last night i stumble upon some blogs that bakes absolutely gorgeous cookies. and i'm one of those people who will wonder how to make those gorgeous cookies and will have little sleep (i mean this literally) thinking about the how of the cookies, cakes or whatever the subject of the obsession will be at the point of time. and that 'point of time' now is the checkered cookies and those a like. I call this aztec cookies because i use lots of chocolate powder in it and it taste fabulous (aztec is known for their chocolate its a royal food or something) its very dark and chocolatey and the green tea is just a flavor that i wanted to explore. you can put any other flavour you want actually.
about the recipe, i just simply use any sugar cookie recipe and in my case i use martha stewart's recipe devided the dough into 2 portions and cocoa powder to one part and green tea powder to the other part. quantity? errr...i'm not sure coz i was just experimenting and i forgot to jot down . mmm perhaps next time i'll give you the recipe, a proper and improoved recipe coz at the moment this recipe needs some tweeking.
ok this was supposed to be checkered cookies but i got creative and start to create new designs so ....feast your eyes with ,my new creations...
oh here's some tips on how to make this cookie.
- to have a nice round shape i find that you should chill the dough first before you cut it (i didn't so my cookies are a tad bit out of shape.
- then you a VERY SHARP knife to cut the dough to ensure a clean cut
- and dust some flour on your work space when rolling the dough to avoid sticking.