Thursday, July 10, 2008

Movie Night

Last night Jackson found his beloved Little People DVD. Because Jackson became interested in television during the time we lived at Second St. and had no T.V., he watched a lot of Little People. He used it all the time and so it has some major wear and tear as he found out last night trying to watch it - it got to the point where the skipping wasn't going to be tolerated. So Jackson opted to turn it off and find another DVD.

As he was putting a new DVD into the player, he said we were going to watch "Happy Father". We were a little confused until the movie started playing... turns out he was referring to Heavenly Father. It was interesting to see him sit there and watch the movie we had been using for FHE and to hear him recall it in his own language. It's one of my favorite movies so there was no complaint from me.


Julia Everts said...

Absolutly precious! I can't wait till he is old enough for me to marry him! :)

Jenn said...

Okay- way too sweet! I think we should have an Elders Quorum Presidency family bbq-- what do you think? Maybe I'll get on the ball and plan it one of these days!