Showing posts with label Painting Staion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Painting Staion. Show all posts

29 Sept 2012

Oh dear, where has the time gone?!

Hi folks, 

You may not remember me, I'm Apoc and this is my blog, I know i haven't been here much lately but "Real life" seems to have stolen me away for quite some time...

Sorry it has been a while but life has really been hectic with finishing college, far too many hospital trips, starting University and trying to be a husband/father. More recently however it has been getting ready for my new baby daughter and future gamer and geek, just like her old man :)

Anyway, I have managed to get some painting done, albeit very slowly and far too little for my liking but with the baby now here I MUST get organized and get my paint station cleared of projects, commissions and unpainted miniatures! (sorry for the poor pics, it was getting dark)

As you can see things are in a fair bit of disarray! 

The work i have managed to do has been on the Necromantic team that has featured on this blog lately (relatively speaking of course!). First up a recap of the previously completed chaps:

I have got a few new recruits to add to them (sans bases):

The zombies are well on their way to being completed with only 3 left to paint up:

I have also put some work into the Werewolves, they need some finishing but are looking good so far (if i do say so myself):

Finally the back room staff: 

These will be get some paint as soon as i have rested up from the baby ordeal and i hope to have them done within the next few days.

Next up I have some more Hero Quest miniatures to paint in addition to some space crusade. the Hero Quest minis are to replace the last lot that i posted on here which Royal Mail kindly lost and I stupidly lost my receipt  (won't happen again couriers to be used from now on!) I have managed to track down replacements for most of them but still need some men-at-arms and the ogres for the Ogre Horde expansion.

I also put some paint to a stripped ogre from my huge army, the pics are bad and the mini is not finished but he will be the template for the rest of the big guy's' strip and repaint:

Right, I am off to get some much needed sleep, thanks for stopping by!


11 Sept 2011

Getting there...

Hi folks, 

Just finished off The Mighty Zug, who will be off to join the rest of his team shortly. I had a lot of fun painting him up, although I do want to get a new Blood Bowl team now!

Next up, I finished the Eldar Farseer and Warlocks. I haven't done much freehand work before, but I am pretty happy with how these have turned out. These will be flying back to Germany tomorrow.

 Still Have more Eldar to finish, which I hope to get done over the next couple of weeks as my desk is pretty swamped at the moment!

On the Imperial Guard front, I swapped some space marines for some glory boys and a commissar. The Kasrkins need to be stripped and tidied up a little before i do anything with them.

The commissar was ready to start work on straight away, I have done the face, red trim/lining and gem on his belt so far. Still a lot more work to go but I'm happy with him so far.

And finally, I just wanted to put up pictures of an up and coming gamer and painter;
 My Son's first ever painted mini's :o) 

I know I am biased but for the first ever attempts of a 5 year old, I think they are great! and now that my daughter has seen his efforts she now wants a go too :oD

Next post, I hope to have another unit of Eldar finished and maybe a little bit of guard.

Stay frosty people.

24 Apr 2011

New post, new location

Hi folks,

Sorry about the lack of bloggage, but it has been a pretty hectic couple of months. Work has gone crazy busy, and I have also moved house and had various other dramas along the way as usual :)

But (touch wood) I now have my own little hobby room with pretty good lighting, space for all my gubbins and my main PC within immediate blogging distance!
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Wouldn't hold your breath on a torrent of blogging from here out, but i should be able to post alot more frequently as everything I need is in a single room!

Painting wise, there has been progress! I have actually put paint to minis!

The Heroquest stuff is all done except the gargoyle, which i have been promising Moritz would be done for the last few months! He is 50% complete, and i will do my best to get him done this week, pics posted and shipped as soon as i am done!
Here are a few pics of the rest of the minis he sent:

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On some personal mini stuff, here are a couple of minis that have been finished for me and my wife. We have just started playing pathfinder after finding an awesome couple that happen to be DM's and massive pathfinder fans.

First up is Baal "Giant's Blood", my Barbarian ex pit fighter. Big Borris from Heresy Miniatures, with a few gubbins from my bitsbox to make him WYSIWYG, not really needed for RPG but years of playing GW games meant i had to!
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Next we have Amarylis, my wife's Half-elf druid and her animal companion Humpy (wow, how imaginative!). Autumn Bronzeleaf by Reaper minis, a really nice model with lots of detail which was a real pleasure to paint. Humpy was from eBay, and not so nice to paint, but will do for now.


Next up is a model i am planning to use as a half-ork ranger named Bronn. Also from Heresy, Ebric the Doomed.

And finally, here is my new toy!

That's all for now, C and C are always welcome.


27 Nov 2010

Going old school

Hi folks,

Just a quick update on what i have been up to over the last few weeks, which to be honest isn't much :(

Have started a new commission on some of my favourite ever miniatures from the Heroquest box set!

Not a great deal done so far but until i received them i had forgotten how great that game was! I will have to get my copy back off of my younger brother :)

I have been doing some work on my Imperial guard too, trying to get a usable force up and running so i can take on some Orks a friend of mine.

Have to apologise for the really poor pics, the lighting here is a nightmare! I struggle to paint as it is so poor and the pictures fare little better :( but i will be relocating again in a few months so hopefully i can find a good painting spot in the new house!

Will try and get some more updates and better pictures up soon!
