But the kindness didn't last long. Thursday my in-laws watched the kids while I worked. That night Andrew and I went to put Jackson to bed and we couldn't find his dummy. A couple weeks ago Jackson lost it and had to take a nap without it, so ever since he has been really good at keeping it in his bed so "it doesn't get lost". He's not allowed to have it during the day anyway, so it has worked out. Well when we couldn't find it Thursday night, there was panic. Will he go to bed, how in the world will we find it, bla bla - but then I was suddenly over it. This kid will be three in May and I figured it's so time to get rid of it. So we told him it was lost and he had to go to bed without it. HE DID.
The next morning I thought that maybe I should get Ryan off his as well. This way he won't be so old her becomes real dependent like Jackson did. Also I figured he's never been that obsessed with it anyway so it should be pretty easy. Well, his morning nap consisted of him crying for an hour and a half. I gave up - I took him out of bed and was debating whether or not I was doing the right thing.
Then I went to get Jackson out of the bath - it was then that I heard Andi crying. I came running into the living room to find my large 13mo. old on top of my 2mo. old in her swing. Not a part of Ryan's body was touching the ground - I don't know how he did it, but he climbed into the moving swing to attach his little sister to get her dummy.
Her entire head was slobbered - she was fine as soon as I got him off of her, but boy was that a sight. Needless to say, we are not yet breaking him of his dummy. And Jackson - I never imagined it being this easy!