Animals Are Living Well at the Columbus Zoo
>> Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I was watching the morning news this past week and was pleased to learn that our Columbus Zoo is ranked NUMBER ONE in the nation. Since my sister and niece were in town it seemed like a good time to travel to our famous zoo.
As we wandered around and through the vast areas, I couldn't help but be impressed by the naturalness of all the animal's habitats. While I understand that it would be terrific if all the animals were still in the wild, I was awestruck and impressed by the way that they live in captivity.
I found a quote by Gandhi (that you can see in the photo above) on a plank wall inside the aquarium area. It exemplifies why the Columbus Zoo is so excellent.
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
I think Gandhi's notion applies to more than the Columbus Zoo, don't you?