Friday, October 30, 2009

Quick Update and Photos of London

London has had a very busy week. She's been to the pediatricians office, the hospital (more lab tests for jaundice), and two lactation appointments. She is such a good baby and we are so happy to have her in our family! Here are a few photos. Yes, she really is only 4-6 days old in the pictures...she just looks like she is a month old! :)

First bath at home

Good night kisses from mommy!

She can be so awake and alert...when she wants to be.


Daddy making sure she knows how to run the computer!


Jilly Bean said...

Oh she's so sweet! She looks just like Carson!

Angela said...

Alisha, she's adorable! And she doesn't look all that smaller than my guys (14 pounds).

Barbara said...

London is so adorable. Thanks for posting the photos. Keep them coming. Those of us far away don't want to miss out on seeing her grow.

Erin said...

She is precious. I can see Carson in her face so much!

Cute girl.

Trent and Steph said...

She is so cute!

Danielle said...

Alisha she's got your chin. Remarkable resemblance to Carson. Looks like Bridger is giving her a head start on the education, but maybe she does not want to be a computer geek.

Kayla said...

I was gonna say she looks just like Carson too! I still have a picture of me holding him at the hospital. London's so cute! Congratulations!

amanda said...

she is soooo cute!!!! I can't wait to see her in person!!! I was so excited to hear on Friday that she is a good baby! If you need help this week now that grandma is gone-please call me!!!!you know we love you guys!

Our Little Family said...

She is beautiful .I love the "sleepy bug" picture ...And like some other comments ,she looks so much like Carson....

Sheriece said...

My word Alisha... she is so absolutely beautiful. Good job you guys :)

Anonymous said...

she is so adorable! being in different wards and now stakes makes it harder to keep in touch! i am glad i found your blog! my blog is:

Verlyn said...

I look at these pics every night... they are great, she sure is a cute girl !!!