Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday - Almira Lee
Edwardsburg Cemetery AKA Pleasant Lake Cemetery
Ontwa Township, Cass County, MI
Digital image, 19 April 2008
Privately held by Apple, [Address for private use]
Edwardsburg MI,
no relation,
Tombstone Tuesday
Monday, March 30, 2009
Joseph H Camfield, 23 Aug 1898

Mrs A Carlisle
So Bend Ind aug 23 98
Dear Sister and family
Yours at hand of ad was glad to here from you. was glad to here that the children got along nicley if I had not thot they would I shold not have sent them. I supose Rose told you why I did not come. I hope you all injoid the visit as much as my famley did
Many Thanks
page 2
I received aletter from Rose this morning Thay are at Bels all well wil come home Saturday I gues
I want you all to come and make us avi some time this fal is you can
Wel I must close
112 So Mich st
So Bend Ind

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Joseph Harrison (South Bend, IN) to “Dear Sister”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 23 August 1898. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1898,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sunday Morning Frustration
This week, Randy's Saturday Night Fun wasn't so much fun for me. Of course I could have saved myself some frustration if I read read his instructional post a little more closely. I have used the FHL catalog before but I guess I just wasn't awake yet.
Here is the "assignment" for tonight's SNGF:
1. Identify one "elusive ancestor" family (perhaps one you just found, or one you've not found any information about), and the county/state that they resided in. Tell us the family name and the county/state.
I decided to look for James Madison Graham.
He was born between 1825 and 1826 in Ohio, possibly in Licking, Pickaway or Ross Counties.
Between 1830 and 1840 he moved to Delaware County, Indiana.
By 1850 he was in German, St. Joseph, Indiana. He left there in 1852 and headed west to California.
In 1860 I found him in Vacaville, Solano, California.
By 1870 he had wandered off. He may have been in Chillicothe, Livingston Co, MO or Northern Reese River Valley, Lander Co, NV. Then again, maybe not.
In 1880 he may have been in Nebraska City, Otoe Co, NE.
I can place him in Hoyle (now Ames), Wood County (now Major), Oklahoma (still Oklahoma!) by 1895. He died there in October 1897 and is buried in Ames Cemetery.
I have a lot of places to look for James in!
2. Go to the FHL Catalog, find the resources for that county/state.
I'd really like a peek at his will or probate record. So I put "Major, Oklahoma" into the search box and it returned No matching places found!
Next I put in just Oklahoma and was given three choices, Oklahoma; Oklahoma, Oklahoma; and Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City. I clicked on the first.
Oklahoma - Court Records - Indexes looked interesting so I clicked and learned that it was an index of Oklahoma Ministers licenses. I'm pretty certain I won't find James there.
Oklahoma Emigration and Immigration looked interesting and it is, covering various Indiana and Russian/German topics but again I wouldn't expect to find James there.
Oklahoma - Land and property - Indexes might include him, however I found his record on the BLM site.
I finally worked my way down to the Probate listings. There are some DAR collections of old will transcriptions. Probably not what I'm looking for but I could order them. Probate records 1892-1904, Northern district Cherokee Nation looks like it covers Indians only but I could take a look to be sure.
So I finally started to wake up a little I guess, because I went back to the search and put in just "Hoyle" for which I got "No Matching Places Found" GRRRR I put in Syracuse just to see what would happen and since that worked fine I went back and put in just "Ames" and clicked on Oklahoma, Major, Ames. Here it told you that it used to be called Hoyle!
There are only two topics, Newspapers and Vital Records. The VR link has BMD for 1901-1905, too late for me. Both topics list the Gloria Zerr Collection of Oklahoma Records. They cover 1893-1896 and 1901-1905. Of course James had to die in a year not covered!
I won't bore you with the other searches I did but I went back and looked at Solano, California.
3. Identify at least three items from the FHL Catalog that you need to look into in an effort to further your knowledge about that family's history. Tell us about them.
There are some films I would like to look at for Solano, CA. James' brother-in-law, Thomas Newton Buckles and some of his family were also there along with a Martha Graham I have yet to identify but who was living with both Thomas and James.
4. Do you know where your nearest Family History Center is? If not, go here and look for it. Tell us where it is.
I live between two FHC's. One is in Liverpool, NY and the other, slightly closer to home is in Pulaski, NY. Neither is convenient (I live in Snowville which is located in the middle of Nowhere) and they have very different hours. If I were to go during my break it would be closer to go to the one in Liverpool but I could make it to Pulaski and back. To go in the evening the distance to the Pulaski location would be more convenient but they are only open one evening per week and I generally have a conflict.
5. Are you willing to make a commitment to go to the FHC and rent microfilms in order to pursue that elusive ancestral family? If so, tell us about your commitment.
Commit? Getting to a FHC has been on my to-do list for a very long time. Family and work commitments have thus far kept me from getting there but as my schedule changes I hope to make my first visit later this spring.
I would like your opinion as to whether I might have a better experience going to a FHC in a busy metro area or one in a large village, but with fewer open hours?
Here is the "assignment" for tonight's SNGF:
1. Identify one "elusive ancestor" family (perhaps one you just found, or one you've not found any information about), and the county/state that they resided in. Tell us the family name and the county/state.
I decided to look for James Madison Graham.
He was born between 1825 and 1826 in Ohio, possibly in Licking, Pickaway or Ross Counties.
Between 1830 and 1840 he moved to Delaware County, Indiana.
By 1850 he was in German, St. Joseph, Indiana. He left there in 1852 and headed west to California.
In 1860 I found him in Vacaville, Solano, California.
By 1870 he had wandered off. He may have been in Chillicothe, Livingston Co, MO or Northern Reese River Valley, Lander Co, NV. Then again, maybe not.
In 1880 he may have been in Nebraska City, Otoe Co, NE.
I can place him in Hoyle (now Ames), Wood County (now Major), Oklahoma (still Oklahoma!) by 1895. He died there in October 1897 and is buried in Ames Cemetery.
I have a lot of places to look for James in!
2. Go to the FHL Catalog, find the resources for that county/state.
I'd really like a peek at his will or probate record. So I put "Major, Oklahoma" into the search box and it returned No matching places found!
Next I put in just Oklahoma and was given three choices, Oklahoma; Oklahoma, Oklahoma; and Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City. I clicked on the first.
Oklahoma - Court Records - Indexes looked interesting so I clicked and learned that it was an index of Oklahoma Ministers licenses. I'm pretty certain I won't find James there.
Oklahoma Emigration and Immigration looked interesting and it is, covering various Indiana and Russian/German topics but again I wouldn't expect to find James there.
Oklahoma - Land and property - Indexes might include him, however I found his record on the BLM site.
I finally worked my way down to the Probate listings. There are some DAR collections of old will transcriptions. Probably not what I'm looking for but I could order them. Probate records 1892-1904, Northern district Cherokee Nation looks like it covers Indians only but I could take a look to be sure.
So I finally started to wake up a little I guess, because I went back to the search and put in just "Hoyle" for which I got "No Matching Places Found" GRRRR I put in Syracuse just to see what would happen and since that worked fine I went back and put in just "Ames" and clicked on Oklahoma, Major, Ames. Here it told you that it used to be called Hoyle!
There are only two topics, Newspapers and Vital Records. The VR link has BMD for 1901-1905, too late for me. Both topics list the Gloria Zerr Collection of Oklahoma Records. They cover 1893-1896 and 1901-1905. Of course James had to die in a year not covered!
I won't bore you with the other searches I did but I went back and looked at Solano, California.
3. Identify at least three items from the FHL Catalog that you need to look into in an effort to further your knowledge about that family's history. Tell us about them.
There are some films I would like to look at for Solano, CA. James' brother-in-law, Thomas Newton Buckles and some of his family were also there along with a Martha Graham I have yet to identify but who was living with both Thomas and James.
- Solano County, California State census index (979.452 x22c). Since this is the year that James and Thomas supposedly went to California I would really like to look at this one
- Solano County marriages/divorce, ca. 1823-1923. I know Thomas Buckles remarried and I would like to know if James divorced Elizabeth and remarried. There was not number on the page so I clicked on film notes and there was a break down by alphabet so I guess would need to order both Bay - Cri (2073285) and Gay - Jom (2073318)
- California, Solano - Land and Property; Deed Books, 1848-1920; Deed Books. There are several and they span just a few years each so I don't see a grabtor/grantee index film I guess I would start with the first couple and then order more and keep working through them
- Solano County Genealogical Society Pioneer file, 1860 -1910; Bro - Det (2051991) and Gor - Kil (2073166)
- There are several others that I could order, but the above look the most promising.
4. Do you know where your nearest Family History Center is? If not, go here and look for it. Tell us where it is.
I live between two FHC's. One is in Liverpool, NY and the other, slightly closer to home is in Pulaski, NY. Neither is convenient (I live in Snowville which is located in the middle of Nowhere) and they have very different hours. If I were to go during my break it would be closer to go to the one in Liverpool but I could make it to Pulaski and back. To go in the evening the distance to the Pulaski location would be more convenient but they are only open one evening per week and I generally have a conflict.
5. Are you willing to make a commitment to go to the FHC and rent microfilms in order to pursue that elusive ancestral family? If so, tell us about your commitment.
Commit? Getting to a FHC has been on my to-do list for a very long time. Family and work commitments have thus far kept me from getting there but as my schedule changes I hope to make my first visit later this spring.
I would like your opinion as to whether I might have a better experience going to a FHC in a busy metro area or one in a large village, but with fewer open hours?
Saturday Night Fun
Rose Graham Camfield, 18 Aug 1898

