Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My December (SOO long)

I feel as though lately this is what all my posts have been(weekly/monthly recaps) and I am not really a fan. Hopefully as the new year starts I will have time to blog more frequently but who really know with me starting school. We shall see. Until then here is another recap!

*Peterson Family Christmas Party*
All of Phil's Grandpa Peterson's Family got together the first part of the month to have their annual Christmas party. It was good to get together with everyone, especially seeing how we missed last year. Ko did not really want to be part of the Nativity but was coaxed into being a lamb with Bevin instead of his originally assigned Shepard. He had a lot of fun playing with Grandpa, dancing with the Christmas decorations and being "best friends" with Britton, thats what he repeatedly told her.
Grandpa and Koey have a grand ol time!
Ko and Bev being sheep in the nativity

Ko singing in the mic with the polar bear

*Rodizio Grill*
Phil and I got to go to Rodizio with the Bennion Harmons Staff. Yum and free. What is a better combo?

*Forgotten Carols*
I didn't get a single picture the night we went to Forgotten Carols, but this is one of my favorite traditions. Phil and I went with my mom and dad, and as usual had an excellent time. If you have never been....you should! LOVE.
*Temple Square*
We went to Temple Square with Mindy and Dustin and I am so glad we went when we did. I don't know if we would have gone later on in the month as things got busy. So many other places I wanted to go see lights got overlooked. I loved going, Koen is so into lights and decorations so he had a good time.

I have now learned from these pictures that my coat is 100% not flattering, and would like you all to know that I am not like 40 lbs over weight....yet!Ü

*Naebor's house*
I went down to my sisters for a few days during the middle of the month which was really fun. I love her house, spending time with her and her family, and of course scrapbooking with my oh so creative sister. I made 7 layouts while I was there! Yay me! Thanks for letting me come sis. When the weather gets nice, I am sure you will see more of me! Ü And once again sorry to miss Claire Bear who Koen hit in the head with a scrapbooking eyelet hammer. OUCH!
*Thanksgiving Point Lights*
My mom and dad picked me up half way between here and my sisters house so on the way home we decided to stop at Thanksgiving Point. Wow their lights are awesome. And how great that you get to drive through in your car. A must.
*Dice Game*
Every year we go to Phil's aunt Angie's (his mom's sister) house and play the dice game. This year we came hope with an extra $10 bucks, and I think Koen earned the bulk of it! We had soup in bread bowls, sans the bread bowl for me(blasted heartburn already). Ang I totally need the Acorn Squash soup recipe (even if it takes mucho time) and the fruit salad thing you made! YUM!
I think Ko had a hay day at Ang and Dav's. All new toys!
Our gang eating some yummy food!
The nativity. Umm, this is def a sore spot of the evening. Now I can look back and laugh a little. Ko did not want to stop riding the bike to be in the nativity. At first I was like whatever not that big of a deal, but then everyone was trying to help him want to be in it so I thought I'd better help out. Well after trying with all my might and some help from Missy I tore him away from the beloved Radio Flyer bike, where I then received a slap in the face from Ko, off to time out we went, and so he didn't end up in the nativity anyway. Then I was borderline bawling because I was so upset that he hit me(this is abnormal behavior, and I am EXTREMELY emotional this pregnancy) that I had to take a break and excuse myself to the bathroom. Oh the joys of motherhood and being pregnant. I hate being emotional.
lMissy me Jake and Phil. I love putting my white self next to Missy in pictures...NOT!
Koen, Alesha, Gina and Nate
*Christmas Carol*
On the 23rd my mom and dad, us and both my brothers and there spouses went and saw A Christmas Carol at Hale Center Theater. Phil had never been before and I hadn't been for at least ten years, so that was kind of a fun thing to do right before Christmas. Once again no pic.
*Christmas Eve*
This year we were with my family on Christmas Eve. We have some traditions we always do which include, Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner, playing chimes, making gingerbread houses or trains, opening PJ's, singing a little Christmas karaoke, drawings, and racing Santa sleds. We also exchange gifts between the sybillings. My brother Ky and his wife Jen had Phil and I and gave us a queen size sleeping bag. Ky has been paying special attention over the years, cause I have ALWAYS wanted one of these. I don't sleep very well in a normal sleeping bag(totally claustrophobic) so I am way excited about this. Too bad our new baby will be putting a damper in our camping style this summer! My mom got Koen the cutest Mack the truck(from Cars) that hauls a Lightening McQueen car, that Koen is absolutely obsessed with. He has slept with it every night and it is not small, he also only has a toddler bed.
Koen, Grandpa, and Frank
Whitley and Phil
Me and Claire Bear
Love trying to get a pic with a kid on the move.
Ko and Grandma
Lucy and Whitters checking out the drawing goodies.
Ko won these awesome glasses out of the drawing. I believe the necklaces where Libby's, but he didnt mind if he borrowed a few. EEEK!
Our Christmas Jammies
All the kids dancing during karaoke.

Lucy and Whitters doing their houses
Ko's mack truck
*Christmas Day*
My sister and her family stayed over at my parents this year, so we decided we may as well all combine so the kiddies could enjoy it together. So we set all the treasures out under my mom and dads tree. Santa brought Koen a Choo Choo Train like he had been asking for, but good thing Santa got one with Thomas the train or it would not have been satisfying. He ran in and said "Thomas." Then he was right off to ride on the bike Santa had brought Libby. Funny boy. Ko also got some new tools(which he was oh so excited about since he was grounded from tools, because of the previously mention hammer incident), a digital camera, and laptop. Yes he loves electronics.
I suprised Phil with a Wii, Wii Play, Quitar Hero, and two quitars. I think he was pretty suprised. I totally thought he new, even though it was out of the budget we had set, but the look on his face showed suprise and disbelief. Good job me. haha
Christmas morning! The little kids and their glasses=awesome!
Dad trying out his new ipod from me and my sis and the hubbys
Hello! I am riding Libby's bike!

