Batavia December 14th 1897
Dear Children
we got home last thursday all right and found every thing allright all well and soforth we had a pretty good visit to Goodriches we stayed there untill friday and came home the next thursday we was gone just amonth we went to Catholic Church at South Bend X^goodrges they have nice cows they are fat enough for beef they saw us safe on the train we did not get cold going up there we went allmost flying I do not belive the horses walked half amile all the way the road was good anf the buggy easy to ride in we enjoyed the ride ever so much we got ther alittle before four oclock
well we had a good visit and agood time all through and we enjoyed it ever so much and are glad we went at least I am and I guess Father is he dont say any to contrary excus the blunders
write soon
S A Camfield

I wonder what Sarah thought of the Catholic service?
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Sarah Ann (Batavia, MI) to “Dear Children”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 14 December 1897 Digital Image.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1897,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
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