Thursday, March 22, 2012


So the other morning, Paislee and I decided to go for a jog!! It was beautiful weather. The sun was shining, but it wasn't too hot. It wasn't windy but there was enough of a breeze to keep us cool. Just all around the perfect day for a jog!
Picture me running, okay I guess it was jogging, but it's all the same, right. (In case you were wondering, I was in a red T-shirt and black mid-calf length capris and my awesome teal and green Asics :) I had Paislee in the new stroller and we went down the road. I may or may not have had my music...but I just don't remember. About 1.75 miles into it, someone decides they wanted to push the stroller all by her self!

Isn't she cute!!

All was going well, we were just moseying our way back home. Then I thought we needed to pick up the pace. I took over the stroller and started speed walking and Pais had to run with all the enery she could muster to keep up with me. Then all of a sudden, she biffed it! I'm talking she went down HARD. No using her hands to break her fall, it was only her forehead!
She cried so hard...and I felt so bad!! It looked painful!
I scooped her up and carried her the rest of the way home.
I felt like a jerk.
Turns out, my baby is a tough girl. She wore her battle scars proudly and started telling
anybody and everybody what happened!
"I twipped on my road!"

Turns our she even smiled about it!

So the lesson we (and when I say we, I mean me) learned that beautiful day on the road was:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Today is the Day

Well today is the day I begin to blog again.

Now the question is how do I catch up an entire year in one blog post? The best idea would be through pictures!

In April Paislee turned 2 and a few months later she was potty trained. We've had a bunch of accidents but the last 2 nights she has slept in her panties accident free, wahoo!!

Since then Paislee has just grown and grown! She has her ornery moments, but most of the time she is a complete joy to have in the family!

In May we went to the zoo with some friends, we had a blast! It was warm, there were a few new babies, and it brought back lots of memories from when I was younger.

In June I got to go on the Pioneer Treck in Windy Wyoming and Girls Camp. Both were a so much fun! I had been to treck as a youth but I was 12 and very immature, believe me it was bad! I don't have many memories except getting ready for the dance we had with another stake, don't say anything, I know I'm lame :) This time I went with a gain a spiritual experience! We had been preparing from January to June for this Treck and believe me it paid off! Lee wasn't able to go with me but my in-laws were there and of course my girls!! I was asked to be a "Medical Personal" at Treck and believe me I was scared to death! I thought, "Well, if someone was pregnant and suspected she was going into labor I may be of some help, or if a newborn was choking I am totally fine...BUT I DON'T DO BROKEN THINGS!" I was all sorts of nervous the weeks before going...reading up on how to treat a sprained ankle, the Heimlich, and CPR. Then I got reading that I may need to know how to treat a rattlesnake bite, that was when I really went nuts! Then I remembered that the best thing I could do to prepare for the worst was prayer! I also realized this was going to be a Church activity and that if all else failed, and I proved to be incompetent, that a worthy priesthood holder would take it from there. Luckly for me, nothing other than a sunburn here and there and a previous ankle injury that needed some wrapping answer to my prayers!!

Then 2ish weeks later it was time to go to camp. Our girls camp was at Harding's Hide Out in Myton! There was a man made pond for swimming, a giant slide for riding, and a humongous rope swing that made me almost pee my pants!! This camp was so laid back, no rush for anything. If we were unable to finish something one day we did it some other time. One day it felt like we spent the entire day on the water, my sunburn was plenty of proof :{

Then July came! It was a bizarre didn't get super hot, and it took forever to warm up! Paislee and I spent many days at the lake with the neighbors! We got tan this year!!
A really big holiday out her is the 24th of July...It's even bigger than the 4th (blows my mind every time I think about it)! My parents have made it a tradition to come visit us each year that weekend. There is a parade which goes up main street than turns around and comes back down...they throw the best candy at the parade!! A totally awesome fire work show. And a new addition for us this year, a 5k. We ran as a family, well sort of: Me, my mom, Chelsie and Sydnie. I had THE worst shin splints so my time was atrocious but was good challenge for me! There are also tons of activities through out the week but we usually only make it to the parade and the fire work show!

