I have a disability that often keeps me away from this post (and just about everything else) for days and sometimes weeks at a time so I cannot guarantee you a timely answer to your question, but I have noticed that A LOT of the questions asked have been covered either in this post or in the comments. I have very little energy due to my medications and I do not wish to spend it repeating myself, so PLEASE read carefully and look for your answer before you ask a question.
And those of you who take the time to come back and tell us about your experience I thank you. It is good for others to know how this went for someone in the same position.
I have used this to positive results 3 times. Given the lack of access to bc and abortion in much of the US I would like to share this with all of you. Copy it, pass it around, send it to your friends. It is cheap and accessible to all. Obviously if there are any health problems or adverse side effects contact a doctor. My friends and I have used this with very little complications, but I just want to put that disclaimer out there as all bodies are different and yours may react differently then ours. Feel free to ask a natropath/herbalist/physician/gynaecologist.
It can only be used up to 3 weeks after a missed period, but the sooner the better. I've done it within the first week of missing my period and it's always brought it back for me. The best time to start it is on the 1st or second day of the missed period.
You will need:
Fresh parsley (preferably organic...I don't want pesticides in my vagina, so I go organic)
500 mg pills/capsules of Vitamin C (Try not to get pills with Bioflavonoids such as Rose Hips. These PREVENT miscarriage.)
The treatment can last 3 days: DO NOT EXCEED 3 DAYS!! This will work or not within 2/3 days.
1. Insert a fresh sprig of parsley as far as possible into the vagina. (parsley induces contractions, yum) Change every 12 hours. When soft, it may be difficult to remove, but this is not dangerous.
2. At the same time, drink parsley infusions. 2 to 6 tablespoons 4 times a day.
Making an infusion: use 2 1/2 cups of boiling water for every ounce of parsley (If you buy it at the store, minus 2/3 stems (for sprigs) this should be the amount of water used to make the tincture). Add parsley to boiling water, remove from heat and cover. Very important that you remove from heat IMMEDIATELY upon adding the parsley. Boiling the water with the parsley in there will make the infusion less effective. Let it steep for at least 20 minutes (the longer it steeps, the more potent it will be. I usually let it steep for 2 hours.
3. During the 3 days (or until your period starts) take high doses of Vitamin C orally. Ideally, take 500 mg every hour up to 6000 mg. You can continue using the Vitamin C for up to 6 days. Vitamin C can bring on menstruation even 3 weeks after a "late" period. you can begin taking Vitamin C immediately after unsafe sex, or if the condom broke, etc.
If successful you should start to bleed in 2 to 3 days.
-You may have cramps (I get 'em bad after doing this) and you can take whatever you usually take for cramps or make a ginger infusion and take that.
-The chances of success are less if you regularly take high doses of Vitamin C
-High amounts of Vitmain C can cause loose stools. No one I know has experienced this, but is has been known to happen.
-Do not use if you have kidney problems.
-Watch for signs of Toxicity Specific to Parsley: Nausea, hallucinations, vomiting, vertigo, hives, paralysis, liver swollen and
painful, urine scanty and darkly colored, and tremors.
I've often noticed that on the second night I start emanating heat. Seriously I feel like a space heater. This is ok, it's just a side effect of the high doses of Vit. C and to me signifies that it worked and I will get my period soon (generally that night/next morning)
I DO NOT know anything about adding Dong Quai, so DO NOT ask me about it. I don't know.
Credit for information: Hot Pantz Blood Sisters Collective, Montreal, Quebec.
Answers to FAQ
1. Your age will not affect whether this will work or not. If you are old enough to menstruate and get pregnant then you are old enough or this to be effective.
2. I do not know individual Vitamin C brands. I do not know how time release would work as there is no evidence as to if/how it has worked. I know that Vit. C with Rose Hips has worked, but it is preferential that if you can get Vit. C without Bioflavonoids that you do as this works better. Bioflavonoids should be labeled as such on the bottle.
3. I can't tell you how much an ounce of parsley is. I've only ever seen parsley sold in bunches (which I weighed at more then an ounce) so I just take a few sprigs and dump the rest of the bunch into 2-2 1/2 cups of water. Stores have scales so if you're worried there should be a scale in the produce section or at the very least in the deli.
4. There is no difference between Italian (flat) or curly parsley.
5. Always use fresh parsley.
6. If this doesn't work and you decide to carry to term there will be no adverse effects caused by the vitamin C.
COMMENTS ARE NOW CLOSED. I have not had the time to publish, reject, or respond to the 200+ that are in my inbox right now nor do I forsee being able to keep up with them in the future. Furthermore I have not seen a post asking a question that hasn't been answered in the comments here yet and reiterate my statement that you should read the comments carefully b/c they will answer you comments. I wish you all the best of luck and feel free to start your own communities to talk about things like this.
The very public gaslighting of Zelenskyy
1 day ago
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1215 Newer› Newest»You forgot the caveat to beware of a possible ectopic pregnancy. Anybody trying a home abortion (or undergoing a "safe-n-legal abortion") needs to be aware of this risk, lest you end up Kris Humphrey, who ended up dead of an ectopic pregnancy after an herbal abortion she was doing herself.
Any pregnant woman, regardless of whether she plans to abort or carry to term, should have an examination to ensure that the embryo hasn't implanted in the fallopian tube.
Also, after any abortion attempt -- herbal or otherwise -- signs such as nausea and abdominal pain might be due to an ectopic pregnancy that wasn't diagnosed.
As much as I disapprove of abortion, I don't want any of y'all to end up as dead as your embryos. Please read Kris's story, and take care of yourselves.
Although anyone reading above comment should take it with a boulder of salt. From grannygrump's "real choice" blog:
As disturbing as her casual attitude toward killing her offspring ("I have used this to positive results 3 times."), and as deluded as she is by abortion-advocacy rhetoric (She thinks there's a lack of access to birth control and abortion in the United States.), I don't want her to end up as dead as her embryos.
Anybody else want to go talk a little sense into her?
Well, gee seeing as this is a recipe TO INDUCE A PERIOD/POSSIBLE MISCARRIAGE and NOT an abortion recipe there is very little risk in this. This will only coax your body to let your blood flow and there is NO EMBRYO, just A COUPLE OF CELLS.
You want to rail against abortion, go somewhere else. This is not your forum, and you will be deleted. But for my readers, I felt that you would be amused by this. Obviously, as I said if you get sick see a doctor, please, but this should not induce any severe illness (yeah, I don't feel good while emanating heat, but it's also not deadly, unless you're allergic to parsley/something in the vitamin c.)
Oh and the reason I posted this is because I have never used the herbal abortion methods mentioned in Hot Pantz. They even say that they can have disasterous results if not used properly and can have horrendous side effects and that a standard abortion would be much easier.
This is to be done way before you would do the other two. Pennyroyal is toxic and should only be for external use ONLY. (Although rubbing it on your skin around your uterus can also help induce contractions.) I am unsure of the other methods and have been urged against them by the plethora of herbalists I know. No one has said anything bad about this method, nor have I seen the adverse side effects that herbal abortion methods produce. Apple, orange.
At least you've just got an insane Granny. I'm being blog-bombed by irate Muslims and right-wing nuts. Sigh. It will all be over soon.
I know. I ran away from that. As one who's bneen on the recieving end of irate wingnuts-it will pass soon, and I thought what you wrote was right on. (I hope they don't come here)
Interesting post. Love the grumpy gran - it's amazing how emotively and carefully worded pro-lifers are. Is there a word generator they use to make sure they all come up with the same terms and phrases?
Also, the vit c thing making you hot may explain a lot. My boyfriend is a vit c aholic, and I've warned him about the dangers of high doses before, but he carries on anyway. Recently he's been boiling hot all the time and complaining about it, so now I might know why!
Lost Clown, I`m a bona fide abortion rights advocate who found your blog through GrannyGrump (on whose blog I can often be found offering a different point of view). A few notes:
GrannyGrump is indeed an avid pro-lifer who makes no attempt to temper her anti-abortion opinions. Yet it is true that any chemically-induced abortion, whether with natural ingredients at home or pharmaceuticals in a clinic, will not work for an eptopic pregnancy, and one should always be wary of this possibility. Also -- in a pregnancy that early, there IS an embryo present (unless it`s not a pregnancy at all, or a rare one in which only a gestational sac develops with nothing inside it) -- it`s just very small, and very undeveloped compared to what it would grow to at later stages.
I have never heard of using parsley before. I think I myself would prefer Plan B, but that`s just me.
