You would probably be thinking 'what a name for a cake?', but since T was quite enthusiastic to name this birthday cake which I made for my dad, I shall oblige for once to adopt his suggestion..kekeke. Also, this cake is kind of our joint effort (T & me) - he was complaining that I don't have a very good judgement of 'nice decor' and so with some 'tussling', he eventually did the decor of cake for me.
Anyway, I had real fun baking and decorating cake, and would not hesitate to find every other opportunities to bake something for my family and friends. I used to fantasize and envy people who can bake a cake for someone else's birthday or a special occasion, cos these cakes or bakes will definitely be bursting with tlc (tender loving care), lots of love and sincerity.

This is my second attempt on making a sponge cake, which although is better than my first try, the cake texture did not yield what I would love it to be - soft and fluffy. Nevertheless, the freshness of the berries - blueberry, gooseberry, raspberry and blackberry - save the grace and make the cake more palatable.
Other than the very-berry cake, we had a sumptuous dinner to celebrate my dad's birthday. Hopefully he thoroughly enjoy himself tonite! Happy Birthday, we all love you ;-)

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