28 Apr 2011

Sly Marbo and his merry men

Photobucket Decided on which army to go ahead with :)

Have also found my new bestest ever highlighting colour too whilst I was painting up my Sly conversion; Space wolf grey! Doesn’t drain the colour like white or bleached bone and is easy to work with for good looking results :)


At the minute, I am painting the base blue on all the chaps you can see in the picture. Very boring and slow going but it needs t be done. They were all sprayed with my airbrush for the grey when I first got it, using the same colours as by hand; I work from codex grey up to fortress grey. The blue starts with fenris grey and goes up through shadow grey to space wolf grey.

I did mean to put some tutorials up, if anyone is interested let me know and I’ll see what I can knock together :)

Anyway, back to the grind!


27 Apr 2011

Heroquest finished

Good news for Moritz, I have pretty much finished the Heroquest lot.
Just a few touches here and there but they should be winging their way back shortly :)

With them done, I need to decide whether i will do my Guard or maybe even redo my Ogres...

Will have a think and no doubt you will find out in my next post :)



24 Apr 2011

New post, new location

Hi folks,

Sorry about the lack of bloggage, but it has been a pretty hectic couple of months. Work has gone crazy busy, and I have also moved house and had various other dramas along the way as usual :)

But (touch wood) I now have my own little hobby room with pretty good lighting, space for all my gubbins and my main PC within immediate blogging distance!
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Wouldn't hold your breath on a torrent of blogging from here out, but i should be able to post alot more frequently as everything I need is in a single room!

Painting wise, there has been progress! I have actually put paint to minis!

The Heroquest stuff is all done except the gargoyle, which i have been promising Moritz would be done for the last few months! He is 50% complete, and i will do my best to get him done this week, pics posted and shipped as soon as i am done!
Here are a few pics of the rest of the minis he sent:

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On some personal mini stuff, here are a couple of minis that have been finished for me and my wife. We have just started playing pathfinder after finding an awesome couple that happen to be DM's and massive pathfinder fans.

First up is Baal "Giant's Blood", my Barbarian ex pit fighter. Big Borris from Heresy Miniatures, with a few gubbins from my bitsbox to make him WYSIWYG, not really needed for RPG but years of playing GW games meant i had to!
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Next we have Amarylis, my wife's Half-elf druid and her animal companion Humpy (wow, how imaginative!). Autumn Bronzeleaf by Reaper minis, a really nice model with lots of detail which was a real pleasure to paint. Humpy was from eBay, and not so nice to paint, but will do for now.


Next up is a model i am planning to use as a half-ork ranger named Bronn. Also from Heresy, Ebric the Doomed.

And finally, here is my new toy!

That's all for now, C and C are always welcome.