I prefer Plan B as well, but I am aware that it's harder to get in some places. I think that this is always good knowledge to have, however. It's safe and effective, and has saved my butt. Thanks for your input.
(Also great to know if you are traveling and don't carry Plan B with you.)
Fantastic post Lost clown.
I knew about vitamin C (when abortion was, briefly, made illegal in New Zealand there was such a run on vitamin C in some chemists, that they were charging extortionate rates), but hadn't heard the parsley.
Vitamin C works best if you start it on (or before) the day your period is due.
You can also insert a tablet of vitamin c right into your vagina after intercourse (a new one every 12 hours for 3 days), but I get all both of the adverse side effects: burning and itching. It SUCKS. I prefer to take them orally. It's a good thing that a lot of people know about the vitamin c, but I'm scared as to how expensive it might get if abortions are made illegal (or state by state legal) but lucky me, I'm on the border and Canada's being much more reasonable lately. (Aside from Harper, ack.)
Herbal "abortions" causing ectopic pregnancies?
If the egg is already implanted, neither Plan B nor herbs will dislodge it. But in order for a pregnancy to be ectopic, the egg has to have ALREADY implanted somewhere it shouldn't be.
What the hell? Is Grumpy trying to tell us that parsley will uproot an implanted egg, shove it back up the fallopian tubes, and let it re-implant?
I get so sick of pro-life wingnut "Lying for Jesus" scare tactics.
wow!!! parsley has powers I never knew about!!
OUch. Good comment! I posted this only because I have lived in one of those places that you have to cross state lines to get to the nearest abortion practitioner and I have found a safe, reliable way to deal with a possible pregnancy if I have no access to Plan B.
Apparently all we're meant to be is breeding factories, because women dying from being constantly pregnant is apparently very pro-life. Grrrrr.
oh granny granny granny, didn't I tell you to spew your anti-woman hate speech somewhere else? Seriously, you *can't* possibly live in the ENTIRE US so you cannot possibly speak to how accessible abortion is FOR EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY.
Also I had this funny thought. These 'abortion doctors' that you say no one wants to go to. You mean, they didn't go to medical school and study to be OB-GYNs, because right now, they're supposed to.
I live in the US, have had an abortion at great expense and logistical trouble and anxiety, and I think this is an essential post. I'm going to bookmark it and share it forevermore!
lost clown, how is a caveat that undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy can be fatal qualify as "anti-woman hate speech"? I've been very plain that I don't want any of you to end up like Kris Humphrey or Brenda Vise. What's hateful about that?
Isn't the caveat about ectopic pregnancy the type of argument generally used to argue for access to legal medical abortions? An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous whether you're hoping to stay pregnant or whether you're planning to terminate. The way I see it, it isn't the abortion that killed KH, it's the lack of medical monitoring, no?
Hmmm...maybe there were things in your two comments that got deleted. Yes you mentioned ectopic pregnancy, but pushing your anti-woman anti-choice agenda is what your blog is for. Continue it on mine and you will continue to be deleted.
I see it the same way TL.
As always Twisty's right on top of things again
I don't like to blog much about abortion, as others are so much better at it then I, and there are issues that I feel are worth more of my energy as those issues are not talked about as much as say, abortion.
Thanks for this! Two questions. How fresh does the parsely infusion have to be - is it ok to make it once for the 3 days, or is it better to make it more frequently? I'm assuming store it airtight in the fridge. Is it sensitive to light or anything else to watch for? The other thing is about the vitamin C tolerance. How high of a regular dose would hurt effectiveness, and any idea of how long one would have to quit for before the remedy would have a fair shot at working? Thanks again, so much, for sharing this.
(ps -I just found you from the carnival of feminst's future hosts list)
I make it once for 3 days, that's completely ok. I'm not sure what would constitute high normal levels of vit. c. My friends who take 500 mg of Vit. C a day have said that it worked for them. I think more then 1000 mg a day is what would be referred to as a high dosage. (the instructions I got just said "high doses" so I'm unclear. Probably towards the upper limit that are recommended on the vit c bottle) I usually store the infusion in a clear mason jar. Light does not deteriorate it at all.
You're welcome, and I'm glad you found me!
A slightly different caveat. Have there been any controlled studies done on the effectiveness of either parsley or vitamin C at preventing implantation/inducing menstruation? If not, there's always the possibility that the relationship between taking megadoses of C and menstruating is coincidental, rather than causal.
Abortion should be safe and legal, if only because legislating against abortion has been shown to increase the number of abortions, and the number of deaths. If the pro-birth crowd was really interested in reducing the number of abortions, they'd support girls' and women's economic and social rights.
It isn't like someone trying a home abortion would just suddenly keel over and die of an ectopic if she had one. There are warning signs much like appendicitis--severe abdominal pain, nausea, etc. It doesn't take medical monitoring to know when you've got one. In fact, if I were living in a world where abortion was illegal, I wouldn't want to go get monitored to see if I were pregnant. You know? Then they'd have evidence I aborted. That's just me, and I'm not telling anyone else to stay away from the doc--it's still safe to go, for now. But that's still something to consider.
If forced-birthers like GrannyGrump were consistent about their irrational belief that a fertilized zygote = human being, they would insist that women stay in bed for for 3-5 days after each act of sexual intercourse. You don't want the gestational host to exercise or do anything else that would prevent the little zygote from implanting in the uterus! Roughly 50 percent of fertilized eggs don't implant. I guess we all should be having little funerals each time we have a late period?
Since drug companies don't usually test herbs I'm unsure if there are any "tests" per se, although you can use Vitamin C tablets immediately after sex to change the pH of your vagina and keep the egg from implanting. But it makes me burn and itch at the same time, so I'm not a fan.
If you're looking for medical information I can't help you, I can, however tell you exactly what I said above that most herbalists and natropaths feel that this is a safe and succesful method. (I've talked about various methods with a lot of herbalists.)
Herbs are hidden in our society so there won't be any medical tests on vitamin c or parsley. But I do trust herbalists and I trust this remedy. Just like I trust that nettles are going to keep my allergies away and that Kava Kava picks me up when I'm having anxiety problems.
It isn't like someone trying a home abortion would just suddenly keel over and die of an ectopic if she had one.
That's exactly what I thought. Hell if I felt like that I'd go to the hospital. I still cannot figure out what the link between that and my post are to anyone but Granny.
Because the right wingers in power don't believe in democracy, but in a super conservative theocracy?
And we never passed the equal rights amendment.
Not to be a jerk, but 3 times? Wouldn't it be easier to just get some birth control? I understand that it isn't readily accessable in some places, but it isn't impossible, and it's certainly easier to obtain bc than an abortion in the US. There are also permanant sterilization methods other than a tubal ligation. There is an insert called Essure, much like an IUD (i.e. Mirena, which is almost 100% effective for 5 years by the way, and costs up to a few hundred dollars for a one time insertion, but usually less). Unlike the IUD, which will be removed to return your fertilization in a few years, Essure causes the fallopian tubes to close off; you are sterile within a few weeks I believe. Google for more information, these are methods I myself am considering.
I believe in choice, but I also believe that using abortions as birth control is irresponsible. I'm not saying you are irresposnible, I don't know your circumstances at all, so please just take that statement as my opinion and not an attack. Also, don't take it to mean that I believe you are stupid or uninformed because I described those birth control methods. They are ones I just heard of myself, so I wanted to share.
Be safe...and have a good afternoon!
Seems to me that ectopic pregnancy - definitely a life-threatening condition for the woman - is a bit of a red herring in this conversation, given that its incidence is approximately 0.03% in the general population, or roughly 3 in 10,000 pregnancies.
I'm old enough to remember the butchery and abuse of women at the hands of the so-called backstreet abortionists forty-plus years ago, when there were no legal, or even more "organic" alternatives. Laws didn't stop unwanted pregnancies then, and they won't stop them now, despite the illegitimate imposition of certain people's otherwise legitimate religious beliefs on others.
What criminalizing abortions accomplished back then was to force women into the hands of unscrupulous people (mostly unscrupulous, immoral and unethical men), thereby supporting criminal, not to mention harmful, behaviour. Roe vs. Wade reduced harm, reduced crime, reduced opportunism, and ironically, reduced the immorality associated with forcing women to such butchers. "Unfortunately" (at least in the eyes of some people) it also empowered women and returned to them individual control - a consequence that, for some, is a far worse socio-political outcome than the actual procedure itself.
(I am choosing to post anonymously as I would prefer not to have my name associated with this issue for political reasons. For the record, I am Canadian and a male.)
grannygrump who is so concerned with undiagnosed ectopic pregnancies should be working to retain safe, legal abortions, then.
