
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Summber Bargains!

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A day of shopping and he's more than what she bargained for!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013


Whitney Houston.

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What a fantastic voice, great look and sad life she had.

And why does the girl in the photo, think that I, with a camera, am interested in her?

Or maybe I'm misinterpreting the glare in her eyes.

Ya think?

Friday, August 23, 2013

Blahssez faire

He's cool, sophisticated, carefree and

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blah, blah, blah,

I'll let him be,

Blahssez faire.

He seems to me.

Hey! I don't pretend to be Ogden Nash nor a powerhouse writer.

But, I think I'll give myself a "C" grade for rhyming and,

For you, an "A+" for not minding.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


He sits each morning on a special ledge in a special neighborhood smoking his special cigar. 


His name is Antonio, an observer.


His greatest pleasure is YOU!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Plaça De La Vila De Gràcia

Formerly la Plaça de Rius i Taulet is now known as la Plaça De La Vila De Gràcia and the plaza with the new name has certainly outdone itself this year.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Carrer de Mozart

It's the middle of August of 2013 and la festa de gracia is in full swing.

Carrer Mozart

The photo is of carrer de Mozart. They won second place out of 17 participants.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Intense Intimisi

I'm trying to determine if I should delete the blogger and use google+ or use both?

Can anyone out there give me an opinion?

I feel like the guy in the photo; ever so diligently contemplating what ipod he should buy.

 DSC_1204 Intimisi web

And while I'm here, I'd like to let men be aware.

You are noticed.

Girls do look.

Even by little old ladies like me.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Uncle Ernie

I just came back from a trip to the Caribbean to celebrate the birthday of my great-uncle, Ernie.

Uncle Ernie

What made the trip so important was that I found him after 35 years.

And, I got to wish him a happy 95th birthday in person!

Monday, August 02, 2010

Serving up perplexion

Ever try to take a photo of curved posts because for some unknown reason the posts just seem to hold your fascination?

And on the post is a kid who finds you his fascination.

Serving up perplexion

Well ... after looking at this photo hundreds of times, I've decided that he gives purpose to the posts and so I publish this post.

That will teach him.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Behind the dark, the day

Flying from Barcelona to Switzerland, the dawn was breaking and I got to see the beginning of the Alps formations.

 I remember words like grandiose, majestic, eerie and isolated coming to my mind.

Post work-out payoff

Jogging, joga, jumping certainly take a toll on your body.

And, what's a good way to have your body relax after such a strenuous workout?

Post work-out payoff

Why, drinking La Casera, a sweet fizzy soft drink and vino tinto, or red wine, another popular drink in Espana and just about every where else in the world.

These 2 beverages combined with an intense workout and a power siesta will leave you relaxed and mellow.

See for yourself!

 A Candid View of Everyday People View barcalunacy's A Candid View of Everyday People FLCKR photoset.

Monday, July 26, 2010


She was fun, tender and a great worker. She always greeted me with a hug y tenia una sonrisa que me encanta or a smile that enchanted me.

Now what fast-food restaurant do you go to where the worker embraces you?


She knew what I liked to eat and drink and always had my meal ready to perfection by the time I had to pay.

I loved the bocadillo con queso y bacon ... which is a bacon and cheese sandwich.

She left the restaurant for good to pursue a new line of work a year before I arrived back to the states.

She was Emily and I wish her, her new marriage and baby well if she ever googles this blog.

Hasta luego, Emily!

 People of Interest People of Interest FLCKR photoset.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010