Tuesday, December 11, 2012


We did a short, simple unit on animals recently.  We just spent one day on each of the different types of animals.  We read a book, talked about the characteristics of that group and made a craft. 

Mammals--Faythe made a bear and the others made bat hats.

Amphibians--They all made frogs of different sorts.

 Birds--Braedi and Corbin made origami birds while Dyllan and Faythe made robins. 

Fish--We all worked together to make a fish mobile.

Reptiles--Dyllan and Faythe made alligators, Ephram made a snake, Braedi drew a chameleon and Corbin made his own version of a frilled lizard.

Insects--Corbin colored in his insect coloring book, I made a beetle, Dyllan, Ephram and Faythe made butterflies and Braedi made dragonflies.

Then each of the kids picked an animal that they wanted to learn more about.  We got some books at the library and did some research on-line.  The four older kids picked out 3-5 interesting facts then wrote a simple report.  I read Faythe a book about her chosen animal and she told me her facts and helped write her report.  Then they all presented.  Actually all of them except Corbin.  At the last minute he couldn't find his report.  Hopefully he'll find it in the next day or two and I'll add him.  I hope you can hear them--I don't have a video camera, just the video function on my digital. 

"Alligators are Dangerous.  The older they get the longer they are.  The biggest found was 19 feet long.  They usually get to be 10 fee long.  They live in swamps and lakes near the Gulf of Mexico.  Alligators have webbed feet like a duck.  They have a strong tail to help them swim.  Alligators are cool."
"King Cobras are my favorite animal.  They are the longest venomous sane growing to 18 feet.  They lay 20 to 50 eggs.  King Cobras attack when they are surprised.  They eat other snakes, eggs, small mammals and lizards.  I like King Cobras." 
Parrots are fun birds.  They sleep with their wing over their head.  They have 4 toes, 2 in the back and 2 in the front.  Their toes made them good climbers.  parrots like to eat carrots and broccoli and seeds.  They use their sharp beak to eat.  I  like parrots. 
Chameleons are interesting looking animals.  Their feet look very cool--V-shaped so they can grab onto the tree branches and they have 3 toes on one side of their food and 2 toes on the other side.  A Chameleon's tongue is 2 times the length of their body.  Without their tongue they would die of starvation because they are really slow.  Chameleons need warmth to move.  The side of them that is facing the sun is black, but the other side is it's normal color.  Chameleons have rally bad smelling and almost no hearing, but their eyesight makes up for that.  Their eyes can look in 2 separate directions at 1 time.  Because of their bad hearing chameleons us their colors to speak.  I think chameleons are really cool looking reptiles.  (I can't get Braedi's video to upload.)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Month of Gratitude

I got this idea from face book.  Everyday people have been posting things they are grateful for.  I didn't want to post everyday, but I thought the idea was good.  I took it to a family level and got the kids involved.  Everyday of November we wrote on an index card 1 thing we were grateful then hung the cards on our bedroom doors.  It was neat to see the lists and I loved hearing the things that they were thankful for.  We decided to carry on the tradition and have "Thankful Thursdays" as part of our morning devotional.

I'd like to share my list.
1. Jonathan--The only one who truly "gets" me.  He appreciates me and supports me.  He helps me grow and is there for me.  He listens to me.  He loves our kids and is a great dad.
2. Homeschool--I love that I can homeschool, that I can be with my kids all day long and teach them whatever I want.  I love that we can learn TOGETHER.
3. Braedi--She is growing up.  I love seeing her setting goals and working hard to achieve them.
4. Corbin--He loves to help cook meals.  It is a joy to see him light up when he has done something good. 
5. Dyllan--She is a great helper and is a peacemaker. 
6. Ephram--My little ball of energy, but he loves to lay next to me and listen to me read a story. 
7. Faythe--She makes me smile everyday.
8. Books--What would I do without a good book to read?  Books play a big role in my life.  I'm always reading or listening to 2 or 3.  The kids and I listen to 1 in the car and I will read aloud 1 or 2. 
9. Guidance from the Spirit--Most of my decisions are carefully guided from little promptings.
10. Health--Not just mine, but my kids' and my husbands'. 
11.  Freedom--I live in a free country thanks to the people who came before me and fought for my rights.  The kids and I have been memorizing the Declaration of Independence--what a strong message!
12. Missionaries--I recently participated in a 30 fast with my ward where members took turns fasting for 1 day for 30 days.  My experience made me grateful for missionaries and all they do to prepare.
13.  Clothes--I love new clothes. 
14.Piano Tuners--We had our piano worked on this week and the piano tuner was so patient with the kids, teaching them and talking to them about what he was doing.
15. The Scriptures--For the past 6 months I have been studying for upwards of 30 minutes in my scriptures.  I'm learning about myself.  I've learned that I need to KNOW the stories and principles found in those books.  I've learned of their importance.