Under the proposed SD and Miss. laws, a woman with an ectopic pregancy will have a very hard time saving her life or future fertility. No abortions, for any reason...that's what's being proposed.
Not to be a jerk, but 3 times? Wouldn't it be easier to just get some birth control?
A) Then why be a jerk as you were in your comment? You knew you were going to be, saying "not to be a jerk" does not somehow absolve you of your jerktitude. By the way, a "couple 100 dollars" is too much for many women. Watch out, your privilege is showing.
B) Condoms fail, and 3 times in 16 years? Not so bad considering that EC was NOT readily available the first time I had to do it, and I was too young to get my tubes tied. I know about birth control. It sometimes fails. Leave your lectures for somewhere else.
Wait forgot 2 things:
ALL birth control can fail even sterilisation.
Also, not an abortion: an induced miscarriage.
Anonymous, thanks for your stats. I agree with you that if women like granny want to keep women from dying from ectopic pregnancies they should keep abortion safe and legal. Unfortunately they don't see it that way.
Though I'm sure someone will take this as me being a point-badgering smartass:
What is the difference between induced miscarriage and abortion?
Wow, that "herbal abortion horror story" takes on downright urban legend proportions. Bleeding from everywhere she could, including piercings? Please. That just seems to be one of the more egregious (and imaginative) fabrications. I've submitted it to, hopefully they'll look into it.
Not a glamorous how-to, it's downright disturbing and graphic, but that's the sort of thing important choices are made of. Good work!
Oh, and for those who've posted comments asking, the difference between a miscarriage and an abortion is pedantic, but if we need to differentite based on colloquial use, quite simple. A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion for natural, physiological reasons; roughly half of all zygotes meet this fate somewhere along the line, with most women not even realizing they carried a zygote before it died and was purged naturally (God/nature is the ultimate abortionist!). An intentional/induced abortion is a pregnancy a woman is aware of and makes an effort to terminate through not-quite-natural means.
Let us know what Snopes says! I found that story very unbelievable too.
I have been researching miscarriage inducers online and found this post very helpful and wanted to say thank you. As for everyone who feels the need to comment and argue, remember that you have the right to believe whatever you want, but you do NOT have the right to choose what anyone else believes. I personally find it an attack on women in general when people condemn abortion. As a woman, I never thought I'd want to get an abortion or try to induce a miscarriage... until I got pregnant. And it's my right to choose what happens inside my body. I was told I couldn't have children and suddenly I am faced with a very difficult situation. I do not take this lightly, but I am attempting to induce a miscarriage. The last thing I need is anyone telling me that I'm murdering a baby or that I'm making a mistake. It's my decision to abort/induce miscarriage and it's not an easy or casual decision. Thank you for sharing your experiences with this and letting me know that I'm not alone in my feelings. Sorry for rambling.
Thank you for sharing.
I'm glad you found this helpful. I know extreme measures people will take and wanted to put out there something many people I know have used successfully and with little side effects. I want people to be safe and careful and in the absence of legal, accesible abortion we'll have to find safe ways to ensure that women can choose what happens to their bodies.
I googled and found your site because I heard there were herbs that can cause a miscarraige.
I am almost 44 and going through a divorce and custody battle over 2 little girls. In a flash with a man I conceived (I think he sneezed in my direction) and cannot believe I am going through this at my age!
I live on a remote Island where medical help for termination is not possible and have made an appt to fly to Anchorage and go to a women's clinic for a surgical procedure on March 27th that has me terrified, mostly because they want to wait until I am 8 weeks. Not to mention the huge expense which right now I do not have the$$. My soon to be ex will use this as a reason to get the kids.
Is this really a successful method? If it doesn't work will I be ok? I am so scared but really do not want to wait any longer. My period was due around Feb 27th, so is just a week & half late. Parsley and Vit C?? Is that all???
What is the "Plan B" you mentioned on your site?
Plan B needed to be taken up to 5 days after sex. It is not an abortificant, but something that keeps the egg from implanting. It is far too late for Plan B. Although getting some from the clinic to keep on hand would be a good idea.
Parsley and Vitamin C have worked. I've never tested it after the first week, but my advice would be to do it right away. If nothing happens (which it might not as this is most successful the day after a missed period) you still have an appointment just in case. (Which is good for anyone doing this if they know for sure that they don't want to carry to term.) And yes, parsley and vitamin C is all it takes, just make sure that you only do the vitamin C for ONLY up to 6 days. These high does of Vitamin C may cause "loose stools" but that's really the only side effect. Vitamin C can work up to 3 weekd after a missed period. Just make sure you follow the directions and don't take too much vitamin c.
I went for a scan (8 weeks pregnant) and was told that the foetus had died in the preceeding weeks. I now have to wait 10 days until they can fit me in for a d&c. Is it risky for me to try to naturally induce a miscarriage (now just over 8 weeks)?. Good for you for posting this information, for you pro-lifers out there, some of us are having a hard time of it and if we can do things naturally without surgical intervention then surely that is a good thing?
Is the vitamin C(ascorbic acid) less effective if one was to take the Vitamin C with rose hips prior to finding out that they prevent miscarriages. Should I take more Vitamin C than required to outweigh the vitamin C with rose hips?
I'm not sure. I've had friends who have overlooked the rose hips thing and have miscarried, but then they never regularly taken Vitamin C. The maximum amount I have heard of people using is 10000 mg. That would very probably cause "loose stools" so be warned that you may get diharreha from that high of a dosage.
And TM: I don't think that it would work 8 weeks in, but I don't know anyone who's used this more then 2 weeks after a missed period. Good luck.
Is it less effective if we don't use the parsley tea, because I can't find any. Obviously I'm not looking in the right places.
CAn't find parsley? Strange. Vitamin C can work on it's own, the parsley does make it more effective, however as the parsley encourages the cervix to open.
Just something to remember, drink plenty of water when you're doing this - excessive vitamin C is known to cause kidney stones in susceptible people, so keep the water flowing to flush out your kidneys and you don't end up replacing one problem (late period) with two (late period and fucking painful kidney stones).
okay there is almost no difference between abortion and miscarriage. miscarriages are known as spontaneous abortions. as one who has a experienced a miscarriage (through no action of my own, only natural, internal causes) i find the fact that you so distance yourself from the term abortion disturbing. i do believe in choice as you do and i feel for the fact that BC and abortions are not readily available across the US as they are in the major metropolitan area where i live. i will defend to death a woman's right to choose, but why do you find the term abortion doesn't apply to what you are doing? i guess i should include my definition of abortion, the willful termination and removal of an embryo/zygote/fetus. i have read through other parts of your blog as well and i enjoy and support it, but i just need to know how you make the distinction.
I tried the VIt. C thing about 3 or 4 months ago when I thought I might be pregnant and it worked wonders for me. However, now I find myself pregnangt for sure (just took the test) and I'm trying any and every way to try to miscarriage that I can get my hands on. I'm going to try this parsley thing too, and I've alrady been taking Vit. C since I found out (yesterday). And I take 1000mg every hour all day long.
BUT... I posted this comment for a reason. My friends (who have all either miscarried or aborted their 1st pregnancies) are working, making a team to try and help me out. They already have certain drugs planned, alcohol, and they want to give me birth control to take too. I was wondering if mixing methods is dangerous or less effective. I'm not so worried about the dangerous part because I would honestly rather hurt myself than have this baby (Im only 16). Sooo... if any of you can help me, let me know. This is my email>> thanks
I would honestly say to go to a clinic and have it done. Depending on how late your period is the parsley/vit c will not work.
This was posted a while and I admit that I didn't read all the comments, but it appears Kris Humprey died because of liver damage as a result of ingesting pennyroyal, not an ectopic pregancy. I could be mistaken, but I don't think an ectopic pregancy could kill a woman in two weeks.
But Granny's right about one thing. Pennyroyal can be really dangerous.
And also, bioflavinoids, like rose hips, help prevent a miscarriage. You probably don't want them in your vitamin C if you're trying to induce a miscarriage.
When I went to the store all I could find was Vitamin C with rose hips. will 10 mg make that big of a difference?
I once used Vitamin C with rose hips and it worked. It is more effective without them, but if you can't find anything else.....
I'm sorry it takes so long for me to check up on this thread...I'm going to be more vigilant about that in the future.
The parsley sprigs, is this with the leaves on or just the stems? Won't the leaves break and get stuck?
The sprigs, the leaves just get soft, they don't break off, but if they do your vagina is self cleansing and will force them out in a few days.
