понедельник, 1 апреля 2013 г.

С праздником!

Поздравляю всех с праздником Пасхи!

(Фото из Pinterest. К сожалению линк не работал. Спасибо автору. Фото было сделано а г. Ялта, Украина.)

Скоро вернусь! Надеюсь это будет завтра...

пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

Ещё одна коробочка...

Доброе утро! Куча дел перед праздниками, поэтому сегодня я только на минутку. Сразу же после первой коробочки я сделала эту, но видимо забыла выставить. Эта размером немного меньше (в неё помещается немного меньше конфет, поэтому такую можно дарить тем кто на диете :)))

К сожалению конфет в данный момент дома не было для фотографии. То есть, я специальгно покупала изюм в белом шоколаде но, пока я надумала сфотографировать он уже испарился...

И пару деталей поближе...

Жаль только что эту коробочку не удобно высылать в конверте вместо открытки. 

Спасибо что заглянули! Благодарю за внимание и надеемся что скоро вернёмся поделиться чем то новым. 

До новой встречи!

вторник, 26 марта 2013 г.

И снова снег...

Добрый день! Нас вчера природа снова одарила снегом. И хотя мы полностью настроены на весну, всё же приняли его с распростёртыми объятьями. Все равно не пойдешь ещё загарать, так что если уж холодно то лучше со снегом. Вот такая красота нас встречала с утра пораньше...

Моя старшенькая схватила фотоаппарат и пошла на разведку. Это то что я нашла на фотоаппарате. Похоже что снега выпало много... некоторым даже до колена:
Но видимо не все одинаково радовались ему. Например, этот главный герой нашей фермы в конце улицы, совсем не был в восторге... Наверное ему не понравился цвет...

Хорошо что Алена с Сузанной сходили на прогулку утром рано, пока не повылазили на улицу те которым школу отменили, потому что у них прекрасные способности свернуть целую улицу в большой ком снега...
Он никогда не устаёт от этой работы. А если они план выполняют с Лианой, тогда точно придется в окно смотреть на двор весь усыпаный этими недолеплеными снеговиками. Мои наверное перемёрзли слегка, а соседские с шумом и радостью утаптывали всё на своём ходу...

А так как мой напарник снова с насморком, нам пришлось сидеть дома. Меня осенила мысль слепить что то зимнее. Мы похоже редко мастерим зимние открытки потому что осенью мы на зиму ещё не настроены, в Декабре мы слишком заняты, а когда приходит Январь, мы уже слишком устаём от праздников. По крайней мере я заметила это за собой.

На одном блоге я прочитала, что люди себе устанавливали задание, в течении года каждый месяц делать по пару Рождественский и Новогодних открыток и тогда к Декабрю соберётся хорошая коллекция.

Если честно, погода очень помогла настроению! Все отрытки выполнены размером 4.25х5.5 инчей. На этот раз все в голубо-зелёном цвете.

They remind me a little vintage style. I used mostly Studio Calico papers and a little from both My Mind Eye and Echo Park

Вот на сегодня и всё. Как раз успела пока проснулся мой солист! Что то с подругой они уже не поделили, придётся идти выручать.

Всем хорошего дня, прекрасного настроения и до новых встреч!

пятница, 22 марта 2013 г.

"Echo Park" paper cards

Hi! I was able to make two cards quickly last night. When I ordered this piece of paper by Echo Park, I knew it would be so easy to create cards with. Actually, that was the reason I got it.

 This paper is from the Valentines Day collection, but it doesn't mean that they have to be made for Valentines Day. I just love this white, black and pink color combination.

And a little closer (if you are interested):

 There was another one I started (I like making them in three), but my precious little one didn't let me finish. It will get finished eventually, but I didn't want to wait since I promised to be back today)

 By the way, his hair was done by his loving older sister Suzanna... Got to go now, because he started to sing louder than I can handle.

Until next time!

четверг, 21 марта 2013 г.

Colorful "Birthday bouquet"...

Good morning! I just wanted to share my "birthday bouquet" from Two Peas in a Bucket. I love flowers! Flowers make me happy, but they don't last long... This year, my husband substitute them with a gift certificate to Two Peas and I could not be happier! I got a new cutting mat and replacement blade for my Cameo.

My old ones still work but the blade refuses to cut thicker paper. Also, I could not get an order without a few new pieces of pattern paper... I didn't get much, but that was just a perfect addition to my collection. Here are my favorite sides of them:

 And here are the back sides of the these papers:

By looking at them you can probably tell that my favorite color right now is blue, and my favorite pattern is diagonal stripes:) Before placing the order I tried to ask myself, what is it that I really need or something that will help in my scrapbooking process and I realized that I'm always looking for journaling cards and label stickers. So, I added a few of those too.

