Monday, December 28, 2009

See Carson. See Carson Read.

Check out this sweet video. Carson has been wanting to learn how to read for quite some time so Mommy and Daddy hooked him up for Christmas. We will be posting more about Christmas later...but he wanted to be sure Grandma & Papa could see!

Friday, December 11, 2009


I know I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy and honestly just didn't feel like blogging. Here's what we have been up to:

(it's not in order, um...haven't figured out how to move posts around once I posted them...hum?)

Family fun!

My parents and my sister, Danielle, were able to come to our house for Thanksgiving. It was really fun. Unfortunately, most of the good pictures are on Danielle's camera. So - until I get them from her I don't have any to post except ones I took the morning my parents left.
I love this picture where everyone is looking at Baby London!

London is getting so big! She has started smiling a lot and coo-ing! She is such a good baby!

Santa & Frosty

At our winter festival this year we had a visit from Santa Claus and Frosty the Snowman!

Carson and Santa.

This is as close as Hailey would get.

The family with Frosty. Too bad we didn't get all of London's head in the picture! :)


I thought we had escaped the snow when we moved to Texas. NOPE...for the second year in a row, it found it's way to us!

Carson liked the snow, but mostly snowball fights. Hailey like it for about 2 minutes until she realized how cold she was!

Check out the cool snowman Carson and his daddy made!

Although the snow was fun, next year I'm hoping for a warmer December!

London's Blessing

On Sunday November 22nd London was given a name and a blessing by her daddy. It was a beautiful blessing (the parts I heard...Hailey was on my lap being loud with my hand clasped over her mouth...ugh). Thanks to Melanie for taking a few shots for us!

We love you London!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Quick Update and Photos of London

London has had a very busy week. She's been to the pediatricians office, the hospital (more lab tests for jaundice), and two lactation appointments. She is such a good baby and we are so happy to have her in our family! Here are a few photos. Yes, she really is only 4-6 days old in the pictures...she just looks like she is a month old! :)

First bath at home

Good night kisses from mommy!

She can be so awake and alert...when she wants to be.


Daddy making sure she knows how to run the computer!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Fun!

We went to our community Fall Festival on Oct. 17th. It was lots of fun. There was a petting zoo, trackless train, hayride, games, pumpkins, food and just lots of fun! Here are a few photos.

Carson feeding the goat.

Hailey feeding the goat.

Cinderella and Optimus Prime (minus the mask)

The family

The kids have really enjoyed having Daddy home and Grandma here to play with them. They have been able to get out the energy that has been bottled up with a prego mommy.

Everyone loves the swings.

But I think Hailey loves them the MOST!

What cute little stinkers!

Yah, could not get the watergun out of his hand for this one! :)


Who doesn't love a good sword fight now and then?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Baby London

Baby London finally made her way into the world today. Here are a few photos and stats.

London Ruth Ashton
10:58 a.m.

9 lbs. 11 oz.
21 inches


Friday, October 9, 2009

Girls Night Out!

Okay I have some of the coolest and best friends in the world. We had a girls night out last night at Johnny Carinos to celebrate the little addition that will be joining our family. It was delicious food, and so much fun to have a night out. Me - being the 37 1/2 week prego girl - forgot to get a picture of us there. I know...I know. But I did remember to snap some photos of all the sweet gifts. Thank you so much to everyone who came. I had so much fun!

As you can see we are definitely hooked up with diapers, some cute new clothes (yeah, she doesnt' have to wear 100% hand me downs from Hailey), hand sewn bibs, and fun little things!

Jennifer made this really cool diaper cake! Bridger thought it looked awesome when I brought it home.

Yep, this was Carsons favorite. The pink poodle jittery pal. "Hey mom, I'm just going to check it out before baby Cindy Lou comes. You know, make sure it is fun to play with."

Bridger and I are making bets on what the exact day the baby will come is. My offical due date is Oct. 25th. Anyone else want to take a guess? He's already got the 19th. I'm saying the 17th.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lizard Hunting

These two are getting so big! I was so impressed with how still they could hold and how gently they handled this baby lizard. Looks like they're ready to help Mommy with the new baby...or lizard if you ask Carson!

If I hold REALLY still and don't smile...

Oh, wait... that's not a lizard. 36 weeks!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rock Band - Sat Morning Style

These kids are hilarious to watch when they are playing Rock Band together. At least Carson was nice enough to put pants on for the picture. : )

Black Swallowtail

Carson and Hailey found some caterpillars in the garden and have been feeding them in the house for a couple of weeks. The first one finally emerged from its cocoon today and the kids had fun holding it while it dried its wings.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Halloween Decor

I do not have any Halloween decorations...I mean none. Well, I would really like to start getting a few every year so eventually our house can be all cute and decorated. Well after looking at the stores and seeing all the prices on everything I decided to try and make a few crafts. (Yah I know, I'm not that crafty.) These were super easy to make and I think they turned out really cute. The "candy" design is from the peppermint creative website. I had a girl in the kingwood ward cut out the vinyl. She does a great job and is SUPER cheap! So hooray for our Halloween decorations...all 3 of them! :)

Right now they are all on the mantle, not sure where they'll end up...maybe they will stay there.

The best part about Halloween!

Okay this one turned out my favorite. I love how the O's in boo look like eyes.

Yes the "trick or treat" vinyl and block were from LAST YEARS super saturday. I didn't have time to do it last year and it took me a whole year to paint the block and apply the vinyl. At least it did get done though. I think it looks good with the other two blocks.