Showing posts with label website. Show all posts
Showing posts with label website. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Blog Too Many

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm very pleased with my new website. But I decided to kill its blog.

It seemed like such a good plan to have two blogs. I'm a very organized person, and I was sure I could find a specific use for Blog Number Two, separate from this one. But I was wrong. It was a blog too many.

So I replaced it with a Guestbook and a Contact page. And this Blogger blog that you're now reading is sniggering snidely (don't you think they get a personality after a while?). It knew. It just knew. It was my one and only.

But don't tell this blog that I moonlight elsewhere! You can see my latest guest post on the MuseItUp site, where I'm discussing the allure of the troublemaker in tween lit.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Official Website Unveiled!

If you haven't visited it yet, please pop over to my new website.

It's a work in progress, but I've got a good start on it. It includes a blog (although I'll keep this one running, too),  a complete publications list with read/buy links, cover images, an appearance calendar, and eventually pix and video from events.

I have a reading from Green Light Delivery coming up very soon, but I don't have the exact date yet. Please check my website for that sort of info. This blog will be continue to feature my own and my guests' essays about writing. Hope you'll keep coming back here to join in the conversations about this wonderful world of fiction.