August brought my older sister's wedding! She married Aaron Barton on August 20th at Daniel's Summit Lodge. It was a beautiful day and we made it through the ceremony before the rain came :)September was also a busy month! I, sadly without Lee, went to CHHS's Homecoming! Trigger collage of memories from high school cheer! I loved being back!After a good night's sleep we went up the mountain to Soldier Hollow for, get this,
THE DIRTY DASH! A mud obstacle course 5k! We met my friend Diana, so the 4 of us ran. This has got to be the most fun I've had running in forever! You would be running along then all of a sudden you would be on your back, skidding across the mud because the trail was so slick! I may or may not have cost $50...but boy was it worth it! I think we've just made a tradition, but next year we'll try to volunteer enough hours to get a free entry and save us a load of money!

October was Nichole's reception and Lee's birthday, which btw were on the same day! We saw Real Steel. That was a great movie!For Halloween Lee and I were Where's Waldo and Wanda! I had so much fun making the costumes. I made pompoms for our DI beanies, spray painted the rims red, spray painted Lee's Shirt and put everything together!

November isn't ringing any bells other than Thanksgiving with the Crane Family!

4 generations, baby!

December was filled with Christmas, but no snow! We had a handful of storms but by Christmas there was only snow in the shade...what's up with that?? To carry on Our Little Family Tradition we did 4 gifts: Something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to anything you could fit in a stocking!!

In January I ran a snow obstacle course 5k all by my self...I couldn't talk anyone else into being crazy enough with me! The funniest part was the lack of snow...haha, I guess I'm still laughing about it!!
I also started a daily journal of the Nelson Family Going-Ons. I have been good and only missed one or two days. I just want to remember what goes on during a regular day at our house! It has kind of turned into a " What Funny Thing Paislee Has Said Today" kind of journal! For example: "Not broken chips, baby chips." "I'ne the boss" "You's not a girl, you is a momma!" She is a funny girl!!
Speaking of my funny girl, in January Paislee gave herself a hair cut...not a bad one, just an awkward one. She cut 2-3 inches off right behind where her bangs should have been. The worst part of it all was the fact that we had just grown out her bangs :\ I am slowly getting used to the return of the bangs!

February was an uneventful month. No trips anywhere farther than Vernal, no hair cuts, just a whole lot of normal days.
One day a friend of mine that I work in OB with invited me over to learn more about Photoshop. She told me to bring my Paislee and we'd take some pictures of her and then edit them.
It was so fun to see her all dressed up and actually smiling for a picture!

Well, this has got to be the LONGEST blog post ever! If you've made it all the way through congratulations!! I have definitely learned my lesson, more posts more often is a lot easier than a HUGE one once a year!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just Because

So I haven't posted for some time...I am just such a slacker!

Today I decided that I was going to make my own header. So using photoshop I did just that. It was fun to make, I thoroughly enjoyed making it. I am grateful for the skills of the digital world that my mom has taught me!! ***Tell me what you think***

In a little over 2 weeks Our Little Girl will be 2 years old. I cannot believe it. She has the cutest little personality, with some strong"I am the only child attitude" mixed in. She is quick to scowl and stomp her foot at anyone who is doing something she doesn't approve of :)

Some fun facts about the two years that have flown by since our little girl was added to our lives: ~We lived in a camper for the first 8 months of her life!

~The hubby and I have worked for the same companies the whole two years.

~Pais learned to crawl at about 11 months old, and learned to walk at 14 months old.

~We have gone through 3 male wiener dogs, had 2 litters of the cutest puppies you've seen, goats, ducks, geese, lambs, one horse died we bought another one, chickens, gotten bunnies - had two litters of bunnies die, and I am sure many more animals I cannot think of.

~We got in a car accident, totaled our car, and had another car given to us.

~We have had weeks when I haven't cooked a homemade meal at all, and also had 2 weeks straight when I cooked each night never fail.

~There have been days when I let Pais terrorize the house because I couldn't put down a book.

~We have been on countless fun trips out to the city :)

~The whole family has been out of the state of Utah 3 times: 1 trip to California with the Cranes, and 2 times to Ft. Bridger Wyoming. I guess you could say 4 times if you count the trip we took to Nauvoo when I was pregnant.

~Lee and I have changed phones around 6 times, but only changed numbers twice. We have the worst lucks with cell phones :(

~Paislee has been bitten, scratched, burned, thrown down the stairs (wink, wink), even rug burned, and has very few permanent scars!

~Lee and I talk all the time about what we used to do with all of our free time?????????????????