South Bend aug 18th Monday
Dear ann I write this to tell you that we are coming to your house Thursday the 11th eleventh the train leaves here at 9 in the morning I think we get in Buchanan about 4 in the afternoon please have the children meet us and oblige Mrs J H Camfield

It is only about 20 miles from South Bend, IN to Buchanan, MI, a short trip for us today. In 1898 it took Rose and the children seven hours by train because there was no direct rail service and they had to travel to Chicago, IL and then change trains.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Rose Graham (South Bend, IN) to “Dear ann”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 18 August 1898. Digital Image.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1898,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Rose Graham Camfield, 15 July 1898

South Bend July 15th (1898)
Dear ann we recd the picture all right and we are ever so much obliged to you for remembering us it looks like Frank we treasure it as a curiosity as of course you know how interested every one os about the war and the boys who have gone away down there to take part in it we have shown the picture to every one who comes in they are all so interested in the young soldiers well the news came yesterday that spain has surrendered Santiago, every one thinks the war will soon be ended I hope so any way
page 2
Yesterday was Pearls Birth day she was 12 years old how the time flies, I owe Freds wife a letter have you heard from any of them there is no new to write and as we are coming to see you next month I will tell you the rest when I come so good by
Mrs J H Camfield
Bell and her Husband was here to dinner they are still Boarding with his mother

Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Rose Graham (South Bend, IN) to “Dear ann”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 15 July 1898. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1898,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Friday, March 27, 2009
Sarah Ann Camfield, 28 June 1898

