29 Jul 2009


Finally finished my last commission work, so should have a little more time for painting my own stuff. Will post some pics once i know they have arrived and he's happy with them ;o)

So on the plus : more time for my own stuff

On the minus : no more cash for mini's :o(

And since i find text posts boring, here are a couple of pics of old stuff i have done ;o)



26 Jul 2009

Quick and easy urban basing

Since i have the photos in my photobucket account from my last guard army attempt i though i may as well chuck these on the blog too.

This is a nice and easy way to make good looking urban bases quickly and more cheaply than buying a stack of resin (Yes I am bitter that I don't get the freebie bases some of the better bloggers get sent for free! lol).

I think these are pretty self explainetry so no guide just pics and a couple of finished examples.


Pretty straight forward stuff, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.


Let it snow...

For anyone wanting to know how i do my snow here is a very rough guide to what i do and use.
First up, you need supplies:
Snow flock, a mixing cup, PVA glue and something to mix with (I use coffee stirrers or lollipop sticks personally).

I mix the snow 50/50 with the PVA glue and add water until I get the desired toothpaste/porridge consistency so it's not runny but not like dough.

You need to play around a little to get the mix right, but when it is you can drop in on and it flows just enough to get a pretty realistic look.

Once you have the mix looking right, take your base (using an unpainted junk base for this example) and using your mixing tool, drool a small amount of the mix where desired.

Now you can use a wet brush or tool to manipulate the snow to how you want it and smooth any marks left over from the last step.
On the base in the post below, it took 2 layers to make it look thick and fluffy.

I made up half a plastic disposable cup's worth, which if coved up properly should last a week or so for wore applications. if it dries out just add a little water.
you can also add a little white or ice blue paint to the mix to enhance the colour a little.

So that's my (Very) rough guide to how I do snow, hope it helps someone out but if not at least it make me look like I blog alot ;o) and it's a nice break from not painting my guard ;oD

Here is some pics of the ogres I used this method on:



Some old pics in bad light (as are all i take at the moment! will set up a light tent one weekend!)

Cheers for looking and hope it wasn't too painful to look at ;oP



Had a play about with some bases again, and i am still not happy with them :o( best of the bunch was a pretty plain slate base but it really lacks any POP.

What do you guys think? Back to the drawing board?

One Torso Left to base coat, then I'll be churning them out and looking to get at least a whole squad done my next Sunday.
Will be doing some more work on them today and trying to think of some ideas for bases.

Providing my brain doesn't explode while trying to think, I'll catch you next time.


24 Jul 2009

Okies, sorry for not blogging this week but work has been a real struggle and i have been so close to chucking it in and throwing a few very choice words at a couple of people i work with, but alas with a wife and 2 children to feed and water it is not an option.

So if anyone has a job that pays good money and needs someone willing to work damned hard for them, i'm your man! ;oD lol, if only it were that easy....

anyway, back on subject.

Got a load of vallejo bottles in the post today, so the gw paints will be moving into these shortly.

Have finished up the test guardsman, and although far from perfect i still quite like him. had a very quick play about with a snow base but it turned out pretty bad. I used the same method on my Ogre Kingdom army which i really liked but don't think it will work too well for my Guard army.
Sorry for the poor pics! but it's late and im tired!

Have 15 torsos primed and started with a base coat, so now that i am finished with the test mini i can start churning out a squad or two.

Have also been thinking about doing some snowmobile rough riders in keeping with the winter theme. One problem, i have no idea where to start or how i will do it! lol

Will get some better pics and some more painting and basing done on Sunday, tomorrow i am taking the kids to the seaside to build sandcastles, eat ice cream, play at the amusements and cry when it's time to go home ;oD

Until then, stay safe and always wear clean underwear


19 Jul 2009


That's him pretty much done now, except for the obvious of course! bases will be done separately and probably when the whole army is finished. arms will be done in a batch with the next lot of figs i do.

I am quite happy with him and since you don't see many snow camo Cadians he should be pretty unique on the tabletop. Not too bad for a test fig at all.

Will crack on now in batches of five legs, heads, bodies and paint most if not all the arms and extras, so i can kit the army out according to whatever list i come up with while painting all my models up.

Taking suggestions on names and fluff and lists, so feel free free to comment.

There's no business like snow guard business....

Done a little tidying up on the spots, and done a few little extra bits on the face and glasses. Not happy with the shades, so i will re-do those later. I need to pic a metal colour for the buckle and badges, but can't decide if i should go for white instead.
Overall I do really like this scheme and am raring to go to get a squad under way ;o)

Comments and suggestions always welcome.

Catch you next time


18 Jul 2009

a little progress, not too happy with the spots though, will try to touch them up
Have been side-tracked of late, after feeling disappointed with the last escher ganger i needed a break and decided to try and save my dried up GW paints.

I have been using Vallejo mostly of late so my poor neglected GW stuff was left to sit in a cupboard untouched for a year or so :o(

using a few drops of water and giving them a good shake and stirring, i managed to refresh 95% of my collection back to a good, usable standard.

to try and prevent the paint drying problem in the future i am gong to transfer all my GW paints over to Vallejo style bottles (which will help with getting my mixes right), and use an 8mm glass bead as an agitator to help keep the mix nice and even.

I have also decided to re-start my guard with a new scheme, the old ones i have done will be stripped and repainted after i finish painting up the unassembled stock i have.

The new scheme is based on the Cadian 122nd from the last rule book, but will use the winter scheme and will be renamed into my own regiment with its own history too no doubt.


Progress so far, need to do a little more work on the blue and the fatigues will be taken up to near white before i add the camo pattern.

I have never played Guard, either with or against! so need some help picking my army list so if you have any advise for an infantry heavy army list please feel free to comment!.

Until next time, The Emperor Protects.
