Thursday, August 20, 2009

4 Months

This past Sunday, Paislee Jo turned 4 months old! We went to her check up and got all of her measurements and the "OK" to start solids, aka rice cereal!

Weight: 13 pounds 13 ounces (50th percentile)
Length: 22.75 inches (10th percentile)

This was taken on her 4 month birthday in her cool Canada sweatsuit in honor of her dad's mission to the Canada Halifax Mission.

Speaking of her father, I worked last night and she got to stay home with dad. This was all fine and dandy until feeding time, PJ would not take her bottle for anything. Lee called me in hysterics and said he would not watch our baby again unless she started taking her bottle! I told him to let her cry for a while and then try again when he and her were less frustrated at each other. For the next 30 minutes at work, I was out of my mind with worry, I didn't know how I was going to keep my License, because my working days were over. Then I got a phone call, and all was well at home, she settled down and took her bottle like the great girlie she is. I was once again able to concentrate on work, phew! Maybe things will be better when she eats solid foods when I am gone to work my one day a week.

♥Lee ~Angie ~ Paislee♥

1 comment:

  1. Poor Lee! And Pais haha. She's getting so old and cute! Love you guys
