Saturday, December 11, 2010

Santa 2010

Every year I wonder how the kids will react - this year, they were all happy to see Santa.  We took them to Children's Orchard because the mall is crowded and expensive.  This Santa REALLY does not look like Santa nor does the chair make for a great picture, but my goal is to simply get a picture with their reaction with Santa that year.  Check!

 As soon as Jackson was done, Andi ran up to get a candy cane for herself.  We made her sit with Santa first before she got to eat her treat.
 So although she wasn't afraid of him, she didn't give me a cute smile either.  Oh well.
 And Mr. Ry - he was patient, as always, and waited his turn.  He was so cute and waved and said Merry Christmas to everyone.  Unfortunately, all my camera caught was the end of that wave.
Becky met up with us and so we played outside while she and Isabelle went to get their picture!  Andi LOVES to run so she just did a million laps around the waterfall while the boys played.
I should have taken a picture of the kids with Isabelle because they adore her, but this one from the other night will do.  Can you tell how ready they are for a baby?  I'm glad someone is....


Jamie said...

I think it's funny that Andi is wearing flip flops in her Santa pic...only in CA! It's freezing here!

RachelAA said...

Jamie, I was thinking the same thing when we were getting them dressed this morning. It's so not what you would see in a Christmas movie!