Monday, December 31, 2007


Happy new year to everyone!  I will post about Christmas when I have more time.  Seems like these days it's hard to come across some extra time.  
Party hard and have a blast whatever you may be doing tonight.  I just might skip the partying and go to bed early.  I know boring but I'm TIRED!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Catching up

I started babysitting a few days a week and between that and Christmas shopping, things are so crazy!  I haven't had the camera out much either this whole month!  Here are a few...
Breakfast with Santa.  Ella and Gavin were in heaven with all the candy!
We didn't get one of Macy.  She started crying right away and moved too much.

We had a "potty" party with balloons and shrek ears and party blowers.  (She's still not ready).  That or I'm too lazy to make her go ALL THE TIME!  

Things I made the other day. The shoes are for Rylan (the baby I watch).  The dresses are for the Ella and Macy to wear this Sunday but we'll see how they look on them first.  I've never made dresses before!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Total randomness

The girls beating up their dad

Guess who found and used PERMANENT marker!!
No it wasn't Macy.... it was this little stinker!
Just too cute!
More super cuteness!
Okay so for one of our shower presents for our wedding we got this Bart piggy bank.  (Don't ask me why!)  He's been all around the house.  Ella loves to play with him.  The other day he tipped over and he was decapitated!!  Ella looked down at him and then at me with this horrified look on her face that meant either "I'm in trouble" or "I killed Bart... and his head fell off!  Sick!"  
Ella putting up the Christmas lights
Our kitchen right now.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Anniversary shout out to my parents!  It was on Monday.  A few years back my mom lost the diamond in her ring and we finally all went in and got her a new ring to wear.  Unfortunately we didn't get a picture of the ring itself, just the box.  (Note to self... don't put Matt in charge of the picture taking). 
My mom was grabbing a knife to cut the cake and my dad put the ring on top of it.  Fun surprise!
We love you mom and dad!  Happy Anniversary!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


So on Sat we went with Spencer (my bro) and Lindsay (sis in law) out to dinner for Lindsay and my Birthdays.  We went to.........
They have some really yummy pizza!  I forgot to bring my camera.  I was going to take pictures of all of us.  Then we got some of the best gelato ever!  Just ask Spencer.  I don't think he goes very long without going there.  It's his big addiction.  I don't blame him, it is the BEST!  And a big thank you to my mom for watching the girls for us.  We really appreciate you!
Matt got me this.....
No, it's not a drum set but I have been wanting this for so long and I'm really excited to start using it.  I just have to figure it out first.  I got some other really awesome presents like jewelry, a really cute shirt and some lotion.  Oh and a really cool book and a candle holder.  And the Carter kids drew me some pictures and sang "Happy Birthday" over the phone.  They are so sweet!   Thanks everyone!!!  I had a wonderful Birthday!
Sorry, long post!!!  There's more.  Just catching up.
We had playgroup this morning.  It was a lot of fun and the kids were so good!  I had help thanks to Natalia's girls staying to help me out and Natalia took Macy to the store with her.  Thanks Natalia so much.  It helped a TON!!!  Not all of the pics turned out for some reason. There were 5 girls and they all had pink on.
  And so did Macy.  I tried to get them all in the picture but not all of them wanted to so I got what I could.  Here are some pictures that did turn out.
Snack time!!
My helpers
And even more....


Ella and I got our hair done about a week and a half ago.  I didn't take any pictures of mine but if any pics of me get taken I'll post.  It's short!  But I really like it a lot.  Here is Ella getting her hair cut.  I wanted to get hers cut short, too but Matt wouldn't let me.  She was so good!  The only haircuts she ever had before were from me so she was such a big girl to let someone else cut her hair.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I got tagged!

Okay I'm supposed to write 6 things about myself.  (Thanks Andrea!)  I have been putting this off because I just can't think of anything and I still can't.  Maybe once I start.  We'll see.  Hmmm.....
1 -  I LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate chip cookie dough.  Also chocolate chip cookies just out of the oven.  I cannot resist!  If I am making some for someone else, I have to make sure I make enough for me or else they won't get any cookies because I'll eat them!