I took a whole bottle of vitamine C 500ml 350 pills in less than three weeks and it never hurt me. As a matter of fact it didnt even give me a miscarriage. IF that dont hurt you nothing will. So who ever this Kris Humphrey person is is stupid. THere must be a few thigs the media didnt tell you. I started taking the pills three weeks after i found out i was pregnant i had plenty of time for this to work. Image this. (if your against abortion) you can be any age. your with someone and your parents/family/stalker/any one found out you were pregnant and one of them would KILL you. If They know everything you do and found out you were pregnant. You bitch would be dead. What if you were raped and got pregnant and you lost everyone you love because no one believed you were raped. Those at home remedies start to be appreciated more. What if you found out that your husband got your daughter pregnant granny O, would you have it aborted then. What are you going to do hide it from eveyone ha. Besides its not any ones business other then the person carrying. Some people arent emotially as sorry as those who let petty guilt stop then from preventing herbal suppliments in order to keep them selves from ungodly punishment.
Hey i wrote the passage above sorry i got out of hand...Ive just started taking pennyroyal LIQUID (NOT OIL)(ONE DROP-IT WILL KILL YOU) today and it doesnt taste bad at all. it has a mint taste to it and i hate mint. i cannot eat mint if i had to die. I did take my first glass and it would be fine but i vomited before i could get it down...because i hate the taste of mint. BUT that isnt going to stop me...i never give up. especially not this. I will write back to tell you the results. Pray that i can get it going to try to mix it with honey or lemon juice.
Ill write back soon.
i just had a question..and i'd appreciate it if someone could help :D
would just taking the vitamin C in the amount you said work to induce a period? or is it also necessary to take the parsley? thanks
1) The parsley will help as it encourages contractions, but I have heard of Vitamin C working on it's own.
As per the two weeks, I've started it a week after a missed period and it has worked, and all the information I have says that it should work up to 3 weeks, so I think that there still is hope. Good luck.
Thanks for your input, it is indeed a very hard decision to make. Good luck with whatever you decide to do (sorry it didn't work, but it isn't 100% reliable)
Please also commenters, no more all caps, ok? My eyes hurt.
Hello - thank you for posting this information. It was about a month ago I was in need of it. I started taking the vit C. every hour in the morning but I started the infusion half way thru the day. Once I took the infusion I started to bleed-right away! So I literally only used it for like 10 hours. Should it work that fast? I bled alot which I expected but now that I havn't gotten my period I'm scared. When can I expect to get my peroid again? I just moved across the country so I havn't set up an OBGYN yet so I was just wondering if I should do that tomorrow.
Curious College
When in doubt I would advise that you go and see someone. It's what I would do to make sure that everything's ok I've known people who have had this method work very quickly and some not at all; our bodies are all different.
I usually get my period about a month after I finish does throw off your cycle somewhat.
Good luck, though. I hope everything's ok.
Wow, what an interesting read. I have always been open minded and have now found myself in a similar situation. As I work offshore, I had little option but to wait til returning to UK for help. I do have an appointment for an abortion but in 2 weeks time. If only I had found this site a few weeks ago, as I always have vit c with me and I am sure the galley crew would have found me some parsley! Then again, what do i have to lose if I just start trying now! Thanks for all being out there. just like to ask if 6 grams of vitamin c would be effective if its been 6 weeks since a missed period?
probably not. This recipie is most effective closer to the missed period then not. Maximum time after a missed period is only three weeks, then it probably won't work, sorry. Good luck.
I would just like to say thank you for sharing this publicly. It takes a lot of decency and stamina to deal with people's negative viewpoints against abortion and induced miscarriages.
I found myself in this situation, and not a very pretty one at that, too much drama involved, and so being only the first week of the missed period, I tried this. It worked, and even though I was hoping it was just a late period, I am miscarrying as we speak.
Regardless of how I feel about what I did or what others feel about it, using this method helped lift a very heavy weight off my shoulders. Again, I thank you for sharing this publicly.
This is going to sound strange...I was over 10 days late I knew I was pregnant. One cause my boyfriend and I don't have sex. Two cause I am never late. I woke up one morning and had cramps like I started, bleeding everything. I had a miscarriage. I had sex since then and think I am pregnant again. I think so because all the symptoms of pregnancy before went away and now they are back. Is it possible that I am pregnant again or am I still micarrying? Is has been like two weeks. I usually start around the tenth but it said after a miscarriage you will be late? I am so lost...
I would say to see a doctor, because I have no idea and think that that would be best.
I am doing this treatment right now. I am cramping and I believe I will get my period soon. I just wanted to thank whomever was brave enough to post this "option". Thank you....
Hey Im not sure if you are still checking on this site but I really need your help.
I was at a friends party on the 16 june and i passed out waking up to my friends asking me if i remebered last nigh. Well apparently I had sex with someone and he said he does not remember if he wore a condom...and i dont even remeber at yeah I am married and stationed overseas with my husband who i love to death and i cant tell him i should be getting my period tomorrow and i am really scared to do this method, but do you think it will work for me since i am taking it so early....what are the chances of it working, b/c i really need it to.
It should work in that case (i.e. the sooner you start it the more effective it is.)
ANd to anonymous up there: you're welcome. I'm glad that it's been helpful to people.
would this work for agmenting a miscarriage if you are past a few weeks? I mean, my embryo died at 6/12 weeks....I have already waited 10 days for a miscarriage to start but nothing. My doc has a D&C scheduled for next month (over 5 weeks from when the embryo died). I am eager to start something now.
Well, I read your blog on how to induce a miscarriage. I think it is brilliant and do applaud you! Forget Granny. Well, you wrote that you could try this technique after unprotected sex. I didnt read any posts that fit this situation. So I was wondering, would that induce an early period if it was the beginning of your month? I just had sex with my boyfriend the other day and the condom broke. I personally was freaking out and then I read this. Relief! That there is another option! He thinks I am nuts and should just stick it out. But I'm in control of my own body. I would rather be safe than sorry. Thats all that I wanted to know. Or should I just wait to see?
You can insert a pill of vitamin C into your vagina after sex (the more immediately you do it, the better it works), but the side effects (and I got all of them) are burning and itching. Not very fun. I'm not sure how long after this is, not everyone has these side effects. I will come back with more (better) info soon.
anon #1...I'm not sure that this would work in your case. Best to wait for the D&C.
I am 2:49 PM Anonymous and I wanted to update,
I started this regimine at 8w3ds (2 weeks after the embryo died) and I did Vit C (1000 mg every hour) for 5 days and did the parsley infusion 2 tbsp every hour also for 2 days.
On the 5th day I started spotting and on the 7th day full m/c.
The cramping and bleeding were what I expected for a M/C and today is just 30 hours after the first of the bleeding and I am feeling good. I passed a lot of clots and was fairly inactive for that first day. My doc said I will be fine. :)
Thank you very much for posting this.
well ive been to every web page possible to look for a way to naturally miscarry.
my ex-boyfriend is abusive and i refuse to carry his child simply b/c i will be stuck with him 4 the rest of my life! i already have a daughter and i never want to give him the chance to start hitting her. so im not having this DAMN BABY!
H E L P M E!
right now on all of the pages i went to they say vit. C and parsley but i dont know what to do with them. PLEASE HELP ME.
Im 11 weeks. HELP ASAP!
Wow anonymous 3:30 and 2:49. I'm glad it worked for you that late, that's amazing.
Anonymous 2:41. I don't know what to tell you as I explain in detail how to use the parsley and vitamin C, but at 11 weeks along you should consider a D&C if they are available in your area. That would be best for your health.
Is it possible that the Vitamin C could work alone? I am a little weary about inserting anything into my vagina. I am only 2 days late but took a pregnancy test and got a light positive result.
For everyone who has made comments regarding the wording on this page, I just have to say that a little psychological distance is often necessary to make the tough calls. Don't judge.
And thank you, lost clown, for posting this. It is exactly what I was looking for.
I am approx 5 weeks. can the vit c still work?
Know the saying, "You'll always find what you're looking for in the last place"? I think I just did. I read over many, many, endless sites about self inducing miscarriages and yours seems to be the winner of the bunch.
I just found out I was pregnant yesterday (hopefully, it's not too late for me) but I've considered all my options already. I have a 6 month old daughter right now and just not ready to have another..
I've studied your page numerous times already today so I'm hopin' and a wishin' that this does the trick.
Thank you for being so open with this.
5 weeks should work, it's up to 3 weeks after a missed period, which would be appx 7 to 8 weeks at most.
