Showing posts with label Giraffe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giraffe. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2013



Animal You | Giraffe | Giraffes are well developed, standing 5-6 m (16-20 ft), with higher men than women. On both sides of the head, giraffe with big eyes and bulging is good from every angle of his great height. Giraffe coloring ledge on their senses of hearing and smell are also strong. The prehensile tongue of the giraffe is about 50 cm (20 inches) in length. The upper lip is grabbing and giraffes also useful when feeding. Giraffe males darkens with age. Each individual has a unique pattern of giraffe fur. The skin of a giraffe is usually gray. The skin as a chemical defense, and they give the animal a disease repulsive odor. Around the neck of the animal is a mane made of short erect hairs. The appearance is a reliable guide to the sex or age of a giraffe: the ossicones of women and young people are the visualization of thin hair on the top, while adult males and extremely buds tend to bald on top. The males develop calcium deposits which form bumps on the skull as they age. Skull of a giraffe is illuminated by breasts.

Selecting the giraffe has a rough surface. The front and rear legs of a giraffe approximately the same length. The walk giraffe reaches a diameter of 30 cm (12 inches) and the trunk 15 cm (5.9 in) in height for men and 10 cm (3.9 inches) in women. Giraffes have no dewclaws and interdigital glands. Basin giraffes, while relatively short, has a prolonged ileus, that the upper extremities. A giraffe has only two feet and the air at a gallop. Galloping, the hind legs are moved to the front legs, the last forward and curled tail. A giraffe is found with his body resting on the top of your legs bent. In bed, kneeling in animals on their front legs and then down the rest of the body. Then stretch the front legs. At each step, the animal swings his head. In captivity, the giraffe brief sleep about 4.6 hours a day, especially at night.

Intermittent short "sleep", while the phases that are found to be characterized by giraffe bending the neck back and resting her head on the side of the thigh, a position as paradoxical sleep to give. If you want Giraffe bending or stretching the legs for drinking or your knees to bend. Swimmers Giraffe probably irrelevant as long legs, it would be very cumbersome in the water, although it can float. While swimming, the breast is suppressed by the front legs, making it difficult for the animal around my neck and legs to move in harmony or keeping their heads above water. Each vertebra is more than 28 cm (11 inches) long. This extension is implemented after childbirth, mothers giraffe would have a hard time giving birth to the proportions of young adults, the head of the neck of the giraffe and neck supported by large muscles and nuchal ligament, which are anchored by long spines on anterior thoracic vertebrae, making the animal a bump

Vertebrae of the neck of the giraffe has ball joints. This allows C7 directly contribute to a greater length of the neck, and has led to the suggestion that T1 is actually C8, and giraffes have an extra cervical vertebra. There are two main hypotheses regarding the evolutionary origin and maintenance of elongation of the neck of the giraffe. It suggests that competitive pressure from smaller browsers, such as kudu, impala and ibex, encouraged the expansion of the neck, the giraffe get food that competitors could not. There is also research showing that competition is intense exploration at lower levels, and giraffes feed more efficiently (gaining more leaf biomass with every bite) high in the canopy. But scientists are not in accordance with the giraffes time spent on a power beyond the reach of the other browsers, and a 2010 study found that adult giraffes with longer necks actually higher mortality suffered under drought of their shorter neck. This study suggests that the preservation of a longer neck more nutrients that long neck giraffe makes the risk during food shortages required

The other main theory, the sexual selection hypothesis proposes that the long necks evolved as a secondary sexual characteristic, allowing men an advantage in "free" games (see below) to establish dominance and access to sexually receptive females. In mammals, the left recurrent laryngeal nerve is longer than the right giraffe more than 30 cm (12 inches) long. These nerves are the giraffe from a living animal, the left nerve is more than 2 meters (6 feet 7 inches) in length. The structure of the brains of a giraffe looks like cattle. The shape of the skeletal system provides very little giraffe lung volume in relation to its mass. The long neck, which gives a lot of dead space, despite its narrow trachea. Circulatory system The giraffe has a number of adjustments to the high altitude. Giraffes have unusually high heart rate due to their size, to 150 beats per minute. In the upper part of the neck, the rete mirabile excessive blood flow to the brains of the head of the forearm. Giraffe esophageal muscles that have unusually strong to regurgitation of food from the stomach to the neck and mouth during chewing. Intestinal giraffe measure up to 80 m (260 feet) and a relatively small percentage of the small intestine. The giraffe liver is small and compact.

Giraffes usually inhabit savannas, grasslands and open woodlands. The Angolan giraffe in desert environments. Giraffe browsing on the branches of trees, preferring trees of Acacia, Commiphora and Terminalia, which are an important source of calcium and protein in the growth of the giraffe to maintain. 324 A giraffe eats about 34 kilograms (75 pounds) of leaves per day. When stressed, giraffes can chew the bark of the branches. Although herbivore, giraffes have been known to visit the channel and the dried meat from the bones to lick. During the rainy season, food is abundant and giraffes are more dispersed, while in the dry season, they gather around trees and shrubs remain. As a ruminant, giraffe chew their food, then swallows for processing and then visibly half-digested cud up to his neck and back in the mouth for chewing. And 'common for a giraffe to drool while feeding. Animal excrement in the form of small pellets. Giraffes have a large effect on the trees that feed, the growth of young trees for a few years delay and give "life" trees that are too high. While giraffes are usually found in groups, the composition of these groups tend to open and evolve.

Giraffe groups are the most stable of mothers and their offspring, which may last for weeks or months. mixed groups consisting of adult females and young males is also known to occur. subadult males are .. especially social However, play and participate in fights, as people feel more lonely elderly giraffes are not territorial, but those areas of the male giraffes occasionally stray from areas normally play is widespread polygamous:. few old comrade of men to women fertile male giraffes assess female fertility by tasting the female estrus urine to discover, in a multi-step process known as the reaction of Flehmen L men prefer women young adults about children and the elderly. Although generally quiet and non-vocal, giraffes have been heard to communicate with various sounds. During courtship, the males emit loud coughs. Giraffe also snoring, whistle, groan and make noises like a flute, and communicate over long distances using infrasound. The giraffes were probably common targets for hunters in Africa. Smoke from burning giraffe fur is used by healers of Buganda to treat nosebleeds. Normally, giraffes can coexist with livestock, as they do not directly compete with them.

In 1997, Jonathan Kingdon suggests that Nubian giraffe was the most threatened of all giraffes from 2010, it is possible that less than 250, but this estimate is uncertain. The private hunting areas have contributed to the maintenance of the populations of giraffe in southern Africa. Giraffe Manor is a popular hotel in Nairobi also serves as a sanctuary for Rothschild giraffe. The giraffe is a protected species in most of its range.
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