Friday, October 5, 2007


Macy  cut her first tooth on Wednesday!!  And now she is working on her second... not fun!!!  I am going crazy with trying to get her to take naps.  She screams and screams until she is too tired and finally crashes.  Poor baby!  She was complaining really good to me in this picture.  (Sorry it's sideways!)


Coree Adams said...

awwwww poor baby! Have you tried the teething tablets?? Honestly those worked better than orajel for dane. I did that and tylenol AND motrin...drugged up baby, but he was happier! :)

Unknown said...

She is getting way too big way too fast!!!

dm said...

I can't believe that she is gettin teeth already Melia was 9 months before she got anything....WOW!!! can't believe how fast the time is going! Maybe you should try Coree's idea I think I might know a street dealer :)HAHAHA Love ya Coree!

the DeCampos Family said...

Oh no I hate when they are teething. It seems liks when babies don't sleep no one does. Hopefully she is doing better.

Carlie said...


Julie Jan said...

Not fun at all! Your girls are so cute! We need to get together and go to the mall again!