I am glad that I could be helpful, I would never post anything that wasn't safe (and my friends and I have all used this method). Just pass it on, with the way the US is heading I fear that this may be one of our only options.
I'd say that the parsley is crucial as it coaxes your uterus to produce contractions. I was a little intimidated the first time, but evrything turned out can't get lost in there, vagina's aren't that big.
hi there- just wanted to say thank you for the increcibly useful information. =) Was late on period and positive on pregnancy test- started doing mugwort and parsley tea right away, then found this site with more detailed information. I got those Emergen-C packets (1000 mg vit. C per packet) and have been taking 10 yesterday, 6 so far today. Also inserted parsley (talk about a strange feeling, lol) and been drinking parsley ginger infusion. 10 days late by now, and FINALLY started bleeding a few hours ago. Just wanted to say, if anyone else wants to use those packets for vit. C, they keep me up ALLL night. Couldn't sleep a wink last night (stressed out too, but I think it was the packets mostly), been up since day before yesterday. Also having some loose stools from the vitamin C, but to be expected. However it worked! Thank you thank you thank you! Cramps are VERY intense, but otherwise, seems to be going well so far. I appreciate everyone's posts for enabling me to make a wiser decision than getting another clinical abortion, that was THE WORST experience of my life so far. This time around is beautiful and natural. Thanks again =)
Well I am prego and I started doing EVERYTHING I have read!! But the wierd thing is that like two days before my "suppose to be" menstartion day, I started getting cramps and pms-ing!?! I was for certain I was gonna get my period because I was having the same symptoms I have had every month for the last I don't knwo how many years! But then it didn't come down, its been a week, but the cramps never stopped!!?! They lessened but thats it! Weird? Yes! But I got a Big Positive Preg. Test, I didn't have to wait not even a minute for the other line to show up! But if u guys can post feedback on this pleasse do?! Im still confused but I don't want to go through another D&C
I began using the parsley and vit c procedure the day i was due to start my period (positive test)... That night I awoke with very very painful cramping that lasted a while. ( I have had 3 children and know PAIN, and this HURT) That was 2 and a half days ago, still no bleeding, but my breast tenderness that comes with pregnancy has ceased, along with the uckiness feeling of early pregnancy? I am still using the parsley and vit c,but am just wondering what's next, since I havent began to bleed??? Help, please?
Honestly, It's peoples bodies and their own life. Why can't we just say its a personal choice?? It's like religion, ITS PERSONAL.
We should hate eachother for it, considering, its not our body,
Thanx for posting this recepie. I hate being pregnant - it happened to me once before and i was puking my sole out for the entire time before the abortion. And abortions do suck - they look at u loke you are a slut - really, they hate you, all these men who work there. Vit C worked super smooth, i did't even start the whole parsley thing - only vit C and some sit ups, and a lot of running in 40 C^ heat - I read that when you overheat the thing or do too much excersise you can miscary too
Stay safe and healthy,
dearest girls
I dont know if you even still look at this blog, but I have a question. I have been doing the Vit C for 3 days and no "period". Before I began I was pregnant. So pregnant that as soon as the urine hit the test i autimatically saw the pink line forming. The night of the 2nd day i took a preg test and it was negative, and the next morning(they say the first urine is the best to test with) I took another and it was negative. I continued with the 3 day of 6000grams, and no cramping and no bleeding. Can vit C affect a preg test because of the high levels in the urine? or is it taking a while for me to bleed? I will continue with the vit c until day 6.My nausea was gone the 2nd day of treatment. but my boobs are still sore. Is this a sign I am still preg? I am really confused.
I'm not sure. I would get a professional pregnancy test done (if available) because I don't know what that would mean. I've never heard of that happening before (which is not the same as saying that it doesn't happen) and so I would not feel comfortable doing anything but advising you to see a medical professional. Same to be said for all the other similar questions. If it hasn't worked, get a professional test before anything else.
sorry my responses have come so late, I understand that this is very time sensitive. I will try and check at least every other day.
ALso remember that you can take the Vitamin C for up to 5 days. If the parsley/vit c combination does not work in 3 days you can continue the vit c with some hope of miscarriage.
Just did this whole process.
Started this process the day after my period was due. Took a pregnancy test and it was positive. Vitamin C didn't work for me alone. I took 6-8 grams of Vitmin C a day for 5 days, did the parsley pessary and nothing happened. Then added capsules of Dong Quai that I bought at the grocery store. Took 1000 mgs every 4 hourse for 5 days (continued with the vitamin C as well). Drank LOTS of water and excercised a LOT and this morning started my period after 10 days of complete stress and worry. Happy that this site and sisterzeus are out there. I will be more careful in the future, but this method does work. I would guess that everyone's body chemistry is different and that you may have to try different things depending on how healthy you are. Good luck
Thanks for letting us know. All the information we can get to help people be successful and safe early on is a *very* good thing.
I'm two days late for my period, and I believe that I may be pregnant. Im only 16, and although I know that I would not be kicked out of my house for becoming pregnant, I can't face my parents and tell them that I think I may be pregnant. I read your post about the parsely, and I was so relieved!!! I was wondering what exactly I have to do to make it work. I do not want to have a baby, and I have read about how stressful and scary abortions can be. Thank you so much!
The complete directions on how to make the parsley infusion and the insertion of one sprig of parsley into the vaginal canal every 12 hours is detailed above.
Do you have to use the vaginal inserts AND the infusion, or can i just use the infusion?
I had a slight fever this morning, and yes, loose stools, slight nausea, but now I feel okay. I am doing everthing you said. I've been doing it since about noon yesterday, and still nothing, but I have felt a few light cramps. The reason I am doing ths is because I am on the pill and recently I have not had any periods (two months with little to no bleeding at all. I read that light pink or brown bleeding can be a sign of pregnancy, and I had that last month, and this month, no bleeding. I have a feeling, however, that this loss of blood is due to the pill, as I have had no pregnancy symptoms at all. I have also been taking the pills correctly. I may just be freaking out, but either way, I doubt that this treatment will kill me. Anyway, I just had a friend tell me that the pill can sometimes thin the blood so much that there is nothing left to bleed. If that is so, this treatment may do nothing, which would really freak me out. Anybody have any solutions?
Also, is it alright if I used dried parsley? How about if I added milk an honey to the tea? I don't think that would have any adverse affects. Either way, I am still ingesting the parsley.
I find parsley quite tasty. I like to eat it. =)
vit c does work... 500mg per hour, (when I did wake up at night, i double - triple dose on vit c depending how long i slept) I fell asleep with a hot water bottle on my lower tummy. I was 5 days late with 2 confirmed pregnancy tests... on the 5th day of only vit c and the water bottle, I started my period. thanks for the information. For those starting, the sooner the better.
Hi all. This is a good and informative page, hypocrisy aside. However, I'd just like to send a warning out, to try prevent anyone having the same symptoms as I did.
After a condom leakage, I started taking tons of Vit C just to be on the safe side. Unfortunately we didn't have any tablets, so I drank several tablespoons of the buffered effervescent Vit C powder. However, it turned out that I have stress induced gastritis, and the high doses of Vit C, especially in effervescent form, aggravated it to the point I had to be rushed to a doctor and put on a drip for the pain.
The chances of it happening to someone else are quite slim, but just a watchout, if you're particularly stressed or have stomach problems, avoid the fizzy Vit C like the plague.
Good luck, everyone.
The regimen works best if you do ALL of the things described: oral intake, vaginal, and the vitamin c. This will be the most effective way to induce a misscarriage. You can leave some parts out, but then your chances of this working go down. So you may omit the vaginal inserts, as long as your aware that the success rate will go down with it.
Trag: It is best to use fresh parsley. I'm unsure about what to do with birth control pills. I know people who have lost periods, etc. I wouldn't be doing the tea, etc myself unless I thought that I was pregnant. When you throw hormone pills in the mix your body can start acting kind of funny. I'd talk about it with your gynaecologist.
Great informative (and timely) post Lost Clown. My close friend in Toronto was 11 days past her period and was worried. I did the research for her and found the Vitamin C/parsley method. On Monday she took one 500 mg vitamin C tabs each hour for 6 hours. But on Tuesday, she took a 500 mg tablet every hour for 12 hours and also started drinking the parsley tea (3 times this day). On Wednesday at around 11 AM, she had her period and was RELIEVED.
So this method DOES WORK, and I plan to share this info with the rest of the world...especially women in developing countries.
Keep up the EXCELLENT work.