Batavia june 28th 1898
Dear Children
we are here on earth yet and in pretty good health Father has been having abad time with his leg again but not as bad as he has had before he has not been in the field to work for nearly two weeks but helped do chores and milk and such but is getting much better now has worked some in the garden. I am well excep rheumatism but keep going from morning until night but when night comes I am glad to go to bed
but Libby came home last sunday night she is not verry strong yet but seems to be gaining she can helps me now she did not fetch the Baby she thinks she is not strong enough to take care of
page 2
him yet he is abig fat boy he will be four month old tomorrow Mrs Warner was here with him yesterday it was the second time I have seen him
we are going to work at the cherries next week we have lots of them we shall have to get them picked on shares mostly the hay is ready to begin to cut so the men wont have much time Father cant pick much we Libby and I am not able to do much at it I think I have done my share of hard work in thisworld I cannot see the half of the time my glasses gave out the othe day I amgoing to brons on to get some new ones in aday or two I might have gone to day if I had thought of it intime
write when you can
S A Camfield
and M Camfield

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Sarah Ann (Batavia, MI) to “Dear Children”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 28 June 1898. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1898,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sarah Ann Camfield, 24 March 1898

March 24th Batavia 1898
Dear Children
we are well that is Father and myself we are all there is here or have been for the last five weeks Libby and Fred is at her Mothers yet she is not able to sit up yet has set up alittl while three times since she was confined. Fred has to be there to take care of her she dont turn her self in bed he has to lif her and turn her in bed he has been here 3 or 4 times alittle while since they went there five weeks ago
Father and I went there aweek ago went to see the boy he is abright smart looking little fellow and he is so good natred he dont cry hardly at all Mrs Warner says if he get enough to eat it is all he cares
Father and I do the work here there 14 head of cattle to feed and water and take care of two cows to milk and 24 hogs to feed and care for 1 span of horses all tp take care of we only churn once a wek
page 2
I am not telling you this to complain of the work only kind of a brag how smart we are you know
we are having such lovely weather it is so spring like the grass is so green I think it was a month later when the grass was as green as it is now I have been sewing carpet rags some latelt but I spend most of my spare time reading I wrote a letter to Rosy and sent it to day to the office to day Father went to Bronson this forenoon
we came pretty nar mooving back on our old place this spring but I guess we shall stay here this year if we live solong
our hens have began to lay we have sold 15 dozen 9 cts per dozen
write when you can
May the Lord bess and keep you all
So goodby for this time

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Sarah Ann (Batavia, MI) to “Dear Children”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 24 March 1898 Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1898,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Medal of Honor - Abraham Jay Buckles

History of the bench and bar of California:
Abraham Jay Buckles was born in Muncie, Indana, August 2, 1846. He was sent from home to live on a farm at the age of six years. In the winter season he attended school.
When the war broke out in 1861, he enlisted in a company raised at Muncie, under the call of the President for volunteers for three months' service. He was not yet 15 years old, and his grandfather would not permit him to go. When the call for troops to serve three years was made, he enlisted again. June 21, 1861, and, informing his people that he was determined in the matter, they made no further opposition. He went to Washington in Company E, 19th Indiana Infantry, which afterwards became a part of the famous fighting "Iron Brigade" of the Army of the Potomac.
Why he was sent to live with his grandfather, rather than stay with his mother I have no idea but as she was close by I can only imagine at the worry she must have felt at this time. Not only did Abraham enlist, but his older brother, Francis did as well. Francis would not return home.
Abraham's Medal of Honor Citation says very little:

