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I'm a children's author. Animals are a constant source of writing material for me. They are also my heart!

Who's Cold?

>> Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In spite of the fact that I'm ready for spring, one thing I never least for very cold! I can honestly tell you that a three-dog-night (or day) is as good as warm sunshine when it comes to thwarting off the March chill. This photo was taken right after I got home from a long morning of riding. Of course, Tango's body heat keeps me warm when I'm on his back but afterwards when I'm untacking, well, it's cold!!! Three dogs are better than hot tea. They're better than a glass of wine. They might even be better than a hot bath tub! And as I half-sit half-lay on the couch, having the three dogs as close to me as they can get is a great way to drift off while I'm remembering the thrill of my morning ride.

Who could ask for more? Not me!

Meet Our New Grandson!

>> Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Luke Michael Mader
6 pounds and 9 ounces
March 18, 2011
1:35 a.m.

Talk About Luck!

>> Saturday, March 12, 2011

My latest assignment for a magazine I write for was to write an article about how to prepare a pet for a new baby.
Since my son and daughter-in-law are expecting our grandson any second, they made perfect models for the article!

So did Riley!

What Kind of a Person Does This?

>> Friday, March 4, 2011

Ivy is so sweet and woud be the perfect family pet. In fact she was. Then HER family gave her up because they were moving. The fall leaves hadn't even begun to change when Ivy was dropped off at the animal shelter. It was September then. Ivy's been in a cage ever since. She went from living the life of a family dog to living in a cage in an institution and in my opinion that sucks.

No one wants to adopt Ivy. Why? Because Ivy is eight-years-old. Age doesn't mean anything though. Ivy is still very playful and probably has five or six more years of life left in her. She's no different than me. Most people my age don't do what I do. Thank God no one took me away from my comfy home and locked me up! They didn't tell me I couldn't gallop my horse across a field either. Poor Ivy.

Ivy is house-trained. She gets along with other dogs and older children. She does well in doggy playgroups and is well behaved. She's not overly nervous either.

Ivy's been at the shelter way too long. She is really in need of a good home. If you live near Columbus, Ohio (or want to transport) or know anyone who would give Ivy a loving home please contact Jen at 614-415-6243. You can also email

The only thing that makes me feel better about situations like this is to do something. My house is full right now but I can still network with all of you. Thanks for letting me bend your ears.

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."

Clearly Ivy's owners weren't worthy of her devotion.

P.S. I was just reading some of the comments that have been left and someone I consider to be a total dog expert thinks that Ivy could live to be 16 or so!

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