- Eye Opener
PS: Your readers will be shocked to death about some serious health matters in our society. See: Health @ Truth Seeker and The Doctor within: Free advise for BETTER health
Ginger is also said to help blood flow; in any case I found ginger tea a nice and warm way to help combat the upset stomach from the vitamin C. Also agree about the Dong Quai -- that and Black Cohosh both come in capsule form and can be found in most supplement sections. has very thorough information about all of this.
(I ended up here via the link at feministing, by the way, and thought I would share this.)
Crap! Not feministing, though my series of link clicks did begin there... it was the link from the Biting Beaver that landed me here. Cheers.
Im Pregnant, i know i am. But i havent taken a pregnancy test because i live with my boyfriend and he keeps a close eye on me. He is very abusive and controling and i lack going anywhere outside of the yard. I dont know how far along i am in the pregnancy but i know for sure i cant have this child. To bring a child in an unfit world is just wrong. And to have a child with this man is tieing me down to him for the rest of my childs life. Please help i think im furhter along than 3 weeks after my missed period. And he wont allow me to go to the doctor so anything that will help me while im at home to miscarry would be great. I really need help ladies, i have no one else to turn to and im despretly in need of some advice and support...
Help Me?
This thread is a safe space. You want to make mean and nasty comments they will be deleted. Also, if you're going to do that have the chutzpah to sign your name to it. (It will still be deleted, but at least you're not hiding behind the anonymous label)
Michelle I don't know what to tell you. SOme people have reported that it has worked more then 3 weeks after, but I'm also worried about your situation. I do hope you call the nearest DV hotline. They can help you with safety planning and getting out of the relationship (when you're ready).
hi there,
this might sound silly but just claryfing, it says to take Vitamin C orally??? wat do you mean by this???
Orally means by mouth, the way you usually take pills.
Please lost clown help me. I have been through an abortion three months ago and i hated it it has scarred me... i have only had sex twice since then and am pregnant again. Im so miserable and desperate. is there any way i could talk to u over messenger or sumthing?
Please im so desperate. I cant deal with this again
I am union_clown at yahoo.
Hi! I would recommend to your readers the website contains information on ending pregnancy/inducing miscarriage/controlling periods/etc. It has a lot of good information and answers some of the questions your readers have about what to take, how much, when, etc. Some herbs can be very dangerous so I would recommend that anyone who wants to try a method of herbal home abortion read that site. Please be very careful when introducing anything into your body unless you know what can happen. I hope someone benefits from this. :) Good luck everyone.
Ok, so I'm lucky enough to have EC fairly available to me (as long as its not the weekend... ), although the shameful hours of questioning from your doctor before they actually write the darned prescription is something I could do without. In saying that, I've only had to take it twice in my lifetime (both times while in a long term relationship) and both times when I had to stop taking the pill as it sends me kinda wacko after about 8 months on it and I have to break for a couple of months, relying purely on condoms.
This is definitely a page I'm glad I came across and will be sharing will all my friends. There is no legalised clinical abortion where in my country and although I don't know if I could do it myself... I'd like the choice- every woman is entitled to that at least. Open impartial advice is the key and the condemning of information like this is b*****ks as far as I'm concerned.
I hope I never have to do it, but at least I have the information needed should the situation arise. Thanks for sharing- and like I said- all my friends will be getting this bookmark
Anonymous 2:12 am; you are soooo right about needing psychological distance when making the tough decisions!! I am someone who FIRMLY did not believe in abortion. I know that an induced miscarriage and an induced abortion are the same thing, but unfortunately no matter which way I look at this situation, it sucks. I shouldn't have had sex if I didn't want to get preggers, but there you go and here I am! My boyfriend and I can't believe how stupid we were, and this could not have happened at a worse time. We wanted more time to get to know one another (hindsight is 20/20). We want to stay together and maybe have children in the future, but not right now. This has been the hardest struggle in my life, and I am NOT saying that God approves of what I am doing, but He knows my heart and why I'm doing this. I want my baby to have both parents together (in as much as I can have any say-so). So I have chosen to end this pregnancy. I just finished 10 days of 12,ooo mg/day of Vitamin C (NO BIOFLAVENOIDS!) and 7 days of Dong Quai. It hasn't worked yet (I may have blighted the ovum;I can't tell),but no miscarriage. I am going to take the tincture of Parsley with my Dong Quai and see if we can't kick the tires and light the fires! How much an ounce of Parsley is I have no clue....Wish me luck!!!
Oh, PS: I meant to say that I am grateful for God's mercy,love, and forgiveness even when I am wrong because He is the only thing I'm hanging onto right now. Ironic, huh?
does anyone still check this thread? i just had a question about making the parsley infusion. If you take more then the recomended dose will it make the process faster or will it be counter- productive.
thank you
and anonymous I am in the same boat as you as far as being a believer who is making this decision. Hope everything worked out for you and good luck
1) There is no judging on this thread. If there is a god, I believe that s/he would want evry child to be wanted and cared for, which is a far cry from what is reality for most kids.
2) Taking more then the recommended dose does not have any averse affects that I know of, but I'd stick with the largest amount of the prescribed dose.
I hope that this thread is still being checked. I was just wondering if you are supposed to feel anything as you are doing this method? What is normal? I am about 7 days late and I have been cramping the whole time, although they have increased since I started the parsley. Is this a good thing? Still no bleeding though.
Sorry, this is my first pregnancy and I am not sure what to expect. Thanks for all of this great information!
Parsley induces contractions a.k.a. cramps. I would try drinking ginger tea, hot water bottle, or whatever you normally use for cramps. What you are experiencing is normal.
Note: I check this thread daily.
so if you are feeling the cramping and nausia (sp?) that means it is working? Or is it time to try something else?
I've been nauseated and crampy when I took it. If it doesn't work in the time I alloted above (3 days for parsley and vitamin c, but 5 days total for vitamin c) then it probably will not work. But I'd say those are good signs (in a manner of speaking)
Hi everyone,
I have just discovered this wonderful page!! I am just starting the method today!! please all pray it works..
I am from Ireland and I had planned to visit England for the procedure - alas I would have to wait another 3 weeks!! impossible - I have my job and other things to consider.
I cannot believe you still cannot have this done here?? even though I am more than prepared to pay!!
I will keep you all posted - wish me luck!!!!
Good Luck Rio!
I am from South East Asia and while Malaysia is a Muslim country, abortion is illegal. However there are clinics which offers D&C but they are in really seedy areas and according to a girlfriend who has been through one, the place is usually dirty and the doctor probably isn't even a certified one.
The GP I went to suggested a D&C at a clinic somewhere in some shady area. That is my only option. However my doctor also said that the person who does the D&C would not be held responsible if anything were to happen during the operation, because its illegal.
The rate of dead babies found in trash cans, in toilets and etc is overwhelming here in my country. Because giving birth in a government hospital is eventually much cheaper than paying for an illegal D&C.
Given the circumstanes, I think this remedy might prove helpful.
I hope so. That's why I posted it. I don't want women having to go to unsanity, shady, back-alley doctors. I hope this works for you.
hey ive been on this blog for two days now-- pregnant, and definitly dont want to be. following the advice on here, but need some help lol. can anyone describe exactly what the vitamin C tablets look like? i've got a 30 daily-multi-vitamin packs in my kitchen cabinet that i use for stress calming for work. each pack comes with 5 vitamins-- one b12, C, E and two general mineral capsules. The thing is, I dont know which are which. Can anyone tell me what vitamin C looks like? i've eliminated the two identical mineral capsules, and what Im left with is a tan/sand colored on, a bright putrid yellow/orange colored one and a dark rust colored smelly one. help!
I have no idea. I just buy a bottle of vit. c. I hope someone else knows.
I'm gonna be completely honest because I know that noone will judge me since it's not allowed. I simply would like some answers.
I'm not late... I actually had unprotected sex while on the second day of my period. (Sorry if that groses some of you out.) I honestly thought that was safe and would not allow me to get pregnant. Well since then, I've discovered that one can get pregnant while on your period because it all depends on how soon after that you ovulate.
Anyway, my cycle is very normal although this last one was oddly short. I know when my body ovulates because of the discharge.
So here I am, less than 2 weeks of having sex and I feel some cramping in my left side and yesterday, I noticed some bloody like discharge. This worried me so I visited my dr yesterday and they conducted a urine test and that was negative, and today, I went back to get blood work done. The dr said it could possibly be too early to tell with a urine test and that the light bleeding could be implantation.
I definitely do not want to be pregnant. I'm supposed to go in for a pap possibly next week depending on the blood results they give me tomorrow, but do you think I can start taking the vitamin c now and if so, how many mg/day for how many days?
Please help!!
