I'm craving to bake something last week, and nevermind that it's a working day, cos my hands are really really 'itchy' for not-baking for so long. Did couple of recipe searches and finally chose one that doesn't require baking; contradicting right? Basic bread for breadmachine. Maybe i just wanted a freshly baked bread? Again, i want to say breadmaker is the best and most amazing piece of kitchen equipment!

Ingredients/ Method:
Recipe adapted from Blessed Homemaker
1 cup cold water
3 cups bread flour (or 1 cup plain & 2 cups bread flour)
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp yeast (make an indent in the flour and add in yeast)
1. Using my bluesky BM, put in the liquid ingredients followed by the dry ingredients. Yeast to be added last.
2. Select Basic function, Light, 700gm, and press Start.
3. Let the loaf cool down before slicing.
I gave 2 slices of bread to one of my friends to try as she is interested in getting a BM. Her comment is that "it tasted like bread we buy from outside." Another point i wanted to add is: there is no preservatives and definitely fresh!
I like my basic bread with margarine and sprinkle of sugar ;-)
I'm glad you like this recipe :) I bake this so often that I'm reluctant to try new recipes :P
That's what happen to me sometimes on recipes that we get so comfortable with ;-) But nothing venture, nothing gain, right?
I had tried baking bread by hand knead and also using kitchen aid to knead but all turn out to be hard for breakfast the next day. After doing some research I think perhaps it's worth to get one bread maker. May I know which brand of bread maker are you using?
Christina Poh
I'm using Bluesky breadmaker, u can get it from Carrefour. I think it's selling at around $60. U won't regret getting one, I promise ;-) happy Baking
Thanks for your reply, unfortunately Carrefour had stopped selling the Bluesky breadmaker. Will check out other brand.
Christina Poh
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