Yesterday I went to buy some apples with G. She went to buy 2 phone cards and the nice uncle there gave us 2 free scratchies.
FYI, scratchies are those little lottery kinda things where you scratch (duh) off the silver stuff and reveal things under it. Different scratchies have different ways of playing and different prizes.
Anyways, I won 2 bucks.
Then I got a little "itchy hand" and bought another scratchie for 3 bucks.
And yes, I won 8 bucks this time.
This little stroke of luck got me thinking about how lucky I've been my whole life...
Let me think of a few things...
The first that comes to mind is the Tsunami incident. I was there at Gurney Drive 5 minutes before the waves came crashing in. I was there long enough to look at the tiger waves coming in, and me and my group of friends were like crazy people looking at the waves and going "Whoa...". We were busy taking pictures and videos... we wouldn't have left, but we got wet from one of the waves so we left laughing.
Little did we know we escaped serious injury (maybe even death) that day...
Secondly would be my studies... somehow everything would turn out fine. I guess I just got really lucky that I do not have to study as hard as most people to get the grades I get...
What else?
There are just so many many things that I would have taken for granted...
I always have this feeling that I can take any risk I want (physically) because I believe I just can't die that easily... It's just not my time to die yet...
Although there are times when I couldn't see myself living past 30...
So I would do stupid things... dares... and I always seem to get away with it.
But there are times (especially during my teenage years) where I got depressed and seriously did alot of shitty things. But look at me now... I guess I turned out relatively ok XD
I think that is considered lucky as well? Hehehe...
Hmm... this post has been rather boring without any pictures... but I guess sometimes words are all I have.
Now, seeing how lucky I have been, I guess the one thing I find to be rather "unlucky" of me is my name that my parents gave me.
I really hate my name. That is why I hide behind the alias Ryu.
People just don't get why I get so worked up about my name...
But try imagining when you're six and you've just started school... it is already terrifying enough. But when you try to make friends, people hear your name and start laughing and teasing you (kids can be such jerks). How would you feel?
And this constant teasing and jeering lasted all the way into HIGHSCHOOL. That's 11 freaking years!!!
Even until now, some would laugh and tease me when they know my full name.
But I guess I should just reveal it and live with it.
My name is Tee Shue Vern.
If you can't figure out what they teased me, you're really WOLS...
But at least now I can tell those people "Sure, go ahead and tease me. But I have much better things in life than to care about that anymore. I can't say the same about you though."
So, there you have it... I know Mich and Kang have been asking me about my name and knew when I got worked up about it. So now you know...
But I would appreciate it if you guys would just call me Ryu.
Wow... that was a rather emo post wasn't it? Hahaha...
Okay, back to normal blogging about the crazy things I do soon...