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Wednesday, December 11, 2024

you're a mean one

for my soul's dark imagination: grinch  well, i also love the grinch (especially the song in the classic animation) so thank you Kym for this challenge and for offering some grinchy freebies to help us create!

in addition to Kym's freebies, i have images from mischief circus (retired) and robyn gough. i wasn't able to play last week but hope to catch up before months' end.

may your heart grow three sizes larger. love to all.

santa's elves

i've been out of town for a good bit and am so happy to be back and creating, especially because it is december and i can start using all my wonderful digital christmas images! these creations are for our midweek muse: santa's elves are watching 

background, elf, and tree are from fusion dream print. santa and gifts are from cryztal rain (retired, of mischief circus).

background, elf, tree, and gold star are from fusion dream print. wings from arthouse whimsy and santa's sleigh from robyn gough.

these elves are waiting and watching for christmas and sending love to all.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

alphabet cat and more cats with coffee

for tag tuesday: use alphabet letters 

cat with coffee comes from wendylynn's paper whims. background paper from gecko galz

and here is a journal page using more of Wendy's cats with coffee:

love to all.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

snowy evening

here are two friends taking a lovely snowy evening walk, for digital whispers: snow

images from fusion dream print, gracie tracy, and mischief circus.

love to all.

snowy sleigh ride

for sunday postcard art: sleigh ride

it is the season! with images from mischief circus artists: songbirdy, itKuPiLLi, and others.

love to all.