Rank and organization: Sergeant, Company E, 19th Indiana Infantry.
Place and date: At Wilderness, Va., 5 May 1864.
Entered service at: Muncie, Ind.
Birth: Delaware County, Ind.
Date of issue: 4 December 1893.
Citation: Though suffering from an open wound, carried the regimental colors until again wounded.
The Medal of Honor was awarded to Abraham for one instance of bravery in a single battle but this barely tells the tale of his Civil War service. Abraham was wounded several times and in the end he lost a leg. The History of Solano and Napa Counties, California gives a detailed and thrilling account of his service:
He was a lad of fifteen years when the tocsin of war called able-bodied men to the defense of the country and in June, 1861, he was among the number who responded to Lincoln's first call for three-year men, being attached to Company E, Nineteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Mustered in at Indianapolis, his regiment became a part in the second Battle of Bull Run. In that engagement he was shot through the thigh and was confined in the hospital for three months, after which he again offered his services and took part in the first and second battles of Fredricksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, being attached to the color guard. It was his ambition to be the color bearer of his regiment and for that reason stationed himself on the left so that he would be next to the bearer and ready to take the colors in case the color bearer was injured. The bearer was wounded in the morning, and young Buckles promptly picked up the colors, which he proudly carried until the afternoon the same day, when he, too, was wounded, having received a shot through the right shoulder. Handing the flag to his comrade next in line, he was taken from field and was confined to the hospital for several months. His anxiety to be in the field of action once more secured his release before his wound was entirely healed, but he was able to resume his old post as color bearer and was serving in this capacity in the Battle of the Wilderness, when he was once more disabled, this time being shot through the body. As before, in spite of his intense suffering, he did not allow the colors to disappear, handing the flag to young Devilbuss, who lost his life soon afterward. At the Battle of the Wilderness the regiment became scattered in the rush through the woods, and inasmuch as he could see no field officer, Color Bearer Buckles led the charge himself, the men promptly following, and in the conflict Mr Buckles received what was thought to be a mortal wound, being shot through the body. In spite of the fact that he was so badly wounded as to be given up for dead, he managed to make his way to the rear, when the ambulance came up he was taken to the temporary hospital. The examining surgeon pronounced his case hopeless and would not even probe the wound, the same being true of his treatment in the field hospital, to which he was removed. Finally, when orders were issued to remove the inmates to Fredericksburg, Buckles sent for the physician and begged not to be left behind. The doctor replied that his orders were strict and as he had been given up to die, could not be removed. He remonstrated that the physicians had said two days before that he would die and that he found himself no worse, and finally obtained the promise that if he could stand when the ambulance came he would be removed to Fredericksburg and receive proper care. To make the promise good, Buckles stood with the aid of sticks for crutches, and was taken to the hospital, and as soon as his wounds were given attention he began to recover. He was able to rejoin his regiment before the Battle of Petersburg, having been promoted and commissioned second lieutentant. During all this time, however, his wound remained open and remained so until early 1870. While on skirmish duty, March 25, 1865, he was again wounded, this time in the right leg, which necessitated amputation seven inches from the body. His honorable discharge followed two months later, May 15, 1865, after the close of the war. He was awarded the medal of honor by congress for meritorious conduct upon the battlefield of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864. He returned home to Indiana, battle scarred and disabled, and as yet a mere boy in years, not nineteen years old.
Abraham returned home and went to school. He work variously as a teacher, a clerk and at other jobs as he could find them. On 5 December 1865, in Delaware County, IN, he married Louisa B. Conn and to them two daughters were born, Lola Bell in 1867 and Addie Jessie in 1868. In his spare time he undertook the study of law and in 1875 was admitted to the bar.
Abraham must have retained a relationship with his father as he moved his family to Solano County, CA in the spring of 1875 were he became quite successful. Again, from The History of Solano and Napa Counties, California:
In the spring of 1875 he was admitted to the bar and immediately thereafter came to California and located in Dixon, Solano county. Opening an office for the practice of his profession, the recognition of his exceptional ability and justice in the handling of legal complications was apparent from the first, and was the forerunner of a large and influential clientele. Substantial recognition of his ability came to him in 1879, when he was elected district attorney of Solano county under the new constitution, and at the close of his first term he was re-elected, serving altogether over five years. In 1884 he received the nomination for the office of superior judge and as the successful candidate he took office in January, 1885, and for over twenty years thereafter he held the office continuously. In April, 1905, he was appointed by Governor Pardee from the superior bench as one of the judges of the appellate court for the third district, and after the close of his term he again took up the practice of law, at this time locationg in Fairfield. As on former occasions he was successful in building on a commendable practice but he was not long allowed to confine his attention to private practice. Judge Devlin, who had been elected superior judge in 1908, held the office just one month and twenty days, when pressure of private business made it necessary for him to resign, whereupon Governor Gillett appointed Judge Buckles to fill the unexpired term.
Abraham remained on the bench until his death 9 January 1915 at a hospital in San Bernardino County, CA.
History of the bench and bar of California: being biographies of many remarkable men, a store of humorous and pathetic recollections, accounts of important legislation and extraordinary cases, comprehending the judicial history of the state
By Oscar Tully Shuck
Contributor Oscar Tully Shuck
Edition: reprint
Published by The Commercial printing house, 1901
Original from the University of Michigan
Digitized Feb 20, 2008
1152 pages
pages 672 – 675, viewed at Google Books, 24 March 2009
History of Solano and Napa Counties, California : with biographical sketches of the leading men and women of the counties, who have been identified with its growth and development from the early days to the present time: History by Tom Gregory and other well know writers; Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, California [1912]; viewed at ancestry.com 8 Feb 2009.
Medal of Honor - Fr. Vincent R. Capodanno
In December 2006, following the funeral of John's Aunt Margaret, we all gathered at the John Venditti Post #1 of Italian-Amercian Veterans. One of John's uncles is very involved with the post and we were looking at the various citations and pictures on the walls.
One picture that caught my eye was that of Father Capodanno. I've been told by various people that John is related to him but I have as yet not proven the relationship. John's great-grandmother was Filomena Capadano. I know of three of her brothers but nothing that connects to Father Capodanno. I admit that I haven't worked very hard at researching the relationship but I have spent many hours reading about Father Capodanno.
Born February 13, 1929 in Richmond Co, NY, he was the youngest of the nine children of Vincent R. and Rachel Capodanno, Sr. His father died when he was only ten years old and the family struggled to support themselves. I have learned little else about his childhood years.
He attended a year at Fordham University and then entered the Maryknoll Missionary Seminary. His work sent him to Taiwan and later to Hong Kong. He requested to be assigned as a USN Chaplain serving with the US Marines. When his tour was up he requested an extension.
He was known as the Grunt Padre and was respected and revered by those he served with. He was killed September 4, 1967 in Que Son Valley, Quang Tin Province, South Vietnam, 30 miles south of Dan Nang. He had been shot in the hand earlier in the day but stayed in the field with his men. Later a mortar shell exploded near him, severely injuring his arm and still he stayed. He ministered to all those that he could get to. His death came from machine gun fire as he tried to help a corpsman. He was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously.
*CAPODANNO, VINCENT R. Rank and organization: Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Chaplain Corps, 3d Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF. Place and date: Quang Tin Province, Republic of Vietnam, 4 September 1967. Entered service at: Staten Island, N.Y. Born: 13 February 1929, Staten Island, N.Y. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as Chaplain of the 3d Battalion, in connection with operations against enemy forces. In response to reports that the 2d Platoon of M Company was in danger of being overrun by a massed enemy assaulting force, Lt. Capodanno left the relative safety of the company command post and ran through an open area raked with fire, directly to the beleaguered platoon. Disregarding the intense enemy small-arms, automatic-weapons, and mortar fire, he moved about the battlefield administering last rites to the dying and giving medical aid to the wounded. When an exploding mortar round inflicted painful multiple wounds to his arms and legs, and severed a portion of his right hand, he steadfastly refused all medical aid. Instead, he directed the corpsmen to help their wounded comrades and, with calm vigor, continued to move about the battlefield as he provided encouragement by voice and example to the valiant marines. Upon encountering a wounded corpsman in the direct line of fire of an enemy machine gunner positioned approximately 15 yards away, Lt. Capodanno rushed a daring attempt to aid and assist the mortally wounded corpsman. At that instant, only inches from his goal, he was struck down by a burst of machine gun fire. By his heroic conduct on the battlefield, and his inspiring example, Lt. Capodanno upheld the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life in the cause of freedom.
Father Capodanno is buried in St. Peter's Cemetery, West Brighton, Richmond, NY. His memorial at findagrave.com has more than 145 notes.
Several Chapels, a road and a Navy Frigate have been named for Father Capodanno. There are many websites dedicated to his memory. Currently there is a call for Canonization of Father Capodanno.
I took this picture and made a rubbing of the traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall when it was in Syracuse. I was able to talk to the students on my bus about Father Capodanno a bit and it was nice to find them (and their teachers!) receptive to my commentary. I may never know if we're related but I am richer for having learned about his life.
The above is a slightly edited version that was originally published at Apple's Tree on 30 December 2006.