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

6 Months Late...But Worth The Wait :)

Ft. Bridger Family Pic 2010

Well, about 6 months ago, I was asked to "MODIFY" a certain family picture that we took at Fort Bridger last year. I was able to fix the pic lickety split! Then the problem showed up. We had this awesome picture but could do nothing with it. So I just let it go and decided I was a "Techno Tard" as some call it. Then about a week ago I was talking with my mom and I told her I had a picture that I could edit in photoshop but do nothing else with it. She explained how to fix the problem and how easy it would be to fix. I fixed it right up and now it is here for all to see! You can even save it on your very own computers if you wish! Well I hope you like it and that it doesn't look too "modified!" Enjoy :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Fun

For one party Paislee was a Unicorn...but the costume was too small.

For another party Paislee was a green picture available.

(Imagine Paislee in green striped jamies.)

After 2 costumes and no pink felt, Paislee was a Halloween Fairy!
We needed a warm costume, one that would fit over her coat, and one that didn't cost much!

What a cute fairy! This girl loved going trick or treating. She threw down her bag and just went for the candy. We went to 7 houses and she came home with a load! At our house we got a total of 12 trick or treaters!

I was an Indian for Halloween.
Fun, fun, fun!
That is no wig, Lee sprayed my hair with black hair spray!

My hair was gray for a day and a half.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


We had the fun chance to watch a neighbor's 2 year old - Amaree. She is just the sweetest girl. Her and our little P Jo just play and play together until they both fall asleep. Monday was also Lee's day off and we had big plans to go cut some dead trees for fire wood this winter, but much to our dismay it stormed all day.


Amaree was with us today again...such fun.
The girls read stories and played with toys all day long. Then they found a bag of Q-tips. The sat on the floor for about 10 minutes trading back and forth the Q-tips. Once one of the girls had the whole bunch, the would trade back! What nutty girls!
We had Amaree with us again - her usual sitter had her gal bladder out on Monday (hope you're feeling better). This was also the day I was to be "Hostess" of our Wednesday "Cards." A group of us get together and play until the babies have had it or we have put off the days work for too long. We play Hand and Foot, Kings Gone Crazy, Golf, 7 Up, Nerts. Loads of fun.
After the group went home, I was sitting down to some lunch of Mac and Cheese when I get a call from UBMC, the hospital I work at. (head over there and take a look at the newborn nursery to see all the beautiful babies born there on a daily basis) They said that they were wondering if I could come in and help that night. I told them I was busy until about 8:00pm. A few phone calls later and I was planning to go into work at 9:30pm.
By that time I was just a little stressed out. We had our monthly P (for Personal Progress) Party that night for Young Women. We learned how to make the cutest bows. I was having so much fun making bows for P Jo and I that I didn't leave until 8:45...I had go home, change my clothes and leave for work within 15 minutes. Needless to say I made it - I only went 5 miles above the speed limit on the Ioka lane.
At the hospital there were 3 moms in labor and 5 moms and 5 babies on top of that. One delivered at 9:06, I did her recovery. Then at 11:15 the next two moms in line went complete within 10 minutes of each other. Having only 1 CNA working that night, I had the "lovely" chance to learn a new job with no time to prep! I was so shaky. But the Doc said I did fine. The next two babies were delivered 8 minutes apart 11:50pm and 11:58pm. I really do love my job. (I don't want this to sound like a bash session.) After doing a second recovery I was able to go home at 4:00am.
I fell asleep this morning at around 4:45am and was able to sleep until 7:45am...that is actually a decent amount of sleep after working a night shift! I woke up with Lee, who like me was called into work 2 hours early to unload a truck or something like that:) We have Amaree again today and her and P Jo had a nap at the same time so I zonked out as well. You may be wondering why I am taking the time to write this book of a blog post on little too no sleep...and the answer is I am beyond tired at the present and needed something to keep my mind from wandering to the clock every 20 minutes to wonder when Lee is coming home...4 and 1/2 hours baby!
Much love to all!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Digital Scrapbooking

Recently I have been learning more about digital scrapbooking. It is a lot of fun. I use Adobe Photoshop as well as templates found on line called pencil lines. Also there are many blogs and websites that have freebie pages and decorative elements! One of my favorite digital scrapbook blogs is called Summertime Designs. Head over there and get a free download. Here is an example a Halloween Kit:

This kit (A Bootiful Night) comes with 22 different pages to use, an alphabet (including numbers), and fun, fun, fun, decorative elements.

I have a few ideas of how to use this fun kit but I will have to take some fun pictures this year. I always seem to have great intentions when it comes to taking pictures but it doesn't always happen. It is my goal to take lots of pictures of Halloween this year: costumes, decorations, finished projects, unfinished projects and so forth.