Showing posts with label Zombies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zombies. Show all posts

25 Apr 2010

Break from the norm

Hi folks,

Been a while again! i'm a bad bad blogger for which i am very sorry :o)

I have had a bit of a burn out with my guard army and before i lost all interest in them i decided to get on with a couple of other bits and have a break from the ice blue menace.

First up i have 3 Gangers for my wife's necromunda gang to finish which just need a few details finishing up.

A couple of weeks ago some one kindly sent me 1k of vampire counts for nothing! so they have become my wife's fantasy army.
As i already have a my own big project in the guard army for 40k, the VC are getting a quick and dirty dipping but to keep them "Pretty" for my wife will have autumnal scenic bases.

I also have a couple of commission jobs for blood bowl teams that have come in.

First up is a Lizardman team for Chris,

We are still working out the scheme for these very cool (and some what rare i believe) models, so i have just started blocking out the parts that will be metallic with black to give the metal some oomph when it is done.

The second team I am working on is a chaos dwarf team for Matt.

These gorgeous minis are from, and i am really looking forward to working with them.

One small problem i noticed after priming was that there are a few gaps and joins that need a little bit of green stuffing to smooth out.

Unfortunately the way the centaurs fore legs are put on their sprue means you end up taking a small chunk off of the top of the leg, which is only a small job and the only problem i have had with assembling the team.

Overall i am very impressed with them and will be spending a few pounds Gaspez Arts myself.

The hob-goblins will be a very pale/sickly green shade as Matt wanted a something a bit different to the normal gobbos.

Ok, thats about all from me at the moment but i will be posting the progress on here, as and when it is done.
