Monday, February 25, 2008

Taggity tag tag tag!

I have to list seven random facts about myself and then tag seven people.

Here are the rules.
#1 Link to the person that tagged you.
#2 Post the rules on your blog.
#3 Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
#4 Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
# 5 Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.

#1 When I was little I wanted 12 kids, one born in each month of the year. Later it turned to 10, cause I figured my husband and I could take a month. Now I think I am more so down to just having a few in months in a row. (we already have May June and July)
#2 As much as I love the beach, lake, and swimming the water totally freaks me out! I am mostly down for the sun tan that comes along with those! I like water as long as I can touch, otherwise I kind of freak out. I easily think I am going to drown. And I HATE HATE HATE being dunked.
#3 I am OBSESSED with cheese. (along with my whole family) For all about me in Young womens back in the day I totally brought a brick of cheese! I buy two bricks of cheese a week along with some shredded, string and sliced! YIKES! My fav snack is cheese and triscuits.
#4 Sometimes I cheer and dance around my house! Obviously I really love it. (sis I know you would love that) Sometimes I bust out the Eisenhower school song! Actions and all. I also tumble once a year just to make sure I can still do it!
#5 Koda sleeps with us everynight. And while Phil just moves him when he is in his way, I maneuver myself around him all night, instead of moving him. I usually sleep in a VERY small space on the bed because Phil takes up his half and half of mine and Koda takes up my whole end!
#6 I hate being continuously licked by dogs(Koda)EXCEPT I love when he licks my feet and in between my toes. I know gross and weird.
#7 When I was little I always wanted a little brother. So I had an invisible one. His name was Brennan, and he lived in our heater closet. This was when I was in 5-8 grade...I know.

I'll tag Kortni, Laura and Lyndsay


Stacey said...

12 kids wow! 8th grade is a little old to have an imaginary brother. You are funny!

Brady and Britton said...

Okay, the whole lick between the toes thing...does that remind you of a certain dog named Savannah?! So gross, but funny!!

Giron Family said...

Brennan? Where did that name come from? Aww you were on of those weird kids that had a invisable friend. Acutally you weren't even really a kid you were a tween. How weird!
I feel like you did a good job of being out in the ocean at Ocean City. I never knew you were afraid!
And I think that everyone that knows you knows you LOVE CHEESE!
Silly Sha!

Anonymous said...

Okay the dog licking thing and the dog in the bed thing still gross me out, but I still love you. Koodoes on the cheese and triscuts my fav too!

Tayna said...

So Alesha, I don't think you're weird at all. But that's probably because I'm wierder. Anyway, I tagged you from my blog, but you already had this from your mom. So we'll count it for mine too. Anyway, stay cute!

Kris and Brent said...

Entertaining! I'm still chuckling from the last entry! I guess it's okay for him to clean the lint from between your toes -- just don't let him lick your face right after!!! (or Koen's...) JK!

Anonymous said...

Sis, I will even let you cheer and dance around my house, if you would just come live with me. Please? Call me!

Gina said...

Brennan! You totally kept that a secret back in the day...and rightfully so.

Team Fraser said...

We are totally opposite on your number #5. I totally move the dog. I changed it to 5 cause I didn't have anymore! And all I can is no wonder you had problems you what I'm talking more cheese for you!

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure I haven't laughed this hard in awhile... ha ha... "WE ARE THE GENERALS FROM EISENHOWER"- I love that. So cheese is a family favorite... what happens when you come down to the last string cheese... yikes! And I loved hearing about Brennan... I might have to steal him... an invisible boyfriend? why not :)

becca said...

LOL, those are hilarious! Although the whole dog in bed and licking toes grosses me out a little bit. Ha, ha. I love it!

Julie said...

ha ha ha! So funny! My mom has a dog that is OCD about licking people's feet. I love it too!

M I N D Y said...

I have so enjoyed this tag!! You are so funny! I actually laughed out loud when I read yours. The imaginary brother takes the cake, seriously!! Did you talk to him or just pretend he was hanging out with you?