Have I ever told you about Bud? He was my Newfie...my heart and soul. Bud died about ten years ago. The vet actually came to our house to put him down. It was one of the worst days of my life.
Unlike Kelly who was so sick, Bud's legs just quit working. He couldn't stand up anymore but he was healthy as a horse. At 220 pounds, I couldn't do much to help him...no one could. Years before he died we put ramps up to our back door and of course we had a ramp for my van.
I always said I knew it would be time for Bud to go when he didn't perk up his ears when he heard the jingle of the car keys. Oh how Bud loved to ride. Bud's ears never stopped perking up.
I could tell you long stories of the trail rides Bud and I went on together or the hamburgers from McDonald's that he loved so much, but that's not the point of this post.
The point is of a different kind of rescue help. I am so thrilled to be a part of this rescue that I can't tell you. This is the email I received that set the wheels in motion:
Transport Needed for 1 adult Newf.
Rescue to screened forever home (home checks done) in MN.Date of transport: Sunday
3/7/10Transport Purpose: Rescue to forever Screened home in MN
Transport Coordinator: Donna PalenRescue
Placing dog: Autumn Acres Animal Rescue Org.Website: http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/KS87 Emergency #'s:816-776-3022 or cell 928-458-0616Coordinator email : dpalen@msn.com or donna @ autumnacres.org (without the spaces) Breed/name; Newfoundland/SaraAge/Weight: 3 yrs old/ overweight at about 130s VET RECORDS: Yes
TEMPERAMENT: Gets along with everything, likes car rides and loves people
CRATE: Doesn't needs one, so this is optional.
Sunday, March 7th, 2010 1. Warwick, MD to Towson ('burb of Baltimore), MD 74.64 miles - 1 hour 10 min. 8:00am to 9:10am
2. Towson, MD to Fredrick, MD 53.53 miles - 1hr 9:20am to 10:20am ***NEEDED*** 3. Fredrick, MD to Hancock (just west of Hagerstown), MD 52 miles - 1 hr 10:30am to 11:25am ***NEEDED***
4. Hancock, MD to Bedford, PA 43 miles - 53 min. 11:35am to 12:30pm ***NEEDED*** 5. Bedford, PA to New Stanton, PA 74.46 miles - 1 hr. 15 min. 12:40pm to 1:55pm ***NEEDED***
6. New Stanton, PA to Wheeling, WV 71 miles - 1 hr, 10 min. 2:05pm to 3:15pm ***NEEDED***
7. Wheeling, WV to Cambridge, OH 51 miles - 1 hour 3:25pm to 4:25pm ***NEEDED***
8. Cambridge, OH to Columbus, OH 79 miles - 1 hour 10 min. 4:35pm to 5:45pm ***NEEDED*** Overnight for 3 nights in Columbus, OH FILLED Wednesday, March 10th, 2010
9. Columbus, OH to St. Louis, MO 4:00pm Transport company (FILLED)
Guess who Sara will be staying with in Columbus, Ohio? My eyes are still filled with tears as I think of Bud, but my heart is full of love to share because of the wonderful years we had with the most gentle giants of all.
PS..By the time you read this, all legs of the journey will be filled. Sara will be on her way to a new forever home. Maddie and Annabelle will wonder what hit them again! What good girls they are!