a tired dog is a good dog
Showing posts with label Long Island. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Long Island. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Soggy LonGisland and ASTA 's Advice column

We've been invited all summew by ouw fwiends to come fow a couple of days to theiw summew house on Lon Gisland and had to cancel about thwee times, so when they kindly asked again, we didn't have the guts to wefoose even though the weathew fowecast said it was going to be pouwing towwential wain all weekend

As pwedicted, it was wet and soggy , BUT, thewe wewe sometimes a few minutes when it stopped and I managed to escape out the doow (neawly giving Mommi a heawt atttack cause thewe is no fence)
finally, she said that I could go out as long as she and Daddi wewe thewe to catch me if I twied to go awound to the stweet

I fiwst went out all tied up..it was OK, but I wanted to wun like the wind

the fiwst day, it just didn't happen(xept the bwief heawt stopping) escapes,
cause the wain WEALLY stawtedto come down in buckets
so I decided to eat evewything in sight instead

thewe wewe yummie clams


and fwesh cwisp salad      
(can you believe it? I love salad even)

some pasta

and I got some of all of those things

 (guilt wowks..you just have to look pitiful being locked in a house in the wain when thewe is all that gweat place to sniff the aiw and wun and play)

and hewe is the video of me wunning wild, hehehehe

in the end, I lept off into the sand and then evew so clevewly dove into the watew..Mommi wolled up hew pantses to come aftew me (silly woman got sopping wet fow no weason ) of couwse it stawted waining again doowing all this , so we got wet fwom the top and the bottom hehehehe

I just wanted to swim, and swim I did fow about fifteen minutes..glowious!!!!!!!
(no pictoowes of the swimming cause Mommi had to come in the watew and didn't want the camewa to dwown)

natoowally aftew my swim, I was subjected to towtoowe a baf, wif the excoose that I would be too itchy wif salt watew dwying on me, sheeeesh

then I took one last look and said goobye to the sea
(natoowally , just as we wewe leaving, the sun came out)

when I got home, thewe was a message fwom ouw beloved Mayow, Fwankie Fuwtew  fwom Blogville asking if I could be any help to all the woggies getting weady to go to the PAWM  (he is owganising it fow back to school days)
It seems many woofies awe having issues about getting dates, ow wanting to go alone and pawhaps meeting someone thewe

They cleewly need advice.......SO.............
I have decided to be an advice columnist and answew all those pesky pwoblems if I can
Fwankie thinks I can do this cause I live in NEWYAWK CITY and am in the pwime pawty section of town whewe any night of the week the stweets awe full of young giwls going out to dinnew and dancing ow simply teetewing along the cobble stones on theiw 8"platfowm heels while holding on to theiw date

I hope he's wight in his twust in me and I can answew youw questions
if you want to peemail me, my addwess is astawire@gmail.com

smoochie kisses

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Too Hot to Stay In Town

It's widicoolously HOT hewe , what's a Pup to do???

It's been days and days since I had a chance to go out and wun
I just get mini walks to the cuwb to go peepee ow poop, then we wun back in befowe we pass out

I got lucky and some fwiends invited me to LonGisland fow a couple of days
I quickly packed and took a cab to Penn Station

I plan to sit in the watew all day and maybe even wun a little

Pleez fowgive me if I don't visit fow a few days..I'll be thinking of all of you
Stay cool and dwink lots of watew sweet fwiends

smoochie kisses

Monday, July 13, 2009


I had a sowt of mini summew vacation this weekend
Some good fwiends have a house on LonGisland and invited us, so we took the twain out of the city satuwday and came back today

Hewe's what happened the fiwst day

it was a glowious , pawfect sunny day..not too wawm ow hoomid and I went out on the lawn as soon as we got thewe

the gwass goes all the way to the watew whewe the boats awe.I was sowt of mad cause I was tied up

that's the house whewe we stayed fwom the watew...see, thewe is no fence anywhewe

I whined and put on my sweetest face , telling my pawents that I just had to have fweedom to wun and play

It all went well fow a while...fweedom!!!!!!!!!

I wan and played ball and wan some mowe.............

Then I got into BIG twouble!!!
I wan out on the side of the house wight into the stweet
Mommi just about had a heawty attack
I only got about a block away befowe about fouw hoomans caught me and bwought me back(...I don't know what all the scweeming was fow..I just wanted to go adventoowing)

aftew that I was tied up weal tight

I bowwowed Daddi's hat to pwotect me fwom too much sun
Mommi wouldn't let me out of hew sight..I had to sit and wead wif hew

and look at flowews
not neawly as much fun as my gweat escape

much latew I guess she fowgave me, cause she took me out on the piew and was smiley again

It got stowmy in the evening, so we went in to eat dinnew

I had to inspect these weiwd owange things they wewe cooking

I couldn't believe Mommi was going to eat a giant owange bug and Tannew's cown shank

It had these long thingies hanging off of it and I licked it twying to see if it would attack, but it just tickled
so I decided to wisk tasting it...hmmmmmmm, niammmmmm, not at all bad..mowe pleez

I checked the bag , but thewe was none left...why is it that just when I taste something new and want mowe..it's ovew. I think that's unfaiw...a tantalizing taste, and back to kibble,hwmpffffff

by then it was time fow sneep..it had been an exciting day. Doowing my befowe bed walk..I saw the moon..It was an owange ball in the sky wif an even mowe owange tail in the watew..
(I thought it was sweet of LonGisland to colow it fow me while I was thewe)
I twied to get a pictoowe, but it's not to cleaw..you'll just have to take my wowd fow it.

I missed you all and will ty to come visit evewyone tomowwow. Wednesday I'll show you some pictoowes fwom Mywna and Gilbewt's twins Chwistening, and then I'll have the west of my LonGisland adventoowe
smoochie kisses