this is an old picture,
but it's all I have of the 2 of us
16. My sister--I love that my sister is only 30 minutes away (though I wish it was only 2).  We have fun times together.
17. My family--I have a great family.  My mom and dad and siblings and my in laws.  Such a great support system.
18. The Atonement--I'm grateful that I can turn to Jesus Christ for EVERYTHING!  He can take away my pain and sadness and frustration.
19. Flowers--so beautiful.
20. Me Time--I usually spend my "me time" running, but every once in awhile I go shopping.  I also love being able to take weekends away with my sister-in-law. 
21.My home--it may be small, but I love it.  It is a place of refuge and the place I feel comfortable and where I most want to be.
22.  Peanut Butter--actually I love all food, but peanut butter is really good.  Food is one of the reasons that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  

Just for fun here are the kids' lists.  I love how they came up with all the things on their own--no prompting from siblings--it's fun to see what they are grateful for. 
Braedi: My family, the atonement, the gospel, my talents, good books, my primary class, activity days, the church, the temple, love, friends, my grandparents, the scriptures, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, that I'm homeschooled, prayers, the swing set, the armor of God, music and art, and family home evening. 
Corbin: Animals, nature, mom and dad, biology, chemistry, scouts, books, food, free time, grandparents, candy, watermelon, and scriptures. 
Dyllan: My family, my parents, the world, books, clothes, tongue, games, grandma, grandpa, plants, school, animals, the gospel, and friends
Ephram: Dad, Heavenly Father and Jesus, mom, games, bags, cars, swing set, notebooks, pencils, teachers, great-grandparents, church, earth, brothers, library, school, birthdays, tithing, sisters, missionaries, my body, friends, grandparents, and food. 
Faythe: My dad, my  mom, my sisters, flowers, my brothers, computer time, my body, my eyes, church, stuffed animals, grandma and grandpa, my blanket, horses, cousins, chocolate chips, gum, turkeys, friends, my kitty costume, bananas, temples, and the swing set. 

We took the week of from school that week and did a few Thanksgiving activities.  One was a to make a turkey.  The kids marble painted a white piece of paper then traced and cut out their hand.  The hand print was the feathers.  Then they made a turkey body and added the feathers.  They were super cute. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Biz Day

Our homeschool group had it's annual Free Enterprise Day.  The name was different this year, but it was still the same idea--make and sell and buy.  I debated for a long time if I wanted to participate this year and as a result we got started a little late.  The kids found some ideas on pinterest using supplies that we had at home, so there was no outside cost.  They didn't have time to earn money so I searched every possible spot and found $1 in change for each of them.  They paid me back half the amount at the end of the day.  The kids love this activity and I love that this year they didn't most of it on their own, and they each had their own item to sell.

Braedi made bookmarks.  This was actually her own idea, not one she found on-line.  She designed, colored and cut 15 bookmarks and sold all but 2. 

Corbin originally wanted to make snow globes, but the day before the event he still hadn't finished one, so he decided to make candy cane cookies.  He sold all of them.

 Dyllan found a recipe for edible finger paint.  She made lots of different colors and sold out.
Ephram made these cute clothespin airplanes.  He sold all but 1.

Faythe and I didn't make anything, but we bought some things.  We both bought a cloth ring and some food.