Born February 13, 1929 in Richmond Co, NY, he was the youngest of the nine children of Vincent R. and Rachel Capodanno, Sr. His father died when he was only ten years old and the family struggled to support themselves. I have learned little else about his childhood years.
He attended a year at Fordham University and then entered the Maryknoll Missionary Seminary. His work sent him to Taiwan and later to Hong Kong. He requested to be assigned as a USN Chaplain serving with the US Marines. When his tour was up he requested an extension.
He was known as the Grunt Padre and was respected and revered by those he served with. He was killed September 4, 1967 in Que Son Valley, Quang Tin Province, South Vietnam, 30 miles south of Dan Nang. He had been shot in the hand earlier in the day but stayed in the field with his men. Later a mortar shell exploded near him, severely injuring his arm and still he stayed. He ministered to all those that he could get to. His death came from machine gun fire as he tried to help a corpsman. He was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously.

Father Capodanno is buried in St. Peter's Cemetery, West Brighton, Richmond, NY. His memorial at findagrave.com has more than 145 notes.

The above is a slightly edited version that was originally published at Apple's Tree on 30 December 2006.
Wordless Wednesday - Dorothy
Family Pictures,
Wordless Wednesday
Rose Graham Camfield, 17 Feb 1898

South Bend Feb 17th (1897) [1898]
Dear ann and all of you I don't believe I owe you a letter but then I must write any way and tell you all about the Wedding it came off last night
Bell and Mr Marsh were married at the episcopal church at 7 o'clock and from there he took her to his Home acrost the river no one was there but his relatives they will Board with his mother for the present he has a lovely home and Bell
page 2
received a great many Beautiful presents a silver Tea set from Nora Wood she used to be Nora Eastwood a cut glass watter set and ever so many other Beautiful things Bell has Beautiful clothes every stitch made by her own hands only the waist of her wedding dress she hired that made so many people came to see her clothes they were made so nice
page 3
she was married with the ring service her wedding ring is lovely I enclose a sample of the wedding dress and triming, havent heard from freds folks for some time will write to them today so good by write soon
Mrs J H Camfield

I only have a digital image of this letter but I believe the year, 1897 was added (incorrectly) at a later date.
Mabel Camfield married Benjamin J Marsh on 16 February 1898 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana.
Lenora Eastwood Wood was mentioned in Rose's last letter.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Rose Graham (South Bend, IN) to “Dear ann and all of you”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 17 February 1897 Digital Images 1-3.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1897,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
National Medal of Honor Day

To designate March 25, 1991, as `National Medal of Honor Day'.
Whereas the Medal of Honor is the highest distinction that can be awarded by the President, in the name of the Congress, to members of the Armed Forces who have distinguished themselves conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of their lives above and beyond the call of duty;
Whereas only a few of the millions of men and women who have served the Nation in war, military operations, or other armed conflicts have received the Medal of Honor;
Whereas the 1st Medal of Honor awards were presented to 6 men on March 25, 1863, by the Secretary of War;
Whereas it is appropriate to honor the heroic recipients of the Medal of Honor;
Whereas public awareness of the importance of the Medal of Honor has declined in recent years; and
Whereas the designation of National Medal of Honor Day will focus the efforts of national, State, and local organizations striving to foster public appreciation and recognition of Medal of Honor recipients: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That March 25, 1991, is designated as `National Medal of Honor Day', and the President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
HJ 652 CPH, 101st CONGRESS, 2d Session, H. J. RES. 652
You can find the names and citations of those who have received the award at both Home of the Heroes and the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, as well as the history of the award.
Tombstone Tuesday - Clarinda T Lee
Edwardsburg Cemetery AKA Pleasant Lake Cemetery
Ontwa Township, Cass County, MI
Digital image, 19 April 2008
Privately held by Apple, [Address for private use]
Edwardsburg MI,
no relation,
Tombstone Tuesday
Sarah Ann Camfield, 17 Feb 1898

Betavia Feb 17th 1898
Dear Children we are all wel and hope this will find you the same I have been wating for something to happen so as to have something new to write about but have conclude to write any way and write again the sooner Fred and Libby has just gone to her sisters in the buggy I suppose you have sleighing yet you had so much snow we have had sleighing afew days at a time twice this winter there was not more than 4 or 5 of snow either time I have been yo Bronson once that is all the sleighride I have had no we went up here to Church once we neve have so much snow this way as you do out there
I feel to sympathis with Mrs Robinson and tola in their bereavment
I have been expecting every time I heard from you to hear that Henry Brochuses wife was dead
I got the home all rite but sis not do any thing with it it was so old I was afraid it was not good and that if I had good bread I migh have to make it all the time and I did not want to be tied to it
page 2
my hyacinths are doing nicely tw of them have blossomed and two more will in about 2 weeks I think the Cryanthems are growing I put them in the celler and they begante grow so I brought them up and have them in the window my plants froze while we were there I thought the of are all dead Fred is 5 feet nine inches + three and three fourth inches and weigs about 100 and 60 pounds I knew he was near as big as Frank
from your Father and Mother
Mr and Camfield

