We're a day late for St. Patrick's Day but the spirit is still in the air. So pour yourself a cup of green tea or grab a cold one from the fridge. We'll all have a tea party in honor of the women of COG #68! Pull up a chair, take a sip of the green stuff, and let the tea party begin. Read on, my friends! Read on!
Linda Hughes Hiser presents Carnival of Genealogy, 68th Edition--A Tale of Two Grandmothers posted at Flipside, saying, "A tribute to my two grandmothers. Different and yet alike!"
robert lord presents Lord and Lady: Ann Stanhouse 1823 letter posted at Lord and Lady, saying, "letter dated 1823, Ann 90 yrs old to grand-dau, are the facts of her trip to Mohawk Valley in 1751 historically correct."
Bill West presents West in New England: MIRIAM WILLARD posted at West in New England, saying, "While doing research on my Willard family connections, I discovered a long dead distant female relative whose life had crossed with mine in an unexpected way."
Randy Seaver presents Emily Kemp (Auble) Carringer (1899-1977) posted at Genea-Musings, saying, "This had to be about my dear, sweet Gram - probably the nicest person I've ever known."
Smallest Leaf presents America at last! Ilona's arrival at Ellis Island, 1909 posted at 100 Years in America, saying, "100 Years in America celebrates the one-hundredth anniversary of Ilona Ujlaki's arrival in America on March 2, 1909. A look back at my great-grandmother's journey from Hungary took me on a search to learn more about the experiences of steerage passengers in the early 20th-century. Read my article for some insight into what they might have encountered on their voyages one hundred years ago."
Trish Lewis presents Legacy posted at Our Mothers, saying, "My mother passed away in 2007, and I miss her dearly. Our Mothers blog was about my journey caregiving to her over her last years..."
Cheryl Rothwell presents Lillie Margaret Wood posted at ANCESTOR HUNTING, saying, "one of my great grandmothers - condensed version"
A Granddaughter presents The Legacy of Abandonment posted at Finding Grandpa, saying, "I met my maternal grandfather (Dale) when I was 18. He passed away in 2007. This blog chronicles my journey as I research his life through interviews, letters, and other historical documents. The article reflects upon one of the impacts Dale's leaving has had on my mother and on me. "
Terri presents A Tribute to Women - Carnival of Genealogy posted at The Ties That Bind, saying, "The most incredible woman in my life are the ones that have remained steadfast and of constant forces in my life. My Grandmother, Mother and 3 Aunties - I salute you!"
Taneya Koonce presents Wordless Wednesday: Pearlie Mae and her Pearls posted at Taneya's Genealogy Blog, saying, "a scrapbook page in honor of my great-grandmother"
Dorene Paul presents Graveyard Rabbit of Sandusky Bay: Leroy and Ada Parker posted at Graveyard Rabbit of Sandusky Bay, saying, "My great grandmother left a family legacy in her diairy and scrapbook of clippings. Thank you Grandma Ada!"
Midge Frazel presents DAR Connection posted at Granite in My Blood, saying, "Meet my great-grand aunt, Frances Denison Stewart, wife of George Owen Miner, a strong willed woman who lived a long life, even if she did have a "pet-peeve"."
JoLyn Day presents A Pinch of This and a Dash of That posted at Uphill Both Ways, saying, "Naomi Heninger was a good cook. That's what it says in a history written by her granddaughter. And I believe it. Especially when I read how hard she had to work to put on a good meal. These days, you can make a gourmet meal with all the fixings and hardly do any work, thanks to Costco and pre-made everything....And if you throw away the box, everybody will think you made it yourself!
But it wasn't that way for Naomi. Back in the early 1900's, everything was homemade. Come find out more about her scrumptious apple pies - and other treats she made, like Lumpy Dick and Dead Pig Pudding!"
Earline Bradt presents COG #68 - A Tribute to Women - Sarah Haines posted at Ancestral Notes.
Hawksdomain presents Rebecca Oney: An Inspiring Pioneer posted at Corel Cousins, saying, "A look at the life of the Corel family matriarch, one of the pioneer settlers of Kansas."
Tipper presents Waste Not Want Not posted at Blind Pig & The Acorn, saying, "Waste Not Want Not- Miss Bonnie lived her life by the saying."
Emery Strand presents Mega Tree Genealogy: A Fig for the Law posted at Mega Tree Genealogy, saying, "This is dedicated to the women of the past, present and future, their spirit inspires us all."
