Showing posts with label consistency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consistency. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It May As Well Be Official

Time to make an official commitment to Write 1 Sub 1. It's what I've been doing anyway, at least while I'm not teaching: finish a story per week. That's on top of working on the novel, of course.
The idea of Write 1 Sub 1 is to commit, not only to a regular writing schedule, but also to regular submissions. The work one submits in a given week need not be the story one has just written that week. (We don't want unripe stories flying around. They leave an ugly mark when they hit you.)

I'm curious to see whether taking this, um, oath of office has any effect on my writing life. What I'd really like to join is Write 1 Pub 1, but I can't find a link for that.