Sarah must have been forcing bulbs.
I think I have figured out who Tola is. In other letters she is referred to as Toley or Tollie.It appears that she was the daughter of Parker and Clarinda Robinson.
On the 1860 census the family was living in Concord, Elkhart, IN. I believe she is eneumerated as Clarinda A Robinson, age 2, born IN
On the 1870 census the family is living in Buchanan, Berrien, MI and listed just before the Vorhees family. Here her name is recorded as Etola Robinson, age 12 born IN.
In 1880, still in Buchanan, age 22, with her parents and still next to Joseph and Elizabeth Vorhees but now called Louinda E. Robinson. From other letters it appears that both the Robinson's and Vorhees' were neighbors of the Carlisle's.
By 1900 her brother, Abner is living with his family next to Joseph and Elizabeth Vorhees but no sign of Toley or her parents.
Parker and Clarinda Robinson are buried in Oakridge Cemetery, Buchanan, MI - lot 20, plot 9. Based on this letter I guess Parker died in 1898 but his death record was not available at Seeking Michigan on 18 March 2009 when I looked for it.
EDIT 15 May 2010. Parker died 29 Jan 1898 and Clarinda "Classenda" died 16 Nov 1898. Both death certificates are available at SeekingMichigan.org.
In 1880 there were a couple of families in Buchanan named Broceus but none named Henry. I assume they were other neighbors.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Sarah Ann (Batavia, MI) to “Dear Children”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 17 February 1898 Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1898,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Monday, March 23, 2009
Rose Graham Camfield, 7 January 1898

South bend Jan 7th '98
Dear ann and all the rest I am almost ashamed to write to tell you about the mittens at this late day but the children received them christmas morning and was pleased to get them, their old ones was geting thin they are thankful to you for them
we havent heard any thing from home since I wrote you we have been having Beautiful sleighing here
page 2
Lilly Carlisles husband and little boy are geting well we havent had much sickness around here pearl had a letter from Orville Carlisle she writes to him some times, Lenore Eastwood is to be married in four weeks she is making her wedding clothes now his name is Wood he is a Traveling man Bell and her candy maker will be married about the same time they will have no wedding that is
page 3
no reception they will go away and be married quietly, now it dont seem possable that we will be father and mother in law to so many people does it and such is life well I must close and hope you will write soon and all the news
Rose C