Im pregnant. This is my second time in the past 3 months. I used to be against abortion, but that was before I got pregnant. I miscarried the first time in my sleep and I didnt know until the next morning. My husband and I have just recently separated and I found out on Monday that I was pregnant. (Its Wednesday.) I started taking high doses of Vit C yesterday and all thru the night last night. I stumbled across this website today and I just started the infusions about an hour ago. LORDY LORDY I sure hope this works!! To be honest, I am a 23 year old pre-med student who is going thru a divorce. I have big dreams and big plans. A baby just doesn't fit into my life right now! I will be sure to keep you posted. I just wanted to say thank you. You may never know how many women you have saved with this one blog! Have a great day!!
That was an interesting post. You're awesome. Though it sounds scary to place a sprig of parsley in one's own cervix. It was certainly interesting to read about none the less. I think I'd prefer a good old-fashioned abortion.
i got my period on the 17th, i am taking bc and i had a pregnancy test and it turned out negative yesterday. the problem is my bleeding is very very very light... i am trying the parsley thing, i haven't started vit c yet but it doesn't seem to work coz my period is still very light, you think i should insert the pasley strig into my vagina like you said even if i am bleeding just to be double safe that i am truly not pregnant
Thanks alot guys and gals
Ive been seeing a very nice lady and ofc have had sex. She is getting her 3rd divorce and all of them have been abusive :( . She already has 6 children and dont need another one while she is going through her divorce. Im divorced with 3 children and a grandson of my own. We will give this a try since she isnt even late yet but says she has morning sickness. We hadnt planed on any more kids but if we have another i will love him to death ;o)
But would rather just spoil our grandchildren instead ;)
I will let you know how it comes out.
PS she had her tubes clamped not cut so she could be expecting.
All my prayers to the rest of you :)
Ideally, take 500 mg every hour up to 6000 mg. You can continue using the Vitamin C for up to 6 days.
This is the recommended dosage. More could cause problems.
Also I'm not sure if you should use the parsley if you are all ready bleeding. It induces contractions, so if you're all ready bleeding and have cramps I'd say to skip the parsley insertion.
Remember if you just started a new bc method (within the last several months) your periods may be lighter/heavier, shorter/longer then usual because your body is readjusting. This is a natural part of hormonal birth control (and IUD's).
My thoughts are with all of you.
I would like to stress again that you can begin taking vitamin c immediately after the condom broke or unprotected sex.
You can also insert a tablet of Vitamin C into your vagina. Replacing it every 12 hours for 2/3 days. Vitamin C changes the pH of your vagina and makes it an inhospitable environment for implantation.
The side effects can be itching, burning, etc. I refuse to use this method because I get burning and itching and it is intolerable (to me). That and it's easy for me to get Plan B where I live currently. But, again, all bodies are different, and I know people who have mild side effects or no side effects to this method.
Hi Lost clown, thank you very much for the information, and i am sorry to trouble you with my problem the thing is i live in a very hard country that prohibits abortion, i already took two pregnancy tests one on the 19th and one on 24th and both came out negative... i don't know i am confused because my breasts are sore and i want to be on the safe side.
Abortions cost USD 6,000 here and i am really worried. i finished bleeding and i put the parsley, i haven't started the vit C yet, i will start today. what are the chances that it might work and you think i am still pregnant after 2 negative Home Pregnancy Tests?
I'm not sure. The thing is that due to hormonal swings that may have nothing to do with pregnancy your breasts can become sore. Hell I've been having hot flashes since I was 22. If you have been bleeding and have had negative pregnancy tests it might just be something like that, but then I don't live in your circumstances.
I doubt you're pregnant, b/c of the negative pregnancy tests and the bleeding. But the vitamin C won't hurt you, but I'd wait to see if I missed a period before taking it.
It's not dangerous. You need to make sure you relax as you try and remove the parsley, because tensing up makes it harder to get out and go farther into your uterus. that's the main thing. Fortunately vaginas are self cleaning and it will try to push the parsley out, but the main thing if you're worried is to relax, move around, and then try to get it out again. Sometimes you have to fish around for it.
If the combination doesn't work, just know that you can continue taking the Vit. C for up to 6 days, so stopping taking it and then starting with the parsley again is not a good idea. If the combination did not work the first time,
I'd suggest continuing with the 500 mg of Vit. C every hour for 3 more days. I hope this works for you. If you are cramping then the parsley is doing it's job. Just continue with the Vitamin C if you don't get your period by the end of the 3 days.
Good luck, I have my fingers crossed.
Hi, im not sure if you still look at this comment page or not. I don't know if I am pregnant yet or not. Its only been a week since the condum broke. I did however take plan B. But im not sure if it worked or not.. Im supposed to be getting my period in about a week or so. Do you think that the parcely/vitamin C would still work just for safety measures? I was on birth control and still am. I guess im just not really sure of whats safe, and whats not?? Any advice would be great thanks..
I think you should be ok if you're on birth control (can you take Plan B with birth control?) I would wait to see if your period doesn't come before doing this, but I think you have very little to worry about.
Ok thanks, ya you can, thanks for the help!!
I just have a slight question... you said to take the Vit C every hour, does that mean getting up every hour at night as well? or can you sleep for like 3 hours and then take the whole dosage for the 3 hours?
PS... I really support what you do, giving advice to women who need it, I truly believe you understand the women´s dilema and that you care for the individual person, we need more people like you, thank you
Aw shucks *blushes*. I do what I can, wish it was more.
I usually hit the 6000 mg wall before I go to sleep. Remember it's 6000 mg a day. You can take multiple at night if you haven't reached 6000 during the day. No need to wake up every hour. (That's just a recommended way to take it.) It's worked for me and I never wake up to take it.
Glad to hear that you are ok and that everything worked out.
This is wonderful! I am in a very stressed relatioship with one child and I recently found out i was pregnant. I don't want to have anther child. Before I could explain this to my boyfriend, he told everyone. I feel stuck. I don't want everyone to know that I had an abortion so I deceided to use the vitamin C at first then I incorparated Dong Quai but stopped only after two doses. I found this website and I feel encouraged. I have continued the Vitamin C and just started the parsley insert and will drink the infusion soon. Please pary for me and my family. I am a student in college and workk full time. I don't spend enough time with my first child. I can't imagine doing this to another one. THANK YOU ALL!!!
I apologize, I should have done a spell check! lol
i just wanted to know the effectiveness of this recipe, i really want to try it but that friken granny story freaked me out a much harm can drinking parsley tea and taking vitamin c be? ....we do that normally anyways..dont we?
Does this only work if you are within the first 3 weeks of your missed period. My last period started 5 1/2 weeks ago but I was wondering if this would work outside of the 3 week range.
It's most effective when it's started the day your period is supposed to start, but it can be effective up to 6 weeks after a missed period.
Sorry, I meant 3 weeks. But other people have reported success after that time period.
Great post!
I have a question, am I able to take 1000mg every two hours? or does it really matter that I take 500 mg of vitamin C every hour?
You could do that, the reason you take 500 mg every hour is because it stays in your blood stream at a more consistent level when you do that.
can parsley be used on its own
The Vitamin C, Dong Quai & Parsley method worked for me. Thanks ladies. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask
Anon 4:17:
I don't think that parsley on it's own will bring on your period, while vitamin C on it's own can.
i am about 2 and a half weeks late can just taking vitamin c work or have i left it to late to try.
Nope, you are not too late. It can work up to 3 weeks after a missed period. (I've heard reports of it working even later)
Good luck
Can you say how long the bleeding should last?
I'm sorry to be a bit dense, but roughly how many sprigs of parsley makes up an ounce?
Thank you for providing some of the most beneficial and unbiased information on the Internet for women in need.
can using just vitamin c work? or is it less effective using just that?
you are brave and awesome for blogging this info.
In order of question:
-bleeding should last approximately as long as your regular period flow. I've had shorter and my friends have had longer bleeding times, but it's usually only off by a day or two.
-I put all the parsley except the 6 sprigs into the pot, so a handful, etc.
-Vitamin C alone can work, but it is more effective with the parsley
-Thanks Christie, I do what I can. Thanks to the Blood Sisters Collective for publishing this info in the first place.
I'm allergic to parsley when I eat it, so I'm afraid to put it in my va jay jay... but I'm trying the Vitamin C. Has anyone ever tried anything else that's natural and safe to bring on periods that are a few days late?
I definitely wouldn't use parsley in your case.
Vitamin C will work fine on it's own, the parsley helps, but vitamin C is the most important part of the recipie.
