- to have a nice round shape i find that you should chill the dough first before you cut it (i didn't so my cookies are a tad bit out of shape.
- then you a VERY SHARP knife to cut the dough to ensure a clean cut
- and dust some flour on your work space when rolling the dough to avoid sticking.
Aztec Cookies: Deep Chocolate & Green Tea Cookies
Friday, January 15, 2010
Posted by lynnfathil at 6:54 PM 0 comments
my sister's engagement
Sunday, January 10, 2010
*taking a very deep breath* finally i can rest!
today is my sister's engagement day.to all my foreign readers here in Malaysia, the malays take engagement seriously and there will be an event by itself only it is usually an intimate occassion amongst family and close friends. so my baby sister is officially engaged today and it was an excellent event with great food and all. Everything falls into place last minute...(aha..there's a story behind it)
ok ok. ever since my sister is getting married we've been planning her whole occassion since september last year...*paused* i think and i was assigned to do nothing at first. my sister had her own ideas for her doorgifts, alter ect...then come x-mas and the seasonal candy cain is very tempting then came the idea of giving away the candy cains as favors, engagement favors. my sister exitedly bought 12 cartons of candy cains adding up to 200pcs in total....thennnnnn....~
the unfortunate happens when the darn candy cain melted.
then that one fine day mommy dearest called and panicly requested me to make something as favors and later we agreed on decorative cuppies. but i also baked some gorgeous laced cookies its a doily inspired cookies and its absolutely scrumptious. baked the cookies 3 days in advance with 3 flavors mocha, almond and hazelnut.
ahem *clears throat* needless to say it was a hit (yes i'm particularly proud of myself) and got so many orders for the cupcakes and cookies to the extent that i have to reject some of the request...errr...sorry...
mmm..there are also other story about the hantaran cake/fondant cake my sister ordered from our local cake store sugar****** which turned out something totally different from her request but oddly my sister paid the lady anyway (please note that i was not there when she ordered the cake or else i would've shout and screamed at the idiots that improvising the cake without consulting the us; the buyer first) my sister spent almost the whole day crying yesterday and i tried to do something for her but it was too late..literally late for 2 reason 1: limited ingredients 2: its was already 8pm and i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tireddddddddddddddd....err notice the extra Os?
but even with all that the event turned out great...nonthe less , thank GOD!
Posted by lynnfathil at 9:26 PM 3 comments
Baked me own B'day cake: Double Chocolate Peppermint Sponge
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
- pre heat oven at 180c. grease two 20cm/8" sandwich cake tins
- sift flour, cocoa, baking powder into a bowl set aside.
- melt butter and chocolate chunks and set aside.
- in a mixer fitted with a whisk beat eggs with sugar until volumed and pale.
- lower the speed, and add in the flour mixture just until almost mixed.
- then add in the butter mixture and gently fold in the butter until JUST mixed! (coz we don't wanna loose too much air)
- pour into the prepared baking tins and bake for 25-30minutes or until set. DO NOT OVER BAKE THE CAKE or it'll be dry!
- once cooked, let it cool just for a bit then turn out and finish cooling on the wire rack
- Sandwich together the cakes with the chocolate spread, then drizzle more on top to decorate.
for the spread :
i simply melt (using double boil method) beryl's dark chocolate about 100g-150g or so, then i add in 1/4c of whipping cream, 1tbs butter, a 1.5 tsp of light corn syrup and 1/2tsp of peppermint essence. mix well and ready to spread!
Posted by lynnfathil at 12:54 AM 1 comments
Labels: cake
Moist LEMON Sponge Cake
Thursday, December 24, 2009
- preheat oven at 180c .grease and sugar the remikins and place a disk of parchment papers at the bottom of remikins.
- beat eggs and sugar until pale and airy with whisk fitted mixer. this will be more or less 10-15minutes
- mean while sift together all dry ingredients
- combine butter, zest and juice and set aside.
- reduce speed on mixer add dry ingredients quickly but not all at once until just almost blended.
- add in the butter mixture and mix until just blended.
- spoon cake mixture into individual remikins leaving 1/2" for cake expension.
- bake for 20-25minutes
- best serve warm
if yo uclose your eyes and eat this just for a moment you'll actually think that its cotton soft cheese cake!
Posted by lynnfathil at 11:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: cake
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
- WONG SOLO: offeres indonesian food such as their famous ayam penyet but gotta warn you that the 'sambal' is extremely HOT! dinners will have the authentic Indonesain culinary experience restaurant located behind old town kopitiam @ sec 9
- BERLAUK: offers authentic Kelantan cuisine the restaurant is located in sec 7
- YANKEES: offers great 'ikan bakar' and ala thai food...although this restaurant has a very BAD service be prepared to have a 1-2hrs delay in eating your food.
- CHICO : a chinese muslim restaurant that ironicly did not serve chinese food! went there the 1st week of their opening and it was extremely dissapointing i sincerely hope that they improve their menus.
- YANKEES: food are great but service is minus 5
- CHICKEN KING: the idea is there but unfortunately they had to 'cut' down their wastage and serve customer 1-2days old chicken ultimately made the chicken very dry!!
this list will be updated from time to time. i mean no harm but people have to know have the right to know and the right to enjoy their food!
Posted by lynnfathil at 2:32 PM 1 comments
Labels: Recommended restaurant
birthday delima
these few weeks were horrible for me coz my family were sick. started of with my son having the viral fever then my husband he is until now not well...its so frustrating coz this weekend is my birthday and my family wanted to celebrate my birthday @ sentosa island, singapore plus that would be alot of fun for my children too..
but i guess that we're not going..what a bummer! i was looking forward for the trip...my mom asked my if i could leave my husband and just go with the kids and suggested hubby to stay at his mom's house...well that's a thought but it doesn't feel right leaving him when he's not well like that. its sad that my kids was too excited and very looking forward to the trip.......
i don't know...i somehow don't feel like going either coz..its just don't feel right celebrating my birthday without hubby although even if i stay we're not celebrating anyway in this situation no one wins!
Posted by lynnfathil at 2:17 PM 0 comments
homemade seasoning for meat and burger
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
today i have nothing to do and have nothing to cook from my freezer we only have our frozen home made burger patty so i decided to make burgers for dinner. its a rainy day today but lucky for me that it was sunny this morning up to 2pm or so...got my laundry done..so happy.
anyway i wanted to have a different taste to my 'original' burger so i thought i could add some seasonings on to my burgers while cooking it...my usual store bought seasoning was out (argh~ haven't been to the supermarket for the longest time) so i decided to mix my own...
and it turned out fantastic.
my MEAT and BURGER seasoning:
1tsp of :
- mix herbs (oregano, parsley, bay leaf, rosemary...can't remember but you can buy it ready made for this one)
- paprika
- black pepper
- ginger powder
- sugar
3tbsp salt
blend or grind all of this until it become powdery then ready to use..keep it in an air tight container.
i don't have pictures for this one coz no point its all dark and gloomy...sorry!
Posted by lynnfathil at 6:57 PM 1 comments
Labels: DIY