Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My December (SOO long)

I feel as though lately this is what all my posts have been(weekly/monthly recaps) and I am not really a fan. Hopefully as the new year starts I will have time to blog more frequently but who really know with me starting school. We shall see. Until then here is another recap!

*Peterson Family Christmas Party*
All of Phil's Grandpa Peterson's Family got together the first part of the month to have their annual Christmas party. It was good to get together with everyone, especially seeing how we missed last year. Ko did not really want to be part of the Nativity but was coaxed into being a lamb with Bevin instead of his originally assigned Shepard. He had a lot of fun playing with Grandpa, dancing with the Christmas decorations and being "best friends" with Britton, thats what he repeatedly told her.
Grandpa and Koey have a grand ol time!
Ko and Bev being sheep in the nativity

Ko singing in the mic with the polar bear

*Rodizio Grill*
Phil and I got to go to Rodizio with the Bennion Harmons Staff. Yum and free. What is a better combo?

*Forgotten Carols*
I didn't get a single picture the night we went to Forgotten Carols, but this is one of my favorite traditions. Phil and I went with my mom and dad, and as usual had an excellent time. If you have never been....you should! LOVE.
*Temple Square*
We went to Temple Square with Mindy and Dustin and I am so glad we went when we did. I don't know if we would have gone later on in the month as things got busy. So many other places I wanted to go see lights got overlooked. I loved going, Koen is so into lights and decorations so he had a good time.

I have now learned from these pictures that my coat is 100% not flattering, and would like you all to know that I am not like 40 lbs over weight....yet!Ü

*Naebor's house*
I went down to my sisters for a few days during the middle of the month which was really fun. I love her house, spending time with her and her family, and of course scrapbooking with my oh so creative sister. I made 7 layouts while I was there! Yay me! Thanks for letting me come sis. When the weather gets nice, I am sure you will see more of me! Ü And once again sorry to miss Claire Bear who Koen hit in the head with a scrapbooking eyelet hammer. OUCH!
*Thanksgiving Point Lights*
My mom and dad picked me up half way between here and my sisters house so on the way home we decided to stop at Thanksgiving Point. Wow their lights are awesome. And how great that you get to drive through in your car. A must.
*Dice Game*
Every year we go to Phil's aunt Angie's (his mom's sister) house and play the dice game. This year we came hope with an extra $10 bucks, and I think Koen earned the bulk of it! We had soup in bread bowls, sans the bread bowl for me(blasted heartburn already). Ang I totally need the Acorn Squash soup recipe (even if it takes mucho time) and the fruit salad thing you made! YUM!
I think Ko had a hay day at Ang and Dav's. All new toys!
Our gang eating some yummy food!
The nativity. Umm, this is def a sore spot of the evening. Now I can look back and laugh a little. Ko did not want to stop riding the bike to be in the nativity. At first I was like whatever not that big of a deal, but then everyone was trying to help him want to be in it so I thought I'd better help out. Well after trying with all my might and some help from Missy I tore him away from the beloved Radio Flyer bike, where I then received a slap in the face from Ko, off to time out we went, and so he didn't end up in the nativity anyway. Then I was borderline bawling because I was so upset that he hit me(this is abnormal behavior, and I am EXTREMELY emotional this pregnancy) that I had to take a break and excuse myself to the bathroom. Oh the joys of motherhood and being pregnant. I hate being emotional.
lMissy me Jake and Phil. I love putting my white self next to Missy in pictures...NOT!
Koen, Alesha, Gina and Nate
*Christmas Carol*
On the 23rd my mom and dad, us and both my brothers and there spouses went and saw A Christmas Carol at Hale Center Theater. Phil had never been before and I hadn't been for at least ten years, so that was kind of a fun thing to do right before Christmas. Once again no pic.
*Christmas Eve*
This year we were with my family on Christmas Eve. We have some traditions we always do which include, Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner, playing chimes, making gingerbread houses or trains, opening PJ's, singing a little Christmas karaoke, drawings, and racing Santa sleds. We also exchange gifts between the sybillings. My brother Ky and his wife Jen had Phil and I and gave us a queen size sleeping bag. Ky has been paying special attention over the years, cause I have ALWAYS wanted one of these. I don't sleep very well in a normal sleeping bag(totally claustrophobic) so I am way excited about this. Too bad our new baby will be putting a damper in our camping style this summer! My mom got Koen the cutest Mack the truck(from Cars) that hauls a Lightening McQueen car, that Koen is absolutely obsessed with. He has slept with it every night and it is not small, he also only has a toddler bed.
Koen, Grandpa, and Frank
Whitley and Phil
Me and Claire Bear
Love trying to get a pic with a kid on the move.
Ko and Grandma
Lucy and Whitters checking out the drawing goodies.
Ko won these awesome glasses out of the drawing. I believe the necklaces where Libby's, but he didnt mind if he borrowed a few. EEEK!
Our Christmas Jammies
All the kids dancing during karaoke.

