Yes I know, do we really need to keep posting things about how women in the industry are harmed? Well since a lot of people don't listen the answer is YES. I know I'll keep screaming until people actually hear me. My words and other brave bloggers words about their experience in the sex "industry" have been glossed over as "odd" stories, since everyone know that the sex "industry" is just good sexy fun, right?
Yet again a woman who worked in the industry tells us a resounding NO. Yet again I am silmultaneously moved to tears and angered beyond belief by the stories of another woman (and you know for all the women brave enough to speak out there are a cadre of women with the same experiences who don't (and I understand's not easy to talk about abuse)) who has been abused, used, disrespected, and treated like nothing more then a few holes.
To all you "good sexy fun" believers AGAIN I ask: HOW MANY WOMEN WILL IT TAKE TO CONVINCE YOU THAT PORN IS HARMFUL TO WOMEN? HOW MANY? At least give me a number, I bet I could find that many women. Just tell me, WHAT WILL IT FUCKING TAKE?
Ex-porn star Shelley Lubben interviews Tanya W. (porn name: Jersey Jaxin) about her decision to leave porn and the horrible conditions that she was working in.
Part the first:
part the second:
From Shelley Lubben (now, I hate WalMart (and Target slightly less) but in this instance, if I could, I would send a gift card):
"I want to give Tanya some relief from the many years of suffering she has endured. She has only known pain and abuse since she was a little girl and now I want all of us to reach out to her. She is moving to another state where there are mainly Super Walmarts. If you would like to help Tanya as she begins her new life please send Walmart and Target cards to my PMB Box and I will forward everything I receive to her as soon as I receive them from you.
Let's keep helping the porn stars rebuild their lives! YOU are making a HUGE difference in the lives of women by your giving.
Tanya already sends a BIG THANK YOU to us for your support and love as she courageously rebuilds her new life.
You can send the Walmart cards here to my post mail box at:
Shelley Lubben
PMB Box 33
6077 Coffee Rd 4
Bakersfield, Calif. 93308
Or if you'd like to help in some other way please visit my web site here. (Also you can see the other women that Shelley is trying to help and lend some support or a hand (there are non-monetary things like finding lawyers, translators, etc)
Thank you SO MUCH for caring about the porn stars! Love, Shelley"
Now I know Shelley is one the Christ train, and I fear people will react by saying: "oh she's just religious right." To that I say, how many people in the religious right are ex-pornstars and how many actually want to *help* people leave porn? Seriously, what she's doing is wonderful for anyone. I don't care if she calls herself the one true god, she is doing much more then most people in our society, helping the abused and battered women get a life outside of the abuse (porn).
Hat tip and more info: Anti-Pornography Activist Blog
The very public gaslighting of Zelenskyy
1 day ago
I, like you wonder how many women voices speaking out about the horrors of the working in porn and or prostitution will it take to be hear.
I have hear, read and spoken out about the degradation and violence in porn and prostitution. I lived through extreme violence when I was a prostitute. Many men that raped who battered me, would repeat porn scenarios.
But, say that outside radical circles and it is dismiss as hysterical.
Women in porn and prostitution have put a face on, pretend to be happy to rape, battered, strangled, and generally treated as they are not human.
Women who have survived do speak out, often very loudly. But, it always silenced.
Sorry I made so many mistakes in my message. The major one being instead of "radical circles", I meant radical feminist circles.
This subject makes very emotional.
I really want the realities of the tortures, both mentally and physicially, to "sex workers" was acknowledge. Rather, having to live with the PTSD from repeated male violence.
Men who use or make porn, do see women as nothing. This view will go into their "normal" relationships. Men who abused prostitutes, will see all women as meat.
I hope it ok me writing this rant. But, the pain of male violence go through my body. Now, I can feel grief.
But, I want to live in a world where porn and prostitution no longer pollutes. A world where women are not just a sex object.
Rebecca - I've always known you as an incredibly brave woman and I have total respect for you.
I met you once but I don't expect you to remember our meeting.
There are a couple of things I'd like to speak with you about - could you mail me? My email address is on my blog header. I'm also a member of reSisters.
It's ok if you'd rather not make personal contact- I understand.
Jersey Jaxin's story really moved me.
I've actually made a page on her there:
And I've also made another page that compiles comments about the Real Lives of pornography performers, about what's Really going on in the porn industry (and that debunks all the "HBO-Glamorized-porn-star-image" shit). It's called "Female Performers, Pornography, and the Sex Industry: Take a Closer Look!". There it is:
I can't view the vids... have they been removed from youtube, or is there something wrong on my end?
I believe the biggest problem is GREED (which causes problems in nearly every aspect of Human society, if not all).
Unfortunately greed is in play on both sides of the equation - continuously on the production side, and initially on the "performer" side.
In the desire to make as much money as possible; they, the producers, take advantage of those "performers" who feel they haven't other options available.
It's a vicious circle that "traps" many "performers" I believe.
And lets not forget some men fall prey to some of the same evils that women do, albeit to a lesser extant since gay porn isn't as prevalent as straight.
My two cents.
I hope she is in a good place now. I have recently made the decision to stop consuming pornography, in large part due to the stories that I have heard from former porn stars. Once you know that at least some of these girls are in this industry because of hurt and abuse they have gone through, and continue to be subjected to, you can no longer get any pleasure from porn. If you have any capacity to feel empathy you cannot take the chance that you may be taking advantage of the degradation of someone elses child. You just can't know what someone else is going through on the other side of that screen. Peace.
How sad that she is moving to a state where the only shop is Walmart. Tesco are trying to do that here in the UK (wipe out ALL other businesses so there is NO choice for us than to get groceries apart from a soul-less, lifeless excuse of a hyper-processed life-sapping shithole of a supermarket - Walmart are probably as bad or worse for the world than porn).
Her story has stopped me enjoying porn. I feel this needs to be bigger. I still cannot understand how some stuff is legal at all... especially in the USA!
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