2 -  I'm super shy!!!  I know most of you probably know this already but for those of you who don't, I have a hard time talking to a lot of people.  Even sometimes just one person.  I'll notice after a conversation is over that I said something so stupid that didn't make any sense or something just so weird or random that nobody even cares about.  I've gotten better at being able to talk to people but the idiotic randomness still comes out sometimes. 

3 - I love music.  Simply put.

4 - I want to learn to play the drums.  I've wanted to for such a long time but Santa still hasn't hooked me up yet with a set.

5 - I love my husband.  I think Matt is the best husband in the whole world.  (for me anyway).  He is such a hard worker and even comes home and helps me with the girls or with housework even if he feels like just resting.  

6 - I love my little girlies!  They are just so cute and lovable and awesome!  I love being a mom and I hope I can keep a friendship with them throughout their lives along with mother/daughter relationship.  They are so special to me and I'm so lucky to have been blessed with them.  

Okay, I tag Cindi, Kristin, and Natalia.  I know some of you have been tagged before but not recently so get to work..... again!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


The night before Halloween we carved pumpkins and decided to cut out legs holes and put Macy in one.  It turned out so cute and it turns out Ella fit in it too.  She's so tall in it.  Kind of funny.  On Halloween Matt dressed up at work and won the contest for best costume!  I think him being obnoxious in it was what helped him win.  Also the fake cig.  I'm sorry if anyone is offended by it.  I thought it was funny for the time but it was only for that.  (And for the picture).  It looks so real!  And nasty.  Can we say "MUSTACHE!!!"  He was having so much fun with his costume so I wanted to dress up too.  My mom had a wig at her house and I dressed up in Matt's long sleeved button up collared shirt with a sweater, jeans and tennis shoes and I kind of looked like Ellen so I was Ellen but I didn't get a good picture of it so sorry.  I'm a dork I know.
Macy wanted to eat it!
And the winner is....

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fun at the Park!

Yesterday was the last day until Natalia's girls had to go back to school so we decided to have a little fun.  Not that the park is the funnest place but it's better than my house!  And it's close.  We had pizza and powdered donuts.  (Obviously).  But it was nice to get out and have a little fun.  Maybe next time we can go somewhere more fun!  

Monday, October 15, 2007

Not much going on...

So there isn't a whole lot going on here at the Bardin's.  Except that we are redoing our kitchen!  That's pretty exciting but it's taking a long time.  We are raising the "dropped" ceiling so it is the same as the rest of the house... let me tell you, messy messy messy!!  And that's what is taking so long.  Mostly because we kept putting it off because we knew it would be messy.  Well, most of the "messiness" is taken care of (thanks Cass for all your help) so things should move along a little more smoothly.  
Last night on the way home from Matt's parent's house, Ella sneezed and Macy laughed so hard so Ella kept fake sneezing for her and she just kept laughing.  Luckily I had the camera.  I had to take video of it.  I love her little laugh!  I'll try to get the video working later.  It's not letting me do it right now.
My mom got Macy a cute pumpkin onesie.  I love it!  Oh and she got her 2nd tooth last week!  Yay!!!
Ella trying on Macy's Halloween costume.  She hasn't decided what she wants to be yet.

Friday, October 5, 2007


Macy  cut her first tooth on Wednesday!!  And now she is working on her second... not fun!!!  I am going crazy with trying to get her to take naps.  She screams and screams until she is too tired and finally crashes.  Poor baby!  She was complaining really good to me in this picture.  (Sorry it's sideways!)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Sleepy Girls!

Macy on the love sac...she looks tiny on that thing!
Ella in her bed.Macy after church in her car seat.
Macy after we went swimming... she played hard!

Cute jammies!
Ella still has a baby face!

Tuckered out!
Long day!
Fell asleep chillin'.I have no idea how she fell asleep like this!!!
Here are a few pictures of some of the cute ways the girls have fallen asleep over the past month or two.  Some are kind of funny and some are just cute!  I haven't posted in a while and I was looking through our recent pictures and found quite a few sleepy girlies!  You can tell there's not much goin' on over here at the Bardin house... except ear infections!