Choo choo

Mom helping Ko open his camera
Click, take a pic
The shock moments!
Dad with his new TV
Mom with her church history books
Phil with his Wii, totally saying "Really?"
Koda with his new Christmas sweater

Merry Christmas
Phil loves Christmas
After we finished up Christmas morning with my family we headed over to Phils cousin house for Brunch. I always love going to hang out with the Olsen's Christmas morning and was really glad that Trevor and Andrea took over the duty this year, thanks! Then it was off to Phil's parents house for the day. Opening presents, playing the wii, and enjoying eachothers company. Phil's parents gave Ko a guitar and a doctor kit, which he constantly refers to as his "pharmacy supplies."
Phil, me and Mindy
Jake, Missy holding Kade, Marissa, Tanna holding Paige, & Matt holding Kate

All in all Phil and I ended up with a nice wad of cash. Phil has already spent some of his on some comfy shoes for work, and Wii stuff. As for me all I ever want is clothes, but not really at this point of chubbyness. Nor do I really want to buy maternity clothes. So maybe I will hold off and have lots of money for after the baby, since my birthday falls around then too!

It was a great Christmas. Phil and I so enjoyed being able to be home for the holidays and enjoy all the different parties and traditional Utah holiday things. We are so grateful to be surrounded by such great family. We love you all!

For those of you who inquired with questions on my last post here is the news:
*Suzi you can make me a towel...haha you really don't have to make me anything, but I like towels! Ü
*I am feeling good, no throwing up for me here, just a little heartburn and a serious case of tiredness! Some small complication in the beginning, but things seem to be on the up.
*I am almost 17 weeks, and to all my Erie friends I don't know if it occurred to you how close my due date of June 16th falls to Phil's graduation date of May 31st. I will not be able to come...I am seriously SO sad. I try not to think about it.
*Danielle I am excited you think I need a little boy. As much as I want a girl, I think Koen would really enjoy a little brother.
*Kori I am impressed you were able to lose you weight so fast, way to go, you look great! Ü
*I find out the end of January what it is. And I am totally nervous, lame I know.
*Kara, that is EXACTLY what I thought when I read your post, we must have the same time line going on!
Whelp, keep ya posted.


Anonymous said...

I love all of the pictures, your holidays look wonderful! I can't get over the fact that you are 17 weeks along you are almost on the down slope. Incredible, I am very impressed with how you kept it quiet for so long, perhaps because I lack that ability. Give Dr. L a hive five for me I have a yearly check up in a few weeks.

Blass Family said...

What a fun post! It looks like you guys had a great Christmas. I got my hubby the Guitar hero for our wii also and I cant get him to stop playing it!! Good luck with the pregnancy!

Anonymous said...

Great update sis! I guess I will be doing mine when I get my new computer considering I don't have the pictures downloaded...so Annoying...wish I was done too! So glad you could come to my house. Thanks for helping out! Love ya!

Thompson Family said...

What a fun and busy month! I love Koen's camera. We almost got one for Summer, but I wasn't sure if she'd understand it yet. You'll have to let me know how he likes it. And are you going back to school??

Levi and Suzi said...

A towel it is...I just realized that I need to e-mail you back. Also, I was talking to Laura and realized you won't be here in May and I am SO SAD! I told her I didn't know if I would really ever get to see you again, and I didn't really get to say bye. So, I'm sad, but really excited for you and your baby! :)

The Johnson Family said...

Good to read the update, totally need to update my own little blog. It is so fun to read about everyone's different christmas tradititons. Glad that you had a great Christmas.

Kim said...

Wow...sounds like you had a busy Christmas! I hear you about Koen hitting you in the face. Boston does it to me and I totally get my feelings hurt. :) Glad you had such a good Christmas and are feeling better!

Stacey said...

I must say that I am not normally a fan of long hair but your hair looks rally cute in that picture at the top of you and Phil. It makes me want to grow mine out!

McKenzie said...

First of all- CONGRATULATIONS!! Wow I can NOT believe you are on baby #2! That is so exciting. Now we really need to get together since we are only a few weeks apart and you have been through the whole pregnancy thing before so you can show me the ropes! And what a fun December/Christmas. Koen looks pretty big in some of those pictures so it is a good thing you will have a tiny newborn soon!

Team Fraser said...

Thank you so much for the update I was dying! You all are looking so cute in your new jammies! And I can't wait for you to find out what you are having...:)

Anonymous said...

I am excited for you guys, I am also excited for you to find out what you are having. You had me all confused after what you told me when I saw you at the Moutsos halloween party. I didn't know that you were pregnant. I am glad everything is going okay. Your little Koen is cute!

Cristin said...

Good Long post Sha! Great pics! So cute. I bet you are loving being close to family. I loved the prego updates at the end. I cant believe you are due in June..that seems REALLY close..for some reason..WOW!

brady and britton said...

Nice update! I feel like I don't have to do an update on my blog because I have all the same pics that you have from Christmas and New Years. How funny. I have been the worst at blogging. Now that the holidays are over, I plan to do much better. Great new post, loved all the pictures and information. Love you.