Friday, April 29, 2016


We got so lucky to have our grandmas come in back-to-back visits this spring.  We loved every minute of our grandma-time.  The kids adore their grandmas and they give them no rest while they are here.  Maybe that is why they only ever stay a week and have to take a few months off between visits.  But we love when they come!!!

I only got one picture of Grandma Checketts' visit this time, but rest assured, much fun was had by all.  The kids always beg grandma to make up stories and when she asks them what characters they want in their stories they always say Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.  Haha guess that's from all the NPR we listen to in the car.  Some pretty entertaining stories were told.
The kids especially love going out to eat with grandma.  Like this morning brunch at IHOP.  Happy, happy kids.

When Grandma Asay came, the kids and I fought over who got grandma time.  I won for a few hours when mom and I trimmed the trees in our backyard.  It was quite the project, but no one better than my hard-working, capable, beautiful mother to do it with me.  
Then the kids got grandma-time and made rope swings in the front yard with some of the branches from the trees we cut down! 
And we had so much fun at the beach.  I love my mother.

The older 2 with the Easter Bunny this year.  Ellie wanted nothing to do with him!
Amelia loves when one of the player's parents brings their dog to the baseball game!  She will only sit still for "Boloney baseball" (as she calls it) if she's got a dog on her lap.
I love watching these kids with their dad on the baseball field.  They love to hit in the nets with him, ride the tractor and give him hugs after a game.  They adore their dad.

And William is in heaven on the field with his dad.  He is old enough that he has been able to hang out with Andrew at the field a lot more lately.  He even went over one day before a game and was able to get in the line-up and take his turn hitting batting practice with the Gaucho players.  Then he took his turn shagging balls in the outfield (with his dad there to protect him!).  It is pretty much the cutest thing to see him out there hanging with the big boys.  I love my little boy and his awesome dad.

1 comment:

Emily said...

William playing baseball with Andrew!! So sweet.