Lucy and Whitters doing their houses
Ko's mack truck
*Christmas Day*
My sister and her family stayed over at my parents this year, so we decided we may as well all combine so the kiddies could enjoy it together. So we set all the treasures out under my mom and dads tree. Santa brought Koen a Choo Choo Train like he had been asking for, but good thing Santa got one with Thomas the train or it would not have been satisfying. He ran in and said "Thomas." Then he was right off to ride on the bike Santa had brought Libby. Funny boy. Ko also got some new tools(which he was oh so excited about since he was grounded from tools, because of the previously mention hammer incident), a digital camera, and laptop. Yes he loves electronics.
I suprised Phil with a Wii, Wii Play, Quitar Hero, and two quitars. I think he was pretty suprised. I totally thought he new, even though it was out of the budget we had set, but the look on his face showed suprise and disbelief. Good job me. haha
Christmas morning! The little kids and their glasses=awesome!
Dad trying out his new ipod from me and my sis and the hubbys
Hello! I am riding Libby's bike!

Choo choo

Mom helping Ko open his camera
Click, take a pic
The shock moments!
Dad with his new TV
Mom with her church history books
Phil with his Wii, totally saying "Really?"
Koda with his new Christmas sweater

Merry Christmas
Phil loves Christmas
After we finished up Christmas morning with my family we headed over to Phils cousin house for Brunch. I always love going to hang out with the Olsen's Christmas morning and was really glad that Trevor and Andrea took over the duty this year, thanks! Then it was off to Phil's parents house for the day. Opening presents, playing the wii, and enjoying eachothers company. Phil's parents gave Ko a guitar and a doctor kit, which he constantly refers to as his "pharmacy supplies."
Phil, me and Mindy
Jake, Missy holding Kade, Marissa, Tanna holding Paige, & Matt holding Kate

All in all Phil and I ended up with a nice wad of cash. Phil has already spent some of his on some comfy shoes for work, and Wii stuff. As for me all I ever want is clothes, but not really at this point of chubbyness. Nor do I really want to buy maternity clothes. So maybe I will hold off and have lots of money for after the baby, since my birthday falls around then too!

It was a great Christmas. Phil and I so enjoyed being able to be home for the holidays and enjoy all the different parties and traditional Utah holiday things. We are so grateful to be surrounded by such great family. We love you all!

For those of you who inquired with questions on my last post here is the news:
*Suzi you can make me a towel...haha you really don't have to make me anything, but I like towels! Ü
*I am feeling good, no throwing up for me here, just a little heartburn and a serious case of tiredness! Some small complication in the beginning, but things seem to be on the up.
*I am almost 17 weeks, and to all my Erie friends I don't know if it occurred to you how close my due date of June 16th falls to Phil's graduation date of May 31st. I will not be able to come...I am seriously SO sad. I try not to think about it.
*Danielle I am excited you think I need a little boy. As much as I want a girl, I think Koen would really enjoy a little brother.
*Kori I am impressed you were able to lose you weight so fast, way to go, you look great! Ü
*I find out the end of January what it is. And I am totally nervous, lame I know.
*Kara, that is EXACTLY what I thought when I read your post, we must have the same time line going on!
Whelp, keep ya posted.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Lots has changed with our little family in the past year. We have made a huge move cross country back to  Utah. Although we enjoy being home with family, we sure miss our life and friends back in Erie. Koen is adjusting well, but definitely misses his first friends. Phil and I are currently serving as the Sunbeam teachers in Primary, and adjusting to a whole different life of Phil working full time plus and no school.
Phil is busy finishing up his last few months of rotations. He has been working at the Jordan Valley Hospital, and in January will go to the new IMC for two rotations. He will also get to spend time in the NICU at Primary Children’s. In his “spare time” (there isn’t any) he works for Harmons, where he actually gets paid. He looks forward to Sundays when he can spend time with his family, and graduating in May.
Alesha is just trying to adjust to life in Utah. I am going back to school in January, where I have two semesters left before I can apply for Dental Hygiene School. I am happy we will be settling here in our little apartment for a couple of years, 3 moves in 2 years is enough for a little while. 
Koen is now 2 ½ and go go go as usual. He is seriously like the energizer bunny, he keeps on going! He loves all heavy machinery, dump trucks, diggers you name it. He also loves Cars, trains, Bob the Builder and Dora the Explorer.  He talks non stop, which is always a treat to hear the funny things that come out of his little mouth.
Merry Christmas!!!

