Thursday, November 15, 2007

I got tagged!

Okay I'm supposed to write 6 things about myself.  (Thanks Andrea!)  I have been putting this off because I just can't think of anything and I still can't.  Maybe once I start.  We'll see.  Hmmm.....
1 -  I LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate chip cookie dough.  Also chocolate chip cookies just out of the oven.  I cannot resist!  If I am making some for someone else, I have to make sure I make enough for me or else they won't get any cookies because I'll eat them!

2 -  I'm super shy!!!  I know most of you probably know this already but for those of you who don't, I have a hard time talking to a lot of people.  Even sometimes just one person.  I'll notice after a conversation is over that I said something so stupid that didn't make any sense or something just so weird or random that nobody even cares about.  I've gotten better at being able to talk to people but the idiotic randomness still comes out sometimes. 

3 - I love music.  Simply put.

4 - I want to learn to play the drums.  I've wanted to for such a long time but Santa still hasn't hooked me up yet with a set.

5 - I love my husband.  I think Matt is the best husband in the whole world.  (for me anyway).  He is such a hard worker and even comes home and helps me with the girls or with housework even if he feels like just resting.  

6 - I love my little girlies!  They are just so cute and lovable and awesome!  I love being a mom and I hope I can keep a friendship with them throughout their lives along with mother/daughter relationship.  They are so special to me and I'm so lucky to have been blessed with them.  

Okay, I tag Cindi, Kristin, and Natalia.  I know some of you have been tagged before but not recently so get to work..... again!


LindsayJ said...

The drums, cool. How fun to learn new things about you. You are such a wonderful mom, your girls are lucky to have you, and so is Matt! You are great!

Unknown said...

Yeah. I'm glad you finally thought of some stuff about you to write! It is hard, huh? It took me a few days to come up with stuff about myself as well!
I second that about cookie's! I have the same cookie-eating problem!

the DeCampos Family said...

Great thanks a lot. I guess it's about time that I updated my blog. Thanks for sharing that stuff. I learned about you and the drums. That would be so fun!!! We should get together some time. I know we keep saying that.

Coree Adams said...

Chocolate chip cookie dough is my weakness. I recently discovered that buying vanilla ice cream and a roll of cookie dough from the store is THE BEST chocolate chip cookie dough icecream in the whole world. You are shy, but cute and I miss ya!