I'm on birth control, and my periods have been a bit irregular, and this month I was only on my period for a day, but it was a really heavy flow. I don't think Im pregnant, but im kind of scared that I might be. Should I start taking the Vitamin C just to be on the safe side?
I would talk to you gyno. I'm not sure what that means, but I know that when you start a new birth control that your body can start acting all crazy. I would check with them first b/c if it's hormonally induced by the pills the vitamin c will probably only make you sick.
(I'm saying that b/c vitamin C can give you loose stools and make you burn up. It's not horrible, but if it's unneccesary I'd try to avoid it.)
Also I know little to nothing about hormonal birth control as it makes me act like a psychopath.
i just want to congratulate you on being brave enough to post something that'll help so many women in dire need. reading all these comments from these women reminds me why we are pro-choice to begin with.
hello im about two weeks since my missed period.last week i was on the vitamin ester-c which (i did not know) also had rosehips. i decided to get this ester-c (vitamin c) because it was suppose to be mild on the stomach.i stopped it after i relised it had rosehips and it felt like my stomach was getting bigger. i had a problem finding pure vit. c. do you know of any brands that have proven to be succesful??? i just purchased natures bounty pure vit. c 1000mg. can you look this up and pleas tell me what you think about the ingredients. i got it at walgreens. thank you so much
looks good to me.
What are signs that this might be working...I am into my 3rd day on Vitamin c (1,000 every 1 to 2 hours) and my 1st day of dong quai (4000mg every 4 hours), I have had very slight stomach discomfort and my breast are not a sore and tender any more, nor am I having the morning sickness I was experiencing, but I haven't had any cramps or bleeding...what do you think? Oh yea, I am 2weeks pass due on my period.
Dear LostClown...
Finding this has given me hope in a moment of dispair. Can you tell me if my Vit C 500 with Rosehip 30mg is okay to take? I just found this website and almost 7 days late. Can I take this Vit C for the next day at the 6000mg dosage until I can get to the healthfood store for straight Vit C.. Please answer when you can and thanks so much.
Anon 1-I don't know as I've never used the Dong Quai,but I would continue the vitamin C up to 6/7 days. If it was going to work for you, it will work during this time.
Anon 2-I've taken Vit. C with rosehips, but rosehips are added to reduce a miscarriage. I think it will be fine if you take it with rosehips for the day.
So, I am about 7-10 days late, poor recordkeeping. Do you think I have a good chance of success with this? Lets say it does not work for me, do you know of potential side effects on the fetus if I have to carry to term? I do not have the 400 bucks for the RU486 pill. Thanks in advance!
You do (have a chance of it working). I don't know of any potential harm to the embryo (which is what it is at that phase), but I don't know for sure.
Dear Lost Clown. I started to take the Vit C on Friday but actually didnt make it for the full 6000mg but only 4000. I started up again on Sat to 6000 n now Sun, so far Im at 4000 with a few more hours to go before I hit the 6000mg mark. Will the Vit C work by itself? Im allergic to parsley. Would a ginger tea do anything to help? I have some cramping n was hot earlier this morning. Do you know or when I can expect some type of sign this is going to work? I know you said 6 days at the most. Im really scared today is day 8 of being late... Please answer when you can and thanks so much for all the information you have provided to us.
I am about 10 days late. I did the Vitamin C treatment 3 days after my period should have come and ended two days ago; still no period and the test says I'm pregnant.
1. I don't "feel" pregnant -- I've had no appetite, been unable to sleep, and have no tenderness in my breasts.
2. Can I start the Vitamin C treatment again? I was kind of irresponsible about it and didn't quite take it every hour.
Please help, I'm really scared.
Dear Lost Clown, I just posted on 12/3 about questioning the length of time from start of the process to the day of the period. Well, shortly after I posted that I saw a tinge of blood. A few hours later I am experiencing my period. I had some bad cramps in the middle of the night but nothing a few advil couldnt cure. So, my next question is do I still continue the Vit C pills or is it safe to stop? I believe I took the tablets today but only up to 3000mg. Should I continue the use? Also, on 12/14 I have an appt for my pap and B/C with my ob/gyn. Do you think it will get detected?
Elizabeth: I don't know if you can start this again. There's a good chance that if it didn't work the first time it probably won't the second. Unfortunately, like all herbs/drugs this is only effective for some people. Is there any way you can talk to someone at a Planned Parenthood or the like? I fear that they would be of the most help if the vitamin c didn't work.
Anon: after you start bleeding you can stop taking the vitamin C. And it should not get 'detected' so don't worry.
Dear lost Clown: I had a question earlier about being 7- 10 days late...and I was wondering, did you ever get a positive pregnancy test and have success with this or did you just start the vitamin C as soon as you missed your period? I started the vitamin C today and pray it works for me. Thanks for all of your help!
First of all, lost clown, thank you. I am FREAKING OUT right now. I have no idea if I am pregnant or not but I am usually as regular as clockwork, and I should've started my period two days ago. I started the Vitamin C and insert this morning and I am getting ready to make the infusion now.
My insert is completely stuck and is so far up I can't even feel it. I have a very narrow vaginal canal, and I am starting to get worried that I am not going to be able to get this parsley out and will have to go to a doctor.
Also, the Vitamin C is giving me the shakes, I think. Is this normal? Is this parsley ever going to come out?
Lost Clown, thanks again. Everything worked out for me. Now I'm just waiting for my cycle to return to normal. I think it should take about 6 weeks?
BTW, Jaycie - I felt the same way you did, I recently used the vitamin C and parsley and it worked for me. Its partially your nerves. Stay calm, you should be able to "fish" the parsley out.
GC: I have had a positive test and had a successful miscarriage with this method.
Jaycie: What Alicat said. Just get up, move around and try to relax. If you're nervous it makes removing the parsley very hard. It is a strange thing, I know, but just shake it off, take a few deep breaths and try to relax.
hi I just found out that I am period is about 2 weeks late so I got tested and it came up positive. I can't afford an abortion so I was wonder what is the best way to induce a miscarriage and if it is too late. My email address is if anyone can help me out.
I was just 3 weeks past my period on the 12th. I found this & immediately went out & got the vitamin C. I started taking it at 9pm Monday night at 500mg an hour every hour except when I'm sleeping. So far...nothing except loose stool. How will I know when or if this is gonna work? I'm probably a little antsy, but this pregnancy was very accidental & I am leaving the father. I am 36 years old & I really cannot afford to have this baby? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Lost Clown. I've been really scared for almost a week now since on the 8th I took a pregnancy test that came out positive. I was suppose get my period around the 8th - 10th. I'm probably almost a week late. I just started to take the 1000mg of the Vitamin C. I took 2 at one time. Will that affect the process? Thank you so much for all this information. You have been a lifesaver to me and many other women. I wish I would have found this sooner. Wish me luck!
I wish you all luck and am always thinking about the people who come here searching for this.
pr you should be fine, you're not too late. Anonymous, the vitamin C will work within a week. If not then I'm sorry this method is not going to work for you.
Good luck all.
Thanks for your input lost clown. I since then have started taking Dong Qui & inserting the parsley sprigs, Last night I started taking parsley infusins. But...still nothing other than some cramping here & there. Still have hopes this will work...but if not...I guess I will be looking for other alternatives. Anyone with any input...I'd appreciate it.
Times like these....I wish men got pregnant.
Tiffany...I so totally agree with you. I'm really hoping something gives here. But if not...I guess it will be a clinical abortion. I just cannot do this by myself again.
Has anyone had any luck or experience with Pennyroyal tinctures for tea? All I have heard about is what happened to the girl who died. Obviously...there has been some success somewhere?
hi im sorry please help! i come from taiwan..could someone please tell me what parseley infusions are? and where can i purchase them?
please reply quick if u can im really worries..thanks!
Pennyroyal works by poisoning you so that your body will reject the zygote. DO NOT USE PENNYROYAL INTERNALLY! Any herbalist/naturopath will agree with me. Especially if you can get a clinical abortion. Your life is worth more then that.
It's explained in the's parsley combined with water. You don't purchase them you make them. I have a bit about how to do that in the post.
Thanks again...lostclown. I wondered why there was nothing positive posted about Pennyroyal...but yet you read articles that it does work.
while not entirely uncomfortable the parsley is a bit odd at first.
Yes it is. I got a lot more comfortable with my body after doing this once. It's an interesting/strange feeling.
My period was due on the 10th Dec n it's now 19th Dec I've started the Vit C n Parsley Inserts today n trying to do the tea. Can I ask if your a bigger build woman would you have the same chance as any other??
I've been doing it for 12 hours, when will I expect to feel anything or see changes??
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