Tag...I choose myself.

I totally didnt get tagged but I thought this tag was really fun, so I tagged myself!

1- Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant? In the bathroom
2-Who was with you? I was rollin Solo
3-How did you find out that you were pregn​ant? The 2nd pee test...I have low HCG and it didnt show up until about a week late
4- What was your first​ react​ion to findi​ng out you were pregn​ant? Surprised but not at the same time. We def weren't trying but we kinda knew it was time.
5-Who was the first​ person you told?​ Phil, pretty sure I could have done something cuter, but I totally just called him at work, and then he had to do all the awkward "oh really?" "are ya sure?" So no one knew what he was talking about.
6-Did you plan to get pregn​ant? Um...already answered this but no, but we knew we were playing with fire..hahaI feel like with the first there is always that question of "can I?"
7-Was everybody happy​ for you? I am sure they were but I think everyone was SHOCKED! We had swore we were waiting 5 years!
8-Did you want to find out the sex?I think I am the biggest planner in the world, so most def. When Phil and I were dating I planned out when we would do what and when we would have children etc.
9 What was the sex? Boy
10-Did anyon​e throw​ you a baby showe​r? Who? Yes I had a few. My ward, Phil s family, My friends, and my work
11-Did you get any outfi​ts at the baby showe​r that you just knew you weren​'​t going​ to put on your baby? Boy did I ever! Some of them went straight to the DI! Am I rude? I couldn't even re-gift them? I am ULTRA picky.
12-How much weigh​t did you gain? 22 lbs.
One week to go!
13-Did you lose​ all of the weigh​t that you gaine​d?​ Yes, although I came home from the hospital weighing the same as the day before I had him because they pumped me so full of water, I dropped it all in 10 days! I can only hope to be so lucky next time!
14-Did you get a lot of stret​ch marks​?​ I think I have like 6 and I hate them with a passion even though they really aren't that bad. I cried for a whole day when I got them, and demanded the baby out, but the damage was done and my belly will never again see the light of day!
15- What did you crave the most? Anything weird? It is just my opinion but cravings are over rated! I think people have cravings all the time but pregnancy is the biggest excuse...uhhmm...back to the question, I preferred salty over sweet. I actually couldn't eat sweets for the first 20+ weeks cause they made me sick!
16-Who or what got on your nerve​s the most? I would pretty much say heartburn...its a *#@$%
17-Did you have any compl​icati​ons durin​g your pregnancy? Not really during the pregnancy but the delivery was a doozy! I had to have a C-Section after 17 hours of labor because my little man was way to tangled in the cord to have any more cord length to come out!
18- Where​ were you when you went into labor​?​ On my bed talking to my mom, I remember specifically saying "Mom either I peed my pants or my water just broke"
19- Did your water​ break​? Sure did.
20- Who drove​ you to the hospi​tal? umm..Phil? Is that sad that I dont remember. I know my mom was there too, so one of them.
21- Did you go early​ or late? 4 days early

22- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth​? Well just Phil besides the docs, they wont let anyone else for a section.
23- Was it video​taped​? No, hospital policy :(
24- Did you have any drugs​ for the pain? Ummm are you serious, I dont think that is a question. The Epidural first for just a regular birth, then hyped up to the chest.
25- What was your first​ react​ion after​ giving​ birth​? I cried a lot, I think I was a little hormonal, although crying was def not unusual at this point. I had spent the previous 17 hours crying, boy did it show!
26- How big was the baby? 6 lb 7.7 oz and I totally dont know how long...like 20 in
27- Did your Husba​nd cry? welled up, but I dont think overflowed.
29- Did the baby have any compl​icati​ons? A serious case of jaundice but nothing else. He did get to suntan for a whole day at the hospital though. And he actually had jaundice for more than 2 months...weird!
30- How old is your baby today? 2 1/2
31- When is the next one comin​g? June 16, 2009 ish
32- ​If you could​,​ would​ you do it all over again​?​ Well I guess that is a given from the above answer. But I am a little nervous, this ones already strated out more difficult.
I just tag anyone who wants to do it......believe me, it's fun, and we all like to hear about it!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