Pearl was my grandmother and Rose and Joe's third child. At the time this letter was written Pearl and Orville weren't yet related.
The ig find in is letter is the reference to Lenore Eastwood. Rose and Joe named their 5th and last child Leroy Eastwood Camfield. Lenore was the daughter of Leroy Eastwood. So far I can't find a relationship between the two familes other than friendship. I had always thought that Leroy's name might hold a clue to some as yet undiscovered family line.
It doesn't look like Anna and Ashley will be invited to Belle's wedding after all! Bell's "candy man" was Benjamin Marsh.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Rose Graham (South Bend, IN) to “Dear ann and all the rest”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 7 January 1898 Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1898,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday Night Fun on Sunday
Randy's Saturday Night Fun at Genea-Musings for this week, has us chasing down our paternal grandmother's y-DNA. I still had not loaded my paternal file onto this computer so thanks to Randy I have finally gotten 'round tuit!
My father's mother was Mary Leith Kelly Berry, born 6 June 1900, Calabogie, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada and died 10 October 1970, Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. Her father was ........
James Kelly, born 18 March 1856, Adams, Jefferson, New York and died 10 October 1936 in Ontario, Canada. His father was.......
Michael Kelly, born between 1820 and 1830 somewhere in Ireland. He moved to Canada and later Adams, Jefferson, New York where it is assumed he died sometime between 1870 and 1880.
I have not traced the line back any further.
Sons of James Kelly:
Sons of Michael Kelly:
If any of my Kelly cousins stumble over this post I would love to hear from you! If you are in Oswego County I'd be happy to buy you breakfast at Mimi's or Wade's and get acquainted.
It's Saturday Night, so it's time for some genealogy fun. Since I've been searching for my Y-DNA matches (and haven't found any yet), I thought that some of you might be interested in tracing another Y-DNA line - that of your paternal grandmother.
The challenge is this:
Provide a list of your paternal grandmother's patrilineal line. Answer these questions:
* What was your father's mother's maiden name?
* What was your father's mother's father's name?
* What is your father's mother's father's patrilineal line? That is, his father's father's father's ... back to the most distant male ancestor in that line?
* Can you identify male sibling(s) of your father's mother, and any living male descendants from those male sibling(s)? If so, you have a candidate to do a Y-DNA test on that patrilineal line. If not, you may have to find male siblings, and their descendants, of the next generation back, or even further.
My father's mother was Mary Leith Kelly Berry, born 6 June 1900, Calabogie, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada and died 10 October 1970, Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. Her father was ........
James Kelly, born 18 March 1856, Adams, Jefferson, New York and died 10 October 1936 in Ontario, Canada. His father was.......
Michael Kelly, born between 1820 and 1830 somewhere in Ireland. He moved to Canada and later Adams, Jefferson, New York where it is assumed he died sometime between 1870 and 1880.
I have not traced the line back any further.
Sons of James Kelly:
- James Hurcombe Kelly, 1892 - 1965; no children I know of.
- Phillip Goodwin Kelly, 1898 - 1963; no children I know of
- Alexander Craig Kelly, 1900 - 1962; he had one son, Leonard Craig Kelly, 1917-1962. I do not know if Leonard had any children.
- Gordon Kelly, 1903 - 1913.
- Joseph Kelly, born after 1911 and died before 1951; no children I know of.
Sons of Michael Kelly:
- John Kelly, b. abt 1853, d. bef 1900
- James Kelly, covered above.
- Phillip Kelly, b. 1857 or 1858 and died between 1917 and 1920, most likely in Watertown, Jefferson, NY. Phillip had at least three sons. The first was Charles Henry Kelly, b. 9 March 1881. Charles had two daughters but I am not aware of any sons. The other two sons of Phillip were Fred Kelly, b. 27 April 1883 and Robert W Kelly b. March 1885. I do not know if either had any sons.
- William Kelly, b. abt 1862 and d. 25 Dec. 1896 Adams, Jefferson, NY. William had at least three sons. 1). Phillip, b 1881 and about whom I have no further information. 2). Bert Henry Kelly, b. Mar 1883 and d.1960. Bert had one son, Carroll K. Kelly b. abt. 1908 in Jefferson County, NY and d. June 1987, Oswego, Oswego, NY. Carroll had at least one son who may still be living and a grandson. 3). William Dwight Kelly, Sr, b. 31 July 1886 Adams, Jefferson, NY and d. 15 Dec 1956, Oswego, Oswego, NY. William had at least two sons, William Dwight Kelly, Jr and another son who may still be living. There are grandsons and great-grandsons of William Sr.
- George H Kelly, b. abt. 1867 in NY. I know George had two daughters but I am not aware of any sons.
If any of my Kelly cousins stumble over this post I would love to hear from you! If you are in Oswego County I'd be happy to buy you breakfast at Mimi's or Wade's and get acquainted.
Saturday Night Fun
Events of 1898
My family seemed fairly isolated from US and world events around them. Here are just a few events from 1898 that they may or may not have been aware of.
- The USS Maine is sunk in Havana, Cuba, leading the US to declare war on Spain.
- Spanish American War - Anna's son, Frank will go to Cuba
- February 12, 1898, the California Genealogical Society was formed
- Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition held in Omaha, NE
- Yukon Territory is formed
- The United States annexed the Hawaiian Islands
- Radium discovered
- Post office authorized the use of postcards
- United States acquired Phillipines, Guam and Puerto Rico at end of the Spanish American War
History by year
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Weekly Rewind
Weekly Reading
Harriet, at Genealogy Fun, responded to my post about the Blizzard of '93 with March Blizzard? Illness and worry during a blizzard make life extra stressful.
Spring cleaning time is here and at Olive Tree Genealogy Blog you can find all you need to know to clean your computer thoroughly and safely. Sarah A. Brown is Lorine's guest for this multi-part series.
Thanks to MoSGA Messenger I now know that March 25th is National Medal of Honor Day. I just recently discovered a Medal of Honor Recipient in my tree and even though he isn't a close relation it gave me a sense of great pride.
Can you visualize your Genetic Genealogy? The Genetic Genealogist, Blaine Bettinger shows you how to create your own visualization with photos.
Tokeloshe has created some wonderful scrapbook pages highlighting the handmade clothes her mother sewed each year. This brought back memories for me of the sewing that my mother did and the clothes that I have made for my children and grandchildren over the years.
Michelle isn't a GeneaBlogger but she often writes about her Pennsylvania German roots at House of Lime. In honor of St. Patrick's Day she wrote about her Irish roots and what happened when an Irish Catholic married a German Protestant.
The middle of the month is always a busy carnival time! Thanks to all of those that pull these carnivals together!
First up was the 11th edition of Smile for the Camera, hosted by Footnote Maven at Shades of the Departed. A huge number of entries and some wonderful stories of Brothers & Sisters.
Next up was the Military History Carnival hosted at American Presidents Blog. I particularly liked the Civil War entries.
Tim Abbott was our host at Walking the Berkshires for the 15th edition of the Cabinet of Curiosities and as usual there was a wonderful variety of topics. Submissions for this carnival are due the third Monday of every month.
The 2nd Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade of Posts stepped off at Small-leaved Shamrock with Lisa acting as Parade Marshall. This was an interesting mix of posts with the uniting theme of celebrating Irish Culture.
The topic for the upcoming 13th edition of the Carnival of
A Tribute to Women was the theme of the 68th edition of the Carnival of Genealogy hosted by Jasia at Creative Gene. There was some excellent and heart felt writing for this edition. Shame on me for not getting something written in time for two editions in a row, although I do consider the letter transcriptions a tribute, of sorts, to Sarah Ann and Anna.
My Week
I did get more letters transcribed but other than that it was not a productive genea-week.
Harriet, at Genealogy Fun, responded to my post about the Blizzard of '93 with March Blizzard? Illness and worry during a blizzard make life extra stressful.
Spring cleaning time is here and at Olive Tree Genealogy Blog you can find all you need to know to clean your computer thoroughly and safely. Sarah A. Brown is Lorine's guest for this multi-part series.
Thanks to MoSGA Messenger I now know that March 25th is National Medal of Honor Day. I just recently discovered a Medal of Honor Recipient in my tree and even though he isn't a close relation it gave me a sense of great pride.
Can you visualize your Genetic Genealogy? The Genetic Genealogist, Blaine Bettinger shows you how to create your own visualization with photos.
Tokeloshe has created some wonderful scrapbook pages highlighting the handmade clothes her mother sewed each year. This brought back memories for me of the sewing that my mother did and the clothes that I have made for my children and grandchildren over the years.
Michelle isn't a GeneaBlogger but she often writes about her Pennsylvania German roots at House of Lime. In honor of St. Patrick's Day she wrote about her Irish roots and what happened when an Irish Catholic married a German Protestant.
The middle of the month is always a busy carnival time! Thanks to all of those that pull these carnivals together!

