Friday, August 3, 2012

Anniversary trip to Thousand Islands New York and Canada.

Last summer Scott's mom visited in August after Scott finished his comprehensive exam.  She stayed with this kids so we could go on this quick anniversary trip.  Thanks mom!  It was so wonderful!
We went up to the Thousand Islands and started from the New York side where we boarded a boat tour.  These are just a few of the pictures that we took of this beautiful place.

There are 1,864 Islands total.  Some as large as 40 square miles and one as small as the one I have a picture of later in the post.  To count as an Island it has to be above water all year, have an area of at least 1 square foot and have at least one living tree.  If the one living tree dies, it's no longer an island.  For more info about the Thousand Islands you can check out the wiki link.
So many fun different homes and cottages and islands.  Some islands are big, some small, some flat, some with cliffs, all so different and pretty.

Beautiful water!
This is a different kind of garage.
Boldt Castle
We were just passing it all on the boat for now.  Later we'd stop and get off the boat to tour Heart Island that is the home of this amazing castle.
Fun part of our boat.
Me and the love of my life enjoying the beautiful morning together!
Not sure why they built a house that has a roof that looks like it is collapsing.  Interesting!
Tiny little island with tiny little house.  If you look closely you can see that it is a small island in front of another larger island.
The tour guide told us all to lean over the edge of the boat to take a picture and, "wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, take the picture now."  After taking the picture he said that we had just taken a picture of the international boarder.  The water was such a pretty and inviting color!
I guess if you don't have any grass you opt to sun-bath on the roof.

Bet you would not mind living there!  Right?

Really, really tall man-made totem pole.
Or I could live here!
Or here.
International boarder on the bridge.
Yes, this would be the smallest "island" in the Thousand Islands region.
The funny thing is that the US and Canada can't agree on the actual number of islands.  They have both come up with numbers and they are not the same number.

That was a tiny little house!  But I'd take it !
Not bad!
Coming back to Bodlt Castle.
I thought this was the mother-in-law house for boldt castle.  It's on it's own little island and not nearly as grand as the castle itself. Okay, this was the wrong one but here is the link to the real one.
 Not a ton better

Here's a lot of pictures from Heart Island and Boldt castle.  For more info go to the wiki page.


Yacht house for Boldt Castle.  Pretty grand for a Yacht house.  It's on it's own separate island.
Heck, I'd live in that Yacht house!  
This is the power house where the utility rooms were housed in this amazing and cute little part of the estate.  I'd live there too!

Grand entrance that was never finished.  On the far right of the porch, where there is fencing it was going to be the grand stair case.  There were some huge, broken up stones that were going to be used for the stairs but never got put into place.
Alster Tower

Its design suggests a defense tower similar to those on the Alster River in Germany. This building was intended for the entertainment of guests. The “Shell Room” was to be used for dancing and was so named because of the shape of the roof. The basement housed a bowling alley and plans for the upper floors contained a billiard room, library, bedrooms, cafe, grill and kitchen. The Playhouse remains closed as it receives a dedicated rehabilitation effort designed to stave off any further deterioration allowing for a near future opening. However, exterior views of  Alster Tower are grand and provide a picturesque setting to the many wedding ceremonies performed each season at the nearby Heart Island Gazebo.
Beautiful wood pieces.
Such a beautiful fire place.
Fancy ceiling.
The grand staircase inside the castle.
Beautiful skylight.  The entry was open for 4-5 levels and this was the skylight for this grand opening.
Looking down the grand staircase from above.
Unfinished and vandalized upper few levels of the castle.  In the process of being restored.

Last shot of the castle.
Out for a relaxing dinner. There was about 5 minutes that were less than relaxing because that kind man from the building next door thought we'd want to smell his smoke while we enjoyed our quiet dinner.  Some people who smoke are considerate.....others (like him) not so much!
Fun and very quaint little bed and breakfast where we stayed the night in Canada.

Pretty room
It was such a unique old home that has been restored and preserved.  So many fun antiques.
stained glass with beautiful colors
Exploring the Canada side of the Thousand Islands.

Not sure what this very ghetto looking some sort of motor powered dock or something else flat like a dock was all about.  So I took a picture. So random!
Hey, we even found Captain Jack Sparrow.  He had a perfected Jack Sparrow drunk and care-free walk!  Not sure what he was doing or why he was there but he was a pretty good impersonator.  

It was a WONDERFUL trip!  Thanks Mom Asay!  
Can't wait until we can go on a few bigger trips together in the future!