Thursday, December 30, 2010

Santa Came This Year

Last year our kids were three, one, and eleven months old - we didn't think Santa really had to go all out just yet.  One more year.  But when Jackson came out Christmas morning exclaiming, "Santa didn't come", we knew that 2010 had to be good!
But when the year arrived, time ran short.  For instance, our Christmas Sunday attire - that was not thought of ahead of time.  Nor did we have time to attempt a second picture once we saw this one came out poorly.
The week approaching Christmas there were still things we needed to cross off the list.  I wanted to do it all but we will try again next year.  But for the year 2010, I want to remember the fact that this is the year we started doing bedtime stories.  Once we got rid of all the cribs, it became much more natural to take the kids to bed and read a story together.  They're all at the age where they LOVE this and so it really has been a nice addition to our schedule.
We did decorate some cookies but we weren't able to get out and deliver goodies to all those so important to us.  We're sorry and again, maybe next year.
I started feeling better Thursday afternoon - just in time for me to realize Christmas was fast approaching and I still needed to pack for our trip to Brianhead, UT.  The trip in which we were to depart for Christmas afternoon.  Of course I began with the kids' suitcase because let's face it, although it's time consuming, it's so much easier to plan kid outfits than it is to do your own.  Have I mentioned how happy I am that I didn't need to pack diapers - aside from the nighttime ones!!
After packing and naps on Christmas Eve, we headed to my parent's house for our annual tamale making, prime rib eating, and biblical reading.

Christmas morning began at 6am!  I knew we needed to get up because there was a lot to get done before 10am, but man was it torture rolling out of bed.  Well, not for the kids.
Santa came and we were so happy the kids were happy.  It truly is amazing watching the joy little children express.  We know years from now it will be much more difficult to please them, so I am trying to enjoy these moments while we can.  In fact, while Jackson was taking a bath the day after Christmas, he said, "Mom, that was the best Christmas ever!".  To be like little children.....
We finished packing and getting ready while the kids played.
With our long list of chores that morning, there was no time to clean up.  I am not looking forward to the work that awaits our return!
We made it over to my parent's house by about 9am.  Here, the kids knew what to expect and were ready to go.  This year I want to remember Andi's excitement for each gift.  She really did get into the festivities and it was a blast watching her.  Ryan was so methodical in unwrapping each gift.  He took twice as long as the other two to unwrap each item.  And Jackson, Jackson flew through all his gifts.  He's much like me in that instance, get through them all and then go back and look at each one.  He couldn't get over the fact that he got underwear - he found this hilarious.

By 10am we made our deadline to be at the Anderson's.  This could very well be the last year we'll have Christmas at the Anderson home so it was very important to us to be there and enjoy the omelette tradition.  Shay and Mike weren't able to make it this year but Curtis and Tristan did make it.  And Wes, was missed of course but spoken of fondly.
Andrew and I haven't been able to exchange gifts the last four years but each year, I'm grateful that he's here, by my side in all that we face.  There are so many ways in which I know I am very fortunate to be married to this man.
After breakfast we all made our way into the living room to open gifts.  We had to wait for Tori for a bit and while we did, we just played around and I of course, took some pictures.
Annette and Richard got us buckets of wheat which I am grateful for because we really are not doing what we should in terms of food storage.  The kids received train tracks and believe me, they were so excited for that.  In fact, they're playing with them as I type.  Uncle Chris got them the most adorable beanies and the messiest lollipops.  Tori of course got us some NOISY chimes - she wouldn't be Tori without a gift such as that.
Each year Annette gets everyone personalized ornaments.  This year, Richard made one marking the start of Andrew's company.  I got the swimming monkey because we all know how much I like the beach or pool.  Jackson received an Iron Man ornament and honestly, we have no clue where his liking of Iron Man even came from.  Ryan got trains of course because that boy is OBSESSED.  Andi, she got an "Andy" ornament.
At about 3pm, we loaded up into the car to begin our journey to Brianhead, UT.  It was a fabulous Christmas and we're so grateful for the memories our children have helped us create.  I ache for them to grow up but it's times like these when I realize I really do treasure the days they are young.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Almost TWO

Andi will be two so very soon and I believe it.  She's got the tude of a two-year old; she has a mind of her own and she won't let you forget it.  Sometimes, I think she purposefully waits for Ryan to fall asleep so she can cuddle with him.
 The rare moments she's still and content are so picturesque - at least to us.