The word prompt for the 12th Edition of Smile For The Camera is A Noble Life. Show us a photograph of an ancestor, relative, or friend that is the embodiment of A Noble Life. A life that is worthy of those who came before and those who follow after. A Life filled with small but courageous acts; filled with love and honor. A simple life, an ordinary life, A Noble Life. Bring them to the carnival and share with us how you've honored them. Admission is free with every photograph!
Next up was the Military History Carnival hosted at American Presidents Blog. I particularly liked the Civil War entries.
The Military History Carnival has been silent for awhile, but now it is back up and ready to go with its new guide, Battlefield Biker – thanks to TJ for agreeing to lead this carnival! Thanks to everyone who did submit a post to me – hopefully this will entice you all to send in more for next month as I had to contribute many of these myself!
Tim Abbott was our host at Walking the Berkshires for the 15th edition of the Cabinet of Curiosities and as usual there was a wonderful variety of topics. Submissions for this carnival are due the third Monday of every month.
Show and tell for grown ups, Cabinet of Curiosities is a celebration of the oddities and marvels of natural history, anthropology, archaeology and historic interest that reside in our personal collections. Tell us the stories behind the historical or religious relics, artifacts, mementos, talismans, specimens and ephemera in your steamer trunks, sock drawers and dusty fireplace mantles. Even if your home does not resemble the wunderkammer that mine does, anything that is a conversation piece is fair game for a good storyteller. What's in your attic? Remember, this is show and tell, not merely a bazarre of the bizarre. It's just an old lump of flattened lead unless you can tell us - engagingly - that this was the Minie Ball that shattered the stock of your ancestor's Enfield at the otherwise unremarkable Battle of Bean's Station back in December of 1863. And I'll see that old bullet and raise you a 130-year-old tortilla mailed back East in the 1880s and passed on through the generations. Seriously. So what have you got, and what's the story?

The topic for the upcoming 13th edition of the Carnival of
Irish Heritage & Culture is Irish Names. Read more at Our Irish heritage: What's in a name? on the Carnival of Irish Heritage & Culture blog. Deadline for this upcoming edition is Sunday, May 24, 2009. Hope to see you there!

And now it's time for a Call for Submissions! The topic for the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy is: What if... This is your chance to rewrite history! Have you ever imagined your ancestor playing a major roll in history? Perhaps you've envisioned them singlehandedly winning the American Revolution, going over Niagara Falls in a barrel, or inventing the flutaphone. This is your chance to write a bit of fiction about your ancestor to delight and entertain us. It is the April Fools edition after all! This edition will be hosted by Bill West at West in New England. Thanks Bill! The deadline for submissions is April 1st so start spinning your tall tales!
My Week
I did get more letters transcribed but other than that it was not a productive genea-week.
Weekly Rewind
Sarah Ann Camfield, 14 December 1897

Batavia December 14th 1897
Dear Children
we got home last thursday all right and found every thing allright all well and soforth we had a pretty good visit to Goodriches we stayed there untill friday and came home the next thursday we was gone just amonth we went to Catholic Church at South Bend X^goodrges they have nice cows they are fat enough for beef they saw us safe on the train we did not get cold going up there we went allmost flying I do not belive the horses walked half amile all the way the road was good anf the buggy easy to ride in we enjoyed the ride ever so much we got ther alittle before four oclock
well we had a good visit and agood time all through and we enjoyed it ever so much and are glad we went at least I am and I guess Father is he dont say any to contrary excus the blunders
write soon
S A Camfield

I wonder what Sarah thought of the Catholic service?
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Sarah Ann (Batavia, MI) to “Dear Children”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 14 December 1897 Digital Image.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1897,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Friday, March 20, 2009
Rose Graham Camfield, 10 December 1897

South Bend Dec 10th 1897
Dear ann I will write a few lines to let you know Mother and father went home yesterday they had their visit out and was anxious to get home they said they had a good visit ay your house and goodriches they arrived here from goodriches last friday mother was so pleased with the cape you made for her we did not think you could get one out of that old cloak, how are you all any way, we were glad to hear Frank is working he might come over here during the Holidays if he hasnt for gotten us entirely
page 2
how we would like to see you all but dont know when that will be unless you come if they ever get that Rail Road done we will come to see you and may be before Bell is Embroidering a dressing sack for herself, it is almost done it is embroidered in cream colored Roses I enclose a sample of the goods it was thirty nine cts a yard she is going to Elkhart to morrow to spend sunday
Lilly carlisle + Husband and little boy are very sick with Typhoid fever
page 3
he husband is not expected to live that is bad luck for them as Lilly was sick all sumer, Mamie has gone south to Bell
I havent heard any thing more definately about that property in Oklahoma only I received letters from __ two girls we havent found the boys yet
I suppose Orville C is at the soldiers home Pearl wants to write him a letter he Gave her some lessons in Drawing while here and she improved wonderfully, she has
page 4
made a couple of crayon pictures since he left and remarkably well in fact her work is almost as good as orvals and so she is very anxious to write to him to tell him how she gets along
well I must close this letter so good by oh I almost forgot to tell you we sent Freds wif some things 1 dozen tea spoons 1 bolt of toweling 2 1/2 yards and a lot of other things the box was fule and bundles besides she is very young but I hope all will be well
love to the children Rose
additional scrap of paper, front
I almost forgot to mention the pictures they are fine as natural as life and the shoes they are just the fit for Ruby and we are ever so much obliged for them I supose Danel and Tamerson are talking of christmas I hope santa C
additional scrap of paper, back
will remember them as well as he did last year Leroy and Ruby have written letters to him telling him what they want they have got a little black hen she lays them an egg every other day they make a great pet of her and would not part with her
Aunt Rose

Rose is very chatty in this letter with updates on Ashley's family as well. Lilly Carlisle was by this time Lillian Carlisle Ghrist, the wife of Thomas O Ghrist. She was the daughter of Orville and Lydia Bartlett Carlisle. The son mentioned was Glenn H Ghrist, 1894-1975. So Orville was still living in the soldiers home and it seems his daughter Mary Frances "Mamie" was visiting her sister Clara Belle Carlisle Sewell, most likely in Tennessee or Georgia. Obviously I have more work to do on that line.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Rose Graham (South Bend, IN) to “Dear ann”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 10 December 1897 Digital Images 1-6.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1897,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
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