Showing posts with label Snake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snake. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Burmese Python


Animal You | Burmese Python | Burmese Pythons are dark-colored snakes with many brown spots on limited black on the back. The perceived attractiveness of their skin pattern contributes to their popularity among reptile owners and leather industry. The model is similar in color, but differ in the current model of the African Rock Python (Python sebae), which leads to confusion of the two species outside their natural habitat sometimes. In the wild, Burmese pythons grow to 3.7 meters (12 feet) on average, while specimens of more than 4 meters (13 feet) rarely. The maximum record length for Burmese pythons will. There are dwarf forms of Java, Bali and Sulawesi. In Bali reach an average length of 2 meters (6.6 feet) and Sulawesi reach up to 2.5 meters (8.2 feet).

The Burmese python is found in South and Southeast Asia, including eastern India, Nepal, western Bhutan, Southeast Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Continental north, far south of China ( Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and Yunnan), Hong Kong, and Indonesia in Java, South Sulawesi, Bali and Sumbawa. Burmese pythons are also reported Kinmen, close to the mainland of China, but Taiwan Burmese Python territory belongs to the Flora of Taiwan Taiwan, when referring to the Republic of China, but not in Taiwan. The python is an excellent swimmer and needs a permanent source of water. That in the meadows, marshes, swamps, rocky hills, forests, river valleys and forests with clearings are.

Burmese pythons are mostly inhabitants of the jungle. Burmese Pythons spend most of their time hidden in the underbrush. Burmese Pythons breed in the spring, while women are clutches. 12-36 eggs on average in March or April She will remain with the eggs until they hatch and wrapping his spasms of muscles in a way that increases the ambient temperature around the eggs by several degrees. All the giant pythons (including the Indian Python, the African Rock Python, and the reticulated python). Burmese Python IUCN has recently been classified as "endangered" what. Its population decline in general Important reasons for the decline are the fur trade and food, habitat destruction can be a problem in some mountain areas.

Hong Kong is a protected species under the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance Cap 170 Burmese Pythons are often sold as pets, and became popular for its attractive color and apparently tolerant nature. A second problem with feeding Burmese pythons is that many owners believe if a snake acts hungry must be fed. As Burmese pythons are opportunistic investors, eat almost nothing to eat, if offered, and often act hungry even if they ate little. This often leads to overeating and obesity-related problems are common in captive Burmese pythons.

The colored Burmese python is frequently captive bred, pattern and size now. Breeders have recently begun, with a line of Burmese pythons Island. Initial reports indicate that these "dwarf" Burmese have slightly different coloring and pattern of their mainland relatives and grow no more than 2.1 meters (7 feet) long. The caramel Burmese python has caramel-colored pattern with "milk chocolate" eyes.
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Black Mamba


Animal You | Black Mamba | The adult black mamba back color olive, brown, gray or khaki times. A young snake is lighter, but not light enough to be confused with the different types of Green Mamba. The impression of the side rails inside the mouth is dark blue to black as ink. The eyes are dark brown to black, with a silvery white with a yellow border to students. These snakes are strong, but thin in the body: adult specimens are 2.5 to 3 meters (8.2 to 9.8 feet) long, on average, but samples measuring 3.1 to 3.75 m (10 to 12.3 feet) are relatively common, and some specimens have reached lengths of 4.3 to 4.5 meters (14-15 feet). The longest measured scientifically, was captured wild black mamba recorded 4.48 m (14.7 ft), located in Zimbabwe. Body slender yet powerful black mamba adult "can typically weigh 1.6 to 3.1 kg (3.5 to 6.8 lbs.)

Information about the life of snakes in nature is poor, the longer life expectancy registered a Black Mamba prisoner is 14, but the actual time may be much higher maximum. 23-25 scale rows are smooth midsection back subcaudals rarely (21 rows), 248-281 and 109-132 ventrals combined. temporal bone are variable, usually 2 +3 The black mamba has adapted to a variety of climates, from savannas , forests, farmlands, rocky hillsides, dense forests and swamps are wet. savanna grasslands and forests / bushes that stretches all the way from southern and eastern Europe, Central and Western, Eastern and Southern Africa, Black Mamba the typical habitat. often use Black Mambas abandoned termite mounds and trees hollows for shelter. abandoned termite mounds used particularly when the snake somewhere to cool off when the hill in a kind of "natural air conditioning" the research system.

Territorial As a species, but the Mamba Black is back in its territory or the nest undisturbed. This species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (v3.1, 2011). Black Mambas shows little deviation from the standard methods of communication and perception found in snakes. Like many snakes when they feel threatened, they attack with a series of signals to warn possible breed black mamba attack shown once a year. The breeding season begins in the spring, which occurs around the month of September in the regions of Africa where these snakes occur, so much of sub-Saharan Africa is in the southern hemisphere. During this period, males fight over females.

mating Beyond males and no-no females interact. Watching his friend, thoroughly inspect your forked tongue flicking around the body. Humans have two hemipenes. Following a long and successful copulation, the eggs develop in the female body for about 60 days. prefer women abandoned termite mounds as nests. elderly women lay 15-25 eggs , who hide very well and very aggressive protecting. Provide kittens are toxic as adults, but not bitten by a snake venom adult. poison subcutaneous LD values of these "species is very different. Train and Ernst et al. 1996, produced a value of 0.05 mg / kg, and fruit were Engelmann (1981), a value of 0.32 mg / kg, and the branch list Spawls as 0.28 mg / kg and gave a value of Brown 0.12 mg / kg. Although the variation is large, the average value of black mamba venom SC will have about 0.185 mg / kg, making it one of the most venomous snakes in the globe.

It is estimated that only 10 to 15 mg kill a grown man, and their bite provides about 100-120 mg of venom on average, the largest ever recorded was 400 mg of poisoning. British wildlife enthusiast Nathan Layton was in Hoedspruit, a small town near Kruger National Park, bitten by a black mamba and girl died after being bitten. The mortality rate depends on several factors such as the health, size, age and mental health of the victim, the penetration of one or both of the amount injected fangs snake venom, poison pharmacokinetics, the bite position and proximity to major blood vessels. At present, a polyvalent antivenom South African Institute for Medical Research (SAIMR) prepare to treat all Black Mamba bites of different places. Why is a poison bitten by a black mamba is no longer a certain death sentence. If bitten, often severe neurotoxicity. Local tissue damage appears to be relatively infrequent and low gravity in most cases of poisoning Black Mamba.

If you reject a threat, the black mamba offers multiple shots, the injection of large amounts of toxic virulent poison for each shot, often landing bites on the body or head, unlike other snakes. Death by suffocation due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Due to various factors, including toxicity and high yields of their venom, the fact that untreated bites a mortality rate of 100%, the high level of aggression, speed, agility and size, many herpetologists agree the Black Mamba is the deadliest snake species and aggressive world.
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