Sharon Klein presents Irene Klein, a 1985 Eulogy posted at Genealogy, saying, "Here is the 1985 eulogy for my paternal grandmother Irene Klein (nee Ida Lutsky) written by her oldest son, my Uncle Len. I recenlty posted this to my blog and it's a good fit for this edition of the Carnival."
Sharon presents Elizabeth Dewar Spalding Fender Duncan posted at Conversation With Ancestors Past, saying, "My Grandmother - "the" person in my life. Just the ramblings of a granddaughter who never forgets."
Janet Iles presents Janet the researcher: My Great Aunt Margaret posted at Janet the researcher, saying, "Janet's great aunt Margaret was a special person in her family. She was her link to her maternal grandparents' generation."
Vickie Everhart presents Ripples in the pool of life posted at .: BeNotForgot :: begotten & ne'er forgotten :., saying, "She was born to one sister, but raised by another. She was left a widow when her husband took his own life when their youngest child was only 7. And then 12 years later she had to bury that youngest child, then a 19-year-old mother, leaving her to care for 2 young grandchildren as well as their grieving father. And a short 4 years later, she herself was dead at the age of 62."
Cherie presents 68th Carnival of Genealogy: A Tribute to Women posted at Still Digging for Roots, saying, "Not a tribute, but my grandmother's absence from her family certainly made an impact."
Donna Brown presents A Tribute to Women - My Mother posted at DonnaB's Weblog.
Kathryn Doyle presents A Tribute to Dorothy Fowler (1927-2009) posted at California Genealogical Society and Library blog, saying, "The California Genealogical Society lost a special member, volunteer, friend and colleague last month - author Dorothy Helen Fowler."
Becky Wiseman presents kinexxions: Three Women posted at kinexxions, saying, "Three women who have influenced my life through their lives and actions - mom, her mother, and her mother..."
Kathy Brady-Blake presents Ellen McSorley posted at Kathy's Genealogy Blog, saying, "I've written a mini-biography about my ancestor Ellen McSorley, who balanced a career and family in the 1850s."
Donna presents Memories of Aunt Joan posted at What's Past is Prologue, saying, "Donna Pointkouski from What's Past is Prologue submitted Memories of Aunt Joan. Donna got tired of writing biographies of female relatives she never met, so she got personal with a tribute to her aunt."
Greta Koehl presents Our Donna posted at Greta's Genealogy Bog, saying, "I wanted to share this tribute to a woman who has made a huge positive impact on my life because I believe knowing Donna could turn the most hardened cynic into a believer in the human potential for goodness and in the grace of God."
John Newmark presents Belle Feinstein Newmark - A Photo Collage posted at Transylvanian Dutch, saying, "A photo collage and a tribute to my grandmother, Belle Feinstein Newmark"
Jennifer Trahan presents A Tribute to My Great-Grandmother, Hassie Cora (Proffitt) Mertena posted at Jennifer's Genealogy Blog, saying, "This is a tribute to my great-grandmother, who was a preacher's daughter, basketball player, college graduate, and teacher before she married my great-grandfather in 1931."
Delia Furrer presents Delia's Genealogy Blog: "A Tribute to Women" - Charity Wright Cook posted at Delia's Genealogy Blog, saying, "An inspiring and amazing Quaker Minister, Charity Wright Cook"
Jasia presents Remembering Annie posted at Creative Gene. This is a tribute to the oldest of my dad's six sisters. I have many fond memories of my Auntie Annie. Come meet her and see the scrapbook page I created just for her!
That concludes this edition of the Carnival of Genealogy. What a terrific group of women were remembered here, eh? I am in awe of them. Thank you to all the authors who contributed to this edition of the COG. I never fail to be impressed with the quality of your writing!
And now it's time for a Call for Submissions! The topic for the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy is: What if... This is your chance to rewrite history! Have you ever imagined your ancestor playing a major roll in history? Perhaps you've envisioned them singlehandedly winning the American Revolution, going over Niagara Falls in a barrel, or inventing the flutaphone. This is your chance to write a bit of fiction about your ancestor to delight and entertain us. It is the April Fools edition after all! This edition will be hosted by Bill West at West in New England. Thanks Bill! The deadline for submissions is April 1st so start spinning your tall tales!
Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using the carnival submission form. Please use a descriptive phrase in the title of any articles you plan to submit and/or write a brief description/introduction to your articles in the "comment" box of the blogcarnival submission form. This will give readers an idea of what you've written about and hopefully interest them in clicking on your link.
Thanks for the COG poster, fM!
Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags: carnival of genealogy, blog carnival.