Showing posts with label Kaelo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kaelo. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Battle Bunnies; Weekly Progress Report

Hi all!!

Time for another weekly Progress report! Let's jump straight in!

I have been working on more Thousand Sons from the Burning of Prosper box set! Here is a WIP:

Aveinus has continued to work on his cataphractii terminators he will be showing them at their current stage in his post this week and then it will just be basing, transfers and purity seal to go until they are finished.

Drake Seta has been working on Sisters of Silence from the Burning of Prospero box. He has one finished and the other 4 on the way.

King Fluff and the majority of the other Battle Bunnies have been waging a Shadow War at Warhammer World this weekend and have been prepping their forces accordingly. In particular King Fluff was making his Reaver Titan ready for battle.

Atia got distracted by the arrival of a Forgeworld package this week. The filthy Xenos are not the only ones who can have cults - and this cult will rise and find glory and ascension on the battlefields of Calth ....

Tylar through some misfortune was unable to attend the Shadow Crusade event as a Participant. But he did manage to make a short trip up on the second day to cheer on the rest of the bunnies and watch their progress at the event. He also managed to get some WIP shots from his marathon 9+hr painting session on Friday. 
Look out for a future post with some of the units  above featuring.

Hector successfully transitioned from the warp a day before the campaign weekend. Unfortunately he was unable to do any project work this week.

What have you been working on this week? 

Stay fluffy