This post is dedicated to the one and only Koen. I wanted to write down a few of the things he is doing right now.
Common phrases:
-"Can you do me a favorite mom?" as in favor
-"I need 2 cheesumburgers, and Icecream cone, Mom you want an icecream cone? And one icrecream cone for mom." Into our mouse noise maker thing as he rides up on his car/bike. Below is a pic in case you dont know what I am referring to.
-"I don't want to go pee pee in the big potty and I don't want a special treat!"
-"We need buy stuartmallows" For some reason this is his name for marshmallows.
-"Its Koen's turn to dribe!" everytime we get home, cause if he is good I let him have supervised car play.
-"You're right mom" any time I tell him something that he thinks is right.
-"Um...I sink so" Anytime I ask him if he can do something
-"Grandpa I need hold your keys!" or anyone else for that matter, the kids is OBSESSED with keys!
-"Mom, I'n not crying anymore" said while he is still crying, trying to get out of time out
-Playing out side and riding his bike. His legs still arent long enough to pedal but that doesn't keep him from hauling all the way down the street if I let him! Who knows what he will do when there is a bunch of snow!?
-pockets. He is already a little thief...haha When we put on his jammies at night he often cries cause he doesn't have pockets. He loves to put everything in them, and if we don't check his pockets before leaving somewhere we often come home with extra stuff!
-the holidays. He was SO into Halloween, for at least a month after everything was scary, and he wanted to turn on Grandma's "Halloweens" (her decorations) He is loving Christmas time too and can hardly keep away from the Christmas decoration, he wants our tree on ALL DAY! Today he visited Santa. He loved him. I have been prepping him and showing him the pic from him sitting with him last year, and it worked. He told him he wanted a choo choo train and some honey.(on winnie the pooh's Christmas that is what pooh wants) Too bad Santa has a lazy eye... ;)

-Singing songs. He often breaks out in the theme song from one of his shows, and he helps us sing him songs at night. disregard that he is on the pot for the video!

This is a really fun age and Koen is a really good kid. Most of the time we have a lot of fun together. Although sometimes his terrible 2 1/2's shine through! We love you buddy!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Week

Last week was definitely an eventful one. Nate and Gina came in town on a unexpected trip for her Grandpa's funeral, which allowed them to be here for Thanksgiving. Koen was so excited to see Kade Tuesday morning, so they dropped by and they played a bit.
That night we all went over to Phil's parents house to hang out and catch up! That was the start of the late nights!Best cousins reunited!
Wednesday I watched Kade during the funeral. I figure Ko needs as much time with his best little buddy as he can get, while they are in town. Of course neither of them would nap, but they were both good for the most part. Minus Kade locking himself in Ko's room a few times. haha
The decided against the nap and for Mosnters Inc. Obviously Kade is so tired!
My sis and her kids came that day too, Whitters needed to be in on the pic.
Sometimes when Ko goes potty he thinks his shirt is in the way and he needs to strip down....obviously this time he was having a little bit of a hard time!
Wednesday night all of Phil's friends and wives got together while the Browns, and A Olsens where in town and went to dinner. It was way fun and good food, if we all disregard the hour wait! After we went to Eric and Stacey's and hung out and chatted, always a good time. Once again a late night!
Me and Lydns
Cody, Devry Stacey and Eric
Phil, me, Dust Mindy and little Bev's
Lynds, Garr, Steve and Laura
I didnt get a pic of Aaron and Bri :(
Thursday my mom had Thanksgiving at her house. There were about 30 people which made a full house! The food was scrum and the company even better!
Kind of a weird pic. Gram and Ky on the one side and then Nana, Jeff and Kirst
Kids table. Frank, Ko and Zach Lucy, Whitley and Granty
Libs found the knife from the pie! YUM!
Koen and Frank
Me, sis and mom
Sisterly love
Not the cutest pic, but Ko took it. And Bry's face in the background is awesome.
That night we went and saw Twilight with most of Phil's family, Gina's family and my sis and nephew. I loved it again for the second time! It is such a good movie! I have already started reading the book again and I'm not really a re-reader. But it is fun to read it again while the movie is so fresh!
We watched Kade again on Friday while Gina's little brother went though the temple. This was a good time for the two of them, cause they werent tired. Arent they cute?
The rest of the weekend Phil and I battled a cold and got out the Christmas decor. I am happy to say I am about 85% done Christmas shopping YAHOO!