This one was my favorite of four. It is by My Mind's Eye and I wanted to get one from each of their collections that was available. Their colors are so soft and they have a white base (yes, my sticker better have white base or I may never use them). Here are a few of the cut up sheets:

I went ahead and cut most of them apart right away, so they will be ready when I scrapbook. Aren't these great? This paper is by Lawn Fawn. One sheet has 12 journaling cards:

This one is from Boy's collection by Echo Park - I needed one of those since most of my collection was on a girly side, but our household has a boy now too :)

And this one, by Teresa Collins, was my very favorite piece out of entire order:

These cards are SO perfect for Project Life and are great addition to any page!

Love them! But the back side of these is also so pretty that I didn't want to cut it into pieces. I wanted to get a few of these papers, but unfortunately it was the last piece in the store at the moment.

Another one by Echo Park - love these little calendars. Again, can be used in PL too.

I wish I could add some free scrapbooking time to my cart, but there wasn't any available... My little one has four teeth coming out at once and that does not make him very happy.

Hope to be back tomorrow! Have a great day!

вторник, 19 марта 2013 г.

More snow...

Hi! How is it Tuesday already? Time just flies by so fast! I can't believe that we are in the second half of March already... Anyway, I have finally taken pictures of the layout I was talking about earlier. It was made using papers from Les Papiers de Pandore.

I just love all the cut out pieces in these collections. Here I used a journaling card, circle tag and two labels.

Can't wait to create more! These days I just couldn't find much time. I was thinking of setting my alarm clock for 5:30 in the morning to get some creativity time before the kids get up.

We were blessed with some March snow yesterday. My kids are really counting the days until Spring comes, but when they see snow - they don't mind getting out to enjoy it...

This one doesn't stay out too long, but she is usually the first one to go outside...

 She likes to sign the trampoline and then jump there with snow...

These two (boy is my nephew) would try building a snowman out of any amount of snow. They usually stay out til they can no longer feel their fingers or toes...

This one usually goes out only when her cousins are out and there's enough of snow to slide on...

And this one was very confused... He usually gets really quiet when we take him outside, but today he was extra calm. There was nothing I could say or do to make him smile. He was very emotionless, but seemed to like it anyway.

So that concluded my visit for today, and hope I'll be back soon!

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!

четверг, 14 марта 2013 г.

Busy, busy week...

This week unexpectedly happened to be a very busy one... I just could not find a minute to post anything here. Well if it did take only one minute, I probably would. My house looked like a flower shop. You could easily step on a thorn, slip on water and get stuck in traffic to get from one corner of kitchen to the other... It's finally clean and quite here. Not as clean as I would like it to be, but better then it was for the past two days...

There were some good news too. One - we met a lot of friends this week! Some of them I haven't seen in a while. Two - I got my camera back! It's all fixed, cleaned and ready to be used! Three - I got a package from Two Peas in a Bucket for my Birthday! You can never go wrong with a gift certificate to online scrapbook store! More on that later...

Can't post without a picture... It's against my rules. Here is my favorite from today (two of them are my girls, three cousins and four friends) :
I will be back soon. Still have that layout on my table to share. Hopefully, I can find some time tomorrow to take a picture of it and finally share it here.

Good night! And I'll see you soon!

пятница, 8 марта 2013 г.

Box card...

Сначала всех моих дорогих посетителей поздравляю с 8 Марта! Всего самого наилучшего вам дорогие женщины! (Как то я не привыкла обращаться к вам как к женщинам... наверное по старому лучше - девочки!) А теперь маленькая поздравительная коробочка-открытка.

I'm back with a little box-card. I don't take credit for the idea, because I didn't invent it, but after seeing them before a number of times, I finally decided to take my twist on it. The yummy papers from the Pause Cafe collection reminded me of coffee, candy, chocolate... and inspired me to do a special card which first comes as a box.

I'm in love with all the browns in the collection. But I didn't want to use them all for a box, so I covered the exteriors with matching cardstock. Love this brown circle tag! I tied the box with ribbon to hold it together. But when you untie the ribbon and take the lid off, the box opens up and looks like this:

I filled a treat bag with chocolate covered raisins, tied it with a bow and used another tag from Pause Cafe collection.

This tag had a perfect spot for a stamped sentiment. And this is how the card looks by itself:

I used a lot of pop dots to add dimension to these cute cut out images. And I could not complete this project without my trusted friend - Silhouette Cameo, to cut out words for each box. I used a stamp by Fiskars to add a sentiment in the middle part. Close ups of each square:

When a card for a friend is not enough and she doesn't need a present - this could be a perfect solution. I really enjoyed making this box and I'm pretty sure it's not the last one you'll see me sharing here.

Thanks for stopping by! Oh, and don't be surprised when one of these might come your way :))

See you next time!