Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ode to "bean bee"

I thought I would let you all view our most important part of the family...bean bee. This is Koen's blanket. I will give a little beanbee background. I received this blanket at a shower and thought it an odd size as it was only about 12 inches square, and wondered what I would use it for. Who would have known it would be our most prized possesion. I really have no idea how it became that either. I do know that Koen started really loving this blanket when he started sucking him thumb at about 4 months old. We have tried to replace it with many others, but they were never liked in the slightest. I decided this past summer to buckle down and buy the EXACT same one(I had held off because it was a THIRTY dollar 12*12 blanket) So I went and bought it, and tried for the whole summer to get him to take to it. I washed them together made him sleep with it(all though every morning I found it outside the crib)Finally when we came back from UT for the summer I decided it wasnt worth it anymore and put it in a box for our next child to love! Ü

Here is the torn and tattered blanket of love! I figure once it completly falls apart it will have to be over and I hope the thumb sucking goes with it!

This day Koen thought it was really funny to wear beanbee as a hat. Silly kids.

Koen loves to chew on bean bee. Thus the sides are black and gross(even fresh from the wash) and it is falling apart. It also has a pleasent morning breath aroma!

We are lucky however, that we DONT take it everywhere. He isnt good about leaving it in his crib, so the first time he drops it I hide it. Then when he asks for it I tell him "beanbee is sleeping" And he is usually pretty good about that! Gotta love bean bee!


Team Fraser said...

geez you gotta love the little habits! I can't believe he still sucks it! So funny!

Giron Family said...

That thing is so nasty! He's not even two yet how did it get like that??? Craziness Sha. It's weird that you can't replace it even with the same darn thing, he knows! It must need to be "seasoned" with body scent and slobber! Atleast it's cute now. If he is still carrying it around in 5years you got a problem! Funny funny Ko Ko!

Stacey said...

How sick!!! Maybe one day it just won't live through the wash :) At least he is cute!

Gina said...

Oh bean-bee...what will he ever do when it's gone! I saw a girl on the news with her old blanket from like 30 years ago and it was literally a few strings. Maybe that's Ko's future! At least he has something to calm him down at night and nap time. The bean-bee does it's job when it needs to :)

Michelle Baird Designs said...

Dude! How big is the beanbee!? It barely covers his head! It is looking pretty shabby. Almost time to go to Beanbee heaven. Sad, but true.

Amie said...

that is so funny. I hope that Camrie doesn't get a blanket that she has to have. I have tried to always give her a different one to sleep with and mix it up.

Anonymous said...

Well leash, I feel your pain with the blanket. Except we do drag it everywhere. I figure, kids should be able to just love whatever they love, and then there comes a point that they need to be contained with the thing they love and we are about a month away from that point with miss claire. I love ya sis, wish i would have talked to you today to wish you happy valentines day. Hope you had a great one.

Ashley said...

i am doubting he will get rid of it anytime soon. i still sleep with the blanket my grandma gave me when i was born. yep, 26 years later and it's still around. jord thinks one day it will choke him to death in the night because he's woken up before with it's strings around his neck....

Anonymous said...

NO, you can't leave me a lone woman here in the east!!! I was hoping you would have to move to MD and do roations here with me!! o'well I'll just come to Utah to see you!!!! jusst love this time while ko ko is a little kid kook cause soon he will be a teen kook and he deff. won't be carring his tiny tiny blanket around!!!

Levi and Suzi said...

I love that he is so attached to his bean bee! What a cutie. I also love that this is your V-day post. You secretly love bean bee too, don't you. :)

K Lovell said...

I think it is too cute! Keep in mind Henry is eight and still sucks his fingers.