Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Week

Last week was definitely an eventful one. Nate and Gina came in town on a unexpected trip for her Grandpa's funeral, which allowed them to be here for Thanksgiving. Koen was so excited to see Kade Tuesday morning, so they dropped by and they played a bit.
That night we all went over to Phil's parents house to hang out and catch up! That was the start of the late nights!Best cousins reunited!
Wednesday I watched Kade during the funeral. I figure Ko needs as much time with his best little buddy as he can get, while they are in town. Of course neither of them would nap, but they were both good for the most part. Minus Kade locking himself in Ko's room a few times. haha
The decided against the nap and for Mosnters Inc. Obviously Kade is so tired!
My sis and her kids came that day too, Whitters needed to be in on the pic.
Sometimes when Ko goes potty he thinks his shirt is in the way and he needs to strip down....obviously this time he was having a little bit of a hard time!
Wednesday night all of Phil's friends and wives got together while the Browns, and A Olsens where in town and went to dinner. It was way fun and good food, if we all disregard the hour wait! After we went to Eric and Stacey's and hung out and chatted, always a good time. Once again a late night!
Me and Lydns
Cody, Devry Stacey and Eric
Phil, me, Dust Mindy and little Bev's
Lynds, Garr, Steve and Laura
I didnt get a pic of Aaron and Bri :(
Thursday my mom had Thanksgiving at her house. There were about 30 people which made a full house! The food was scrum and the company even better!
Kind of a weird pic. Gram and Ky on the one side and then Nana, Jeff and Kirst
Kids table. Frank, Ko and Zach Lucy, Whitley and Granty
Libs found the knife from the pie! YUM!
Koen and Frank
Me, sis and mom
Sisterly love
Not the cutest pic, but Ko took it. And Bry's face in the background is awesome.
That night we went and saw Twilight with most of Phil's family, Gina's family and my sis and nephew. I loved it again for the second time! It is such a good movie! I have already started reading the book again and I'm not really a re-reader. But it is fun to read it again while the movie is so fresh!
We watched Kade again on Friday while Gina's little brother went though the temple. This was a good time for the two of them, cause they werent tired. Arent they cute?
The rest of the weekend Phil and I battled a cold and got out the Christmas decor. I am happy to say I am about 85% done Christmas shopping YAHOO!


kori said...

What a busy week! Those two little boys are so cute. Glad you guys had a good Thanksgiving!

Giron Family said...

Sounds like it was a crazy but fun filled weekend for ya!
I always love Ko's lil cheesers! And his hat in the last pic is so cute on him.
Way to go being almost done with Christmas shopping! How the heck do you do that?!

The Johnson Family said...

You definitely did a lot through Thanksgiving. That is so fun that you were able to spend the holiday with all of the fam.

Kris and Brent said...

Cute, Lesh! And the pic of Kade and Koen is darling! Can you e-mail me a full-size copy of that? Looks like your family did Thanksgiving up right - what a cute picture of you with your mom and your sister. We're glad we got to see alot of you, too! Having the family all together was wonderful!

Gina said...

I just realized that I haven't seen your blog for a long time because I didn't know that you had officially gone private. I hadn't seen the last like 3 posts! Geez! That was a cute post... and very cute pic of the boys! Thanks again for everything on the trip. You are the best!

Melanie and Daniel said...

I love the picture of Koen trying to get his shirt off. So so cute!

Cicely said...

I don't know if I've told you this before, but you are gorgeous. And Erie misses you.

Anonymous said...

I am seriously cracking up right now about Bry's face in the back of that funny! Cute post sis...I like the pics of us girls...way fun and way over due! Love ya sis!

Team Fraser said...

dang you had a busy week!! cute picture's!!

Thompson Family said...

Aren't the Holidays fun!? It sounds like you guys had a great Thanksgiving weekend:)

Levi and Suzi said...

So, I thought you hadn't been blogging because my reader never showed that you had updated. Thank goodness I checked! :) You and your sister look a lot alike...both beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had an eventful Thanksgiving! Cute pics! It was fun going out to eat with you! I hope to see you guys if or when we all get together again in the next couple of weeks.

Kim said...

Looks like you've been busy! Love the pics...especially that last one with Koen's big smile. Too cute!!

becca said...

I am jealous that you are 85% done christmas shopping. Every year I try to do that and I always end up doing the last minute thing. I hate it! Those picture of Kade and Koen reunited are adorable! What sweet boys! Sounds like you had a fun and busy Thanksgiving!

brady and britton said...

Thanksgiving was so busy for us too, but it was so much fun! I love that picture of Koen crying and trying to take his shirt off. HIlarious!