Sunday, September 20, 2009

Our week at a glance!

Evelyn loves playing twister. We involve another body part, the head also gets assigned colors. See, it looks fun, doesn't it?
She's in the air in this shot, but it doesn't really look like it. Evelyn and Ben were having way too much fun jumping off the bench. Jordan and Allison were content to just watch them jump or just jump in place, on the bench.
Running up and down the plank in Sapsucker woods. (The woods and trails right behind our house). The kids had so much fun running up and down. Ben's been playing with us the last couple days, because his mommy's been at the hospital and had a baby sister for him. We can't wait to meet her tomorrow. Ben and Evelyn have been friend since birth. They don't remember, but they played together when we were all still at BYU. Then we lived in different states for a year. Now he lives across the hall and Evelyn and Allison love having their friend Ben so close. They thought it was pretty cool that he got to have a sleep-over with us last night. In Evelyn's night prayer she said, "...and thankful that Ben could come over and play lot, lot, lot." Too cute! She says some of the funniest and sweetest and heartfelt things in prayers. She loves to pray and really hates to give Scott and I turns.
Some very red fall leaves from our walk tonight.
This picture is for Grandpa's. Evelyn is fairly convinced that all of the airplanes that fly over our house are Grandpa, she'll yell, "Hi Grandpa, I love you." She's also convinced that she can just jump into the airplane. (I've been informed that I'm too big to jump into the airplanes.) She was so excited to see this airplane fly overhead, and asked, "can I jump up into that airplane?" The airport is about a mile or less away and we see lots of airplanes!
Some of the pretty fall trees across the pond in Sapsucker woods. You should all come visit in a bout two weeks to see the best fall leaves ever! I'll feed you! Let me know.
Some very large bird (about 3 feet tall) in the pond in Sapsucker.
Evelyn and her friend May-may playing like they were going to bed on the couch. They loved throwing the blanket over their heads every time I tried to take a picture. They're good friends and about the same size, although May-may likes to observe that she's older and bigger than Evelyn.
Give someone and inch and they'll take a foot. Allison was helping me make a mud-pie. I was letting her lick off the spatula that had hardly anything on it. Well, apparently she noticed that it didn't have much on it. When I left the room for probably 20 second and came back, this is what I found. Allison and scooped a bunch of the filling out of the pie and was thoroughly enjoying what she got for herself. The picture below is her attempt to clean up what dripped from the spatula to her foot.

Evelyn very much tried to convince me this day that she was not tired and did not need to take a nap. This was taken about 5 minutes after I read her a story and tucked her in for "Quite time" That's what I call it when she says she's not tired. Usually she's tricked and she falls asleep quickly anyway. She loves her naps and loves them good and long and will not wake up until she's good and ready to. Because she does not always nap, I put her in the toy room for "quite-time" so that she doesn't keep Allison awake or wake her up. Allison wakes up first and want to go play with Evelyn. I'll let her into the play room and she'll try to wake Evelyn up, not succeed and then just play (not quietly, usually) and Evelyn may wake up in 10-15 minutes or an hour, but not until she's good and ready. Funny girls I have! Love love my funnies!
After all of my attempted secret, or distracting things I tried to do to trick Allison into letting me cut her hair. All she really wanted was to sit on the real chair, with the real cape and get a regular, big-girl hair cut. After watching a Evelyn's friend Brinley, Scott and Evelyn get hair cuts, she just wanted to be treated just like them and have the cape and sit on the big high chair. And look how thrilled she it! (No, I am not as tan as I look in the picture. It's just the lighting, but I can wish, right?)

Friday, September 4, 2009

My stick girl!

She can't stand to see a stick and not try to pick it up. Often she'll put down one that's in her hands to try to fit one that she must think is a better replacement. She used to be happy with just one stick and would swap it for a better and better one as we went along. One stick is no longer satisifying enough! Gota get as many as possible. As you can imagine, we often have quite the collection of sticks right outside our house where she has to put them all before coming inside, which she'll happily do, knowing they'll be there to gather once we come back outside.
Holding her loot!

She's at the age where she's always sitting on her "honches." Does not look comfortable, but both girls have done it, so it must be. Now she's gathering rocks, which she'll also happily throw before coming inside.

Gotta love this dangerous teter-totter that we can't keep the kids off of. No one has died yet, but they may.
Look how totally comfortable she is driving! I should give her the keys and take naps when we go places.
Ben, Evelyn and Allison all playing outside with the random toys that were in front of our house today.
Playing with the our neighbors, Emma, Bailey and Hannah. They all wanted a picture together and I accidentally deleted the one where I had them all looking.
All set up to watch a show while I jumped in the shower quick. Allison lasted about 10 seconds once she heard the shower. She came in and tried to climb in the shower, was getting all wet, so I just undressed her and let her get in and play. It was not this day, but another day that I just let Allison get in, Evelyn wanted to get it also. I get very relazing showers around here!

No way would it be fair it Allison got a piggy-back ride and Evelyn did not! Why don't you just both jump on? Pretty sure that lasted about 30 seconds only. Scott's such a good sport!