Linda Hoover Clinic - A Great Experience!
>> Thursday, June 25, 2009

It didn't use to be easy to travel with Tango. Getting him on and off a trailer took forever. Life is so much easier now. He actually likes to go where I go...thank goodness! As you can tell from the photo, Tango is happily curious as we arrived to participate in a clinic presented by Linda Hoover.
This is my good friend.

I have to admit, at first I was a little intimidated about signing up to work with Linda. Her reputation preceded her. Linda Hoover is highly respected in the equestrian community.
"Why would she be okay working with someone with my level of expertise?" I wondered.
My fears were put to rest. Linda met Tango and I where we were in our relationship. She assessed our needs and began to offer advice and tools to work with that would make our relationship even better. Through natural horsemanship, Linda guided us through several exercises that resulted in more calmness and trust...for both Tango and me.
Linda's focus is to help horses become more willing partners. Linda teaches riders to chose better options with stressful situations that all of us encounter from time to time. Some of us encounter them more often than others, but that's another story for another time!

All in all, the day was a huge success. I don't think I'll ever learn all I need to know about horses, but through my love for Tango and excellent coaches like Linda Hoover, Tango and I will continue to make great strides.

All in all, the day was a huge success. I don't think I'll ever learn all I need to know about horses, but through my love for Tango and excellent coaches like Linda Hoover, Tango and I will continue to make great strides.
Thank you Linda!