It's been a month since we started toying around with the idea of potty training.  For the past two weeks, she wakes up from her naps DRY.  For the past week, we have had her do everything and go everywhere in underwear.  At home, she's great.  We're still working on when we're out and about.  But I don't care, as long as she's totally trained by the time the baby comes, I'll be stoked!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas at Preschool

Oh how I LOVE Jackson's preschool.  Barbara and Brenda did an amazing job with the kids and the kids did a fabulous job telling the story of Jesus' birth.  Jackson was the Inn Keeper and he had to say there was no room twice.  The third time he was to tell Mary and Joseph that he had a stable they could use and that he would get them some dry hay and blankets.  But what he added in there was that he would also get them some water.  Yes, he's putting his own spin on the script at four years old.
 After the program, they sang some traditional Christmas Carols and they were so cute.  It ended with the presentation of a gift to their parents - it was adorable.
 After the kids presented us each with a gift, the teachers gave the kids a gift.  Brenda went out and picked a fleece pattern that she thought would be fitting for each kids' personality.  Jackson has been in superhero mode lately, even though he doesn't watch them, and so she picked out Batman for him.  He loves that blanket.

Palm Desert

Richard and Annette had no choice but to cash in a week of their timeshare before they lost it at the end of the year.  So, you could say we were forced to take a couple days last week to escape to warmer weather and high livin'.
Tuesday at 3:10pm, we pulled out of our driveway and were on our way.  The kids were so excited because we haven't stayed in a "hotel" for so long.  Well, I guess Jackson was really excited about that fact and the other two fed off his excitement.  The drive wasn't bad, because really DVD's are a life saver, and we arrived around 5:45pm.
Annette had fixed my favorite meal, Bellamy Chicken, which didn't agree with me (too much dairy) but that didn't stop me from having two servings plus leftovers for lunch the next day.  Yum.  The kids were just so elated to be out of the car and they spent much of the night playing with the train set Papa and Gramma Nette brought.
Bedtime hit and we did our norm of naked running, shirt hats, pillows fights, and what not.  Getting them to sleep wasn't too bad, but just like every other vacation, one of us had to stay in the room to get them to go to sleep!!  That's really the biggest downfall of vacation but it works.
Wednesday morning Richard and Andrew went golfing.  Luckily for me, Annette got up when the kids got up so I was able to "sleep" until about 8:30am.  We did our normal morning routine and then heading out to Walmart to get some sunscreen and swimmers - you know, things you don't normally have hanging around in the winter.
As soon as we got back, we were all pretty jazzed to spend the day swimming.  Really, a week before Christmas and we're walking to the pool.  SO NICE.  And yes, the view from our balcony was of the golf course.  
The water slide brought hours of fun for Jackson.  He loved going down, by himself, with his floaties, over and over again!  Ryan also wanted to go down over and over but never by himself.  Andi wasn't having it at first. 

As the day went on, Andi gained the courage to go down the slide.  I took her because Andrew took Ryan - big mistake.  Apparently, in order to keep yourself AND THE CHILD above water, you need some ab strength.  Haha, I knew half way down Andi and I were going under.  We were going too quickly for me to be able to regain control and as soon as we flew off the slide, I had no control.  Needless to say, she didn't want to go back on at that moment.
After warming up in the jacuzzi, Andi was ready to go back down the slide - WITH DAD!

Wednesday night we called the concierge to see if there was some sort of Christmas entertainment in town.  We were informed that the local Zoo really decked things out at night and so off we went.  Upon arrival we noticed the park was completely dark.  We were so sad.  So instead, we went to the mall we had passed on our way in hopes that we could at least see Santa.  Papa took the kids over to get their picture taken and it was so weird to see Jackson not too thrilled with this Santa.  He didn't even want to go up to him.  I don't know why.  Eventually he made his way over but it was weird it took him so long.

Afterwards Ryan had to go pee - I took him.  While waiting for him I hear Ry yell for help.  Apparently he couldn't wait any longer and he peed his pants while standing at the toilet.  I did not prepare for this.

On our way out of the mall, we came across an off-road vehicle store.  Oh my gosh the kids loved all the "toys" - Andi threw a fit when I pried her off this vehicle.
Thursday did not start well for me.  I slept horribly and woke up feeling lousy.  I took my time getting ready for the day and getting packed up to leave that night.  Everyone else headed down to golf a bit because Jackson was sad he wasn't able to go to the real course Tuesday morning.  When I met up with them, it was so cute to see them so into it.
 As a side note, it was a pretty cool view of the golf course on our way to the pool, game room and putting green.  I so badly wanted to get out there with a driver and see if I could hit the ball over the lake.  Yes, the driver is my favorite club.
 The resort was really cool because they had this game room for the kids.  After golfing, we took the kids over there where they got ripped off for each game they played.  Seriously, why are these things 50cents these days?
 After lunch, the sun came out.  WOOHOO - off to the pool we went.  

 Here is proof I was there - that belly of mine is getting out of control!  But I'm glad I still have ankles, for now.

We loved our two days in Palm Desert.  It was such a nice, easy, cheap getaway needed during this stressful time in our life.  Richard and Annette truly spoiled us and the kids.  Yes, they're all sporting new shoes these days and Jackson has some new pants.  All so needed and all so appreciated.  And really, lying in the sun by the pool is truly heaven in my eyes.  Ok, the beach probably tops it but I'll take what I can get.