i suddenly have this crazy craving of bubur cha cha so i thought today i just go and make some...and since the cha cha dried dough can be bought from the local market i thought "this should be eazy and i'll have my cha cha in no time"
to my luck, i went all over bangi market...well almost all they were out...OUT i tell you but i can't shake the craving...argh so i went back home and go straight online to find a recipe for making the cha cha dough...and guess what? there was none...only recipes that uses the store bought cha cha dried dough....at that point i feel like pulling my hair off coz i keep thinking about 'bubur cha cha'
in desperation i called my mom (she knows everything...lucky me) and ask if she knows how...crossing my fingers she said " owh...thats ez you just need....." heheheheh~
awwww~ suspen kah? ok i'll share the recipe because i'm nice and generous....=p
so here is what you need to make the cha cha dough:
1c rice flour
1tbsp tapioca flour
1tbsp corn flour
1/2tsp salt
1tsp lime paste (air kapur) * if you don't like the alkaline taste yo can reduce to half teaspoon.
1cup water (plus minus add more if the dough is tough)
mix all ingredients in a pot. in a medium heat mix until it forms a dough and didn't stick to the pot. divide into 2 or 3 portions and give some colorings to the respective dough. take another clean pot boil water and then by using cha cha mold press it until it comes out noodle like . if you don't have the mold you can always use your seive (one that have bigger holes) or your ladle with little holes which is what i use for mine...the cha cha noodle is ready when it floats. take it out and put it in a cold water to prevent it from sticking from each other.
Cha cha gravy:
250ml coconut milk
1/2c water
1/2tsp salt
150g palm sugar (the sweetness is up to your liking reduce if you don't like it too sweet)
2 screwpine leaves knotted
dissolves palm sugar with water in a heated pot. then add in the coconut milk. reduce heat to medium - low . stir constantly to avoid the coconut from breaking oil. add in salt and screwpines.
stir...as it simmers add in the cha cha noodles. let it boils a while then remove from heat.
- if the coconut gravy is too thick you may just add in water but remember to have a taste and make sure that it didn't turn bland.
- sometimes the coconut milk curdles when heated, don't panic you can just pour the coconut milk in a blender and blend away...just the coconut milk, not the cha cha noodles ok!
- always add salt in you coconut base dish to enhance the coconut taste.
- you can also add in 1tbs of pearl sago, or sweet potato in this dish, it'll sure add some texture...i add my leftover sweet potatoes in mine ^_^
- if you can't find palm sugar, i suppose you can substitute it with brown sugar...but it won't have that distinctive aroma and color of the palm sugar though...or perhaps using molasses sugar is better...