Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Move

Needless to say, it didn't go over as planned. I have always loved moving, and in a sense, I still do. BUT I am not as thrilled about it as was when it was just the two of us, or when I was growing up and my parents did most of the work. I love a change and so I think that will always be what keeps me going, but moving a family of five when three of them are pretty useless - NOT FUN!
Due to our move, there was a lot of going out to eat. One night my dad was in charge of Andi and Ryan - he was feeding three mouths. I am not sure how it happened that way, but he handled it just fine.I wish I got pictures of those that helped us - but I was a little busy. It all began Monday morning - Cosmo came by with food for our friends and then he took the kids to his house so Annette could watch them. Jesse, Matt and Michalle came to help us and we were so grateful. After our first trip, Cosmo, my dad and Ben came back to help with the last two trips.
Later that day, my mom came to unpack my kitchen and then Annette and Cosmo brought back the kids.

The plan was to have the kids' room painted and ready to go before the move. I was going to paint the crib, build Jackson's new bed, and sew new comforters - none of it happened before the move. So my dad and Andrew were trying to figure it all out before 7pm - turns out all the bed hardware was left in Acton. So the boys slept on mattresses on the floor our first night here.

The next day we were able to get it up and running. Jackson's new bed slides under Ryan's crib (Thanks Giselle!!) The guard rail is no longer being used, what a big boy :)

So we are adjusting, showers and baths in the morning, play time and nap time are getting back on schedule - but boy has it been exhausting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that's the same crib, it looks great! I'm glad you were able to use it after all. Jackson’s bed is such a clever idea. I love it!