eyes still closed

and look the photo is in sage and sepia colors:


thank you for hosting this lovely event, summer of color!
it has been fun and inspiring

this weeks colors are Sage and Sepia


Jul 8, 2013

Candy Apple Red & Yellow: SOC

she rose from the earth
in summer colors
donning feathers of red
reflections of her firey heart and soul


(indian paintbrush)

joining Kristin's:
this week's colors candy